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While I'm ecstatic the pats* got spanked in their own stadium

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First, being at the scene of the crime and hiding evidence (his clothing) is a crime; (2) driving the perps away from a homocide makes you part of the conspiracy, which is a HUGE crime; and (3) you don't think he paid off the "witnesses" to change their stories so that no one ended up doing any jail time. PLEASE: he was there, his clothing is missing, at the very least he should be in jail for hindering a murder prosecution/obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit murder.


And he was charged with obstruction of justice which is exactly what he did. And yes, a fight broke out in check several people were bloodied. So he threw away evidence. Witnesses had conflicting stories and several and most indicated that the two men who died started the fight and it didn't just start with a push, it started with them smashing a bottle over anothers head. What did you think was going to happen when you do that to someone? They are just gonna lay there and take it? I find it somewhat ironic that The person that smashed the bottle over the guys head was later stabbed with said bottle.


And i'm asking for you to find me an article that says that outside of being there, and obstructing justice and hindering the case, that Ray Lewis was the one that killed the person or was actually part of the fight. The man was wearing a white suit in a fight were blood was spilled so of course it get dirtied, but not a single witness said Ray was on the combatants.


And the other 2 members of his group, were found innocent on account of the fact they were 1) attacked first 2) dragged from the vehicle they were already in 3) attacked with weapons. They were acquitted on the basis of self defense

Edited by RK_BillsFan
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I've never been able to understand how Ray Lewis has gotten a free pass in the media following his obvious involvement in an altercation that resulted in the deaths of 2 young men in Atlanta during superbowl week, 2001.


The suit he was wearing that likely had blood evidence on it has never been recovered. He settled out of court (paid off the families) to avoid a civil suit, probably fearful of having the same resuts as O.J. It's a given that he provided the getaway car for the others involved.


Of course the others involved were aquitted since there wasn't enough evidence. Well duh, the victims weren't available for testimony and Lewis, if not a participant, was the most credible witness to the event, and considering his role as chaffeur, is guilty at least as an accomplice, even if he wasn't the one with the knife.


So how is it that he still gets commercial endorsements and is fawned over by the press? Ironically, there is a large public outcry and dislike of him for his involvent, yet it's largely ignored by the media who still portray him in the same light as Michael Jordan or some other untarnished star.


I don't get it.

I don't get how you point out that he wasn't the murderer but that it is still Ray's fault. Do you know why the people were acquitted? It wasn't lack of evidence it was deemed self defense.


Did he really reveal what happened?



Does he owe it to any of us? Would many people believe him if he did? No people have already made up their mind that he is gulity and a scumbag. No amount of explanation will change that.



i hate when people whip out the "you never played the game" card. i'm sure you played in the NFL.


there are over 1,000 other NFL players in the league - and none of them pull the crap that this MURDERER does.


He's a clown, a fake, a murderer.

wow wow wow. Not a murderer. Not sure what is fake - do you think he gets himself and his team mates hyped up for attention? Do you think he has been spoken highly of by his team mates bc he is fake? Wow. Not one bit of this post is factual.



Listen, I'll take three clones of Dick Butkus over somebody who is louder but not as good. These are grown men who make millions of damn dollars to play a game. If they need some drill sergeant or UnderArmour spokesman yelling at them 24/7 to actually do their job, I question their personal motivation.


As for Harbaugh, he probably should have gotten a penalty for throwing his headset and for constantly migrating onto the field of play to harrass the officials. If he were on the Bills, he probably would have.


Every team in every sport has a leader. They generally are the outspoken rah rah guys. Many athletes do need that extra kick in the butt to stay focused and motivated. Your right thought they are grown men with millions of dollars who can question there motivation.... How many times do we need to see an Albert Haynesworth situation to be reminded that not everyone cares about winning?

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And he was charged with obstruction of justice which is exactly what he did. And yes, a fight broke out in check several people were bloodied. So he threw away evidence. Witnesses had conflicting stories and several and most indicated that the two men who died started the fight and it didn't just start with a push, it started with them smashing a bottle over anothers head. What did you think was going to happen when you do that to someone? They are just gonna lay there and take it? I find it somewhat ironic that The person that smashed the bottle over the guys head was later stabbed with said bottle.


And i'm asking for you to find me an article that says that outside of being there, and obstructing justice and hindering the case, that Ray Lewis was the one that killed the person or was actually part of the fight. The man was wearing a white suit in a fight were blood was spilled so of course it get dirtied, but not a single witness said Ray was on the combatants.


Dont sweat it too hard. Some people just want to take a self-righteous position on their high-horse and will stretch the truth and even make stuff up in order to show how great they are when compared to a celebrity.


What happened in Atlanta, and the subsequent actions by Ray Lewis, is all pretty simple and fairly well documented. Anyone still persecuting Ray for this has a different axe to grind.


Ray and his friends are at a Super Bowl party. Some of his friends get into a fight with another group of guys. Someone pulls a knife. Everyone scatters and runs (including Ray's party piling into a ride and taking off). When brought in for questioning, Ray originally says "I dont know anything", then after being held for a while comes to his senses.

He cooperates with the police and even makes statements against his friends. He then shows up to the jail with bail money for his friends, and upon bailing them out, tells them directly "This is it, you are out of my life from here on out" and cuts those types of characters out of his life completely.

And from that day on has been a completely different, and upstanding individual.


But yeah, he's a "murderer"... :rolleyes:

Edited by DrDareustein
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I'm pretty sure Jesus commanded his followers to go into your closet and close the door and pray to your Heavenly Father in secret. Crying in prayer in the middle of a football field... well, Mr. Lewis... the Bible says you have received your reward in full.

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Good thing Ray didn't hurt a dog that night in Atlanta, people wouldn't be falling all over themselves to praise him as such an amazing human being then..............


I just find it said that this guy is being praised and being pushed as a role model because he is good at football, while everyone just passes over the fact he was involved somehow in the death of 2 people. But hey, he is a great football player so all is forgiven

SO murdering dogs is the same as being around when people get murdered. I plead with you to look at the actual details of the story and then form an opinion bc yours couldn't be farther from the truth. Actually just keep reading the thread...


First, being at the scene of the crime and hiding evidence (his clothing) is a crime; (2) driving the perps away from a homocide makes you part of the conspiracy, which is a HUGE crime; and (3) you don't think he paid off the "witnesses" to change their stories so that no one ended up doing any jail time. PLEASE: he was there, his clothing is missing, at the very least he should be in jail for hindering a murder prosecution/obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit murder.

And he was charged with obstruction of justice which is exactly what he did. And yes, a fight broke out in check several people were bloodied. So he threw away evidence. Witnesses had conflicting stories and several and most indicated that the two men who died started the fight and it didn't just start with a push, it started with them smashing a bottle over anothers head. What did you think was going to happen when you do that to someone? They are just gonna lay there and take it? I find it somewhat ironic that The person that smashed the bottle over the guys head was later stabbed with said bottle.


And i'm asking for you to find me an article that says that outside of being there, and obstructing justice and hindering the case, that Ray Lewis was the one that killed the person or was actually part of the fight. The man was wearing a white suit in a fight were blood was spilled so of course it get dirtied, but not a single witness said Ray was on the combatants.


And the other 2 members of his group, were found innocent on account of the fact they were 1) attacked first 2) dragged from the vehicle they were already in 3) attacked with weapons. They were acquitted on the basis of self defense

Ryan your ignorance has been shown on the whole situation. RK_Bills Fan thank you for typing out what happened as many in this thread have been to lazy to look it up themselves. Just be careful using logic and facts around here.... ;)

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DrDareustein & section122 you guys rock. The point i really wanted to make was, he has given so much to the game. He shouldn't have anything taken away from him because he is emotional, a leader, and puts his faith in god and is heavily religious. I also feel like the murder case which he was found guilt for the appropriate crime, does not take away from what he has done for the game, his team, and for fans of not only the ravens but the sport.

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All of the information you need to find the answers you seek has been public and available for over a decade.





The only question I have is why does Lewis get a free pass as a national hero instead of the same shunning that O.J. gets from America.


Did I miss something? Is there evidence that he's completely innocent and didn't have any criminal involvement? If that's the case, why did he pay off the families? He was there and knows something that could have led to justice for those kids who were killed. There's little doubt about that.

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The only question I have is why does Lewis get a free pass as a national hero instead of the same shunning that O.J. gets from America.


Did I miss something? Is there evidence that he's completely innocent and didn't have any criminal involvement? If that's the case, why did he pay off the families? He was there and knows something that could have led to justice for those kids who were killed. There's little doubt about that.


You seriously cant tell the difference between OJ HIMSELF cutting the heads off of two people, and Ray merely being out with the guys who actually got in the fight?


Whats the difference between a real criminal and you, if you were out and your friends got in a fight that you weren't involved in.


How is EVERYTHING so effing Black or White, Yes or No, All or Nothing, on this board?... What world are you guys living in?


Edward Moore Kennedy




Stop dude. There are good points to make here without dragging PPP garbage into this.

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Stop dude. There are good points to make here without dragging PPP garbage into this.


And MY "good point" is that there have been other similar cases and I bet HALF the people "outraged" over Lewis fawned over Ted Kennedy, which makes them raging hypocrites.


Politics have nothing to do with it. Ted Kennedy could have been any public figure and this point would be the same.

Edited by RkFast
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The only question I have is why does Lewis get a free pass as a national hero instead of the same shunning that O.J. gets from America.


Did I miss something? Is there evidence that he's completely innocent and didn't have any criminal involvement? If that's the case, why did he pay off the families? He was there and knows something that could have led to justice for those kids who were killed. There's little doubt about that.

Apparently yes you did miss something. All of the details are available IN THIS THREAD! You don't even need to use google. He was guilty of obstruction of justice. Nobody involved thinks Ray did the stabbing, encouraged the stabbing, started the fight, or really anything. The people that were killed instigated the melee. Ray and his crew were in the car already when it broke out. What justice did those 2 "kids" deserve? The real people who stabbed the "kids" were acquitted with self defense as the reasoning. That is justice.


He also made a commitment to turn his life around after the incident. So lets see; he knew he made errors in judgement, he paid for those errors, and made a commitment to learn and never put himself in the same situation again. Sounds like that is the reason he is viewed differently than OJ and why people have moved on from the incident.


And MY "good point" is that there have been other similar cases and I bet HALF the people "outraged" over Lewis fawned over Ted Kennedy, which makes them raging hypocrites.


Politics have nothing to do with it. Ted Kennedy could have been any public figure and this point would be the same.

I think a better example is the Kobe Bryant rape case. How many in here that are vilifying Lewis think that Kobe was guilty of rape? I think what is happening in this thread (and america in general-sorry DrD for the PPP spin) is that people get a soundbite make a judgement then refuse to change said judgement irregardless ( :lol: ) of the facts.

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And MY "good point" is that there have been other similar cases and I bet HALF the people "outraged" over Lewis fawned over Ted Kennedy, which makes them raging hypocrites.


Politics have nothing to do with it. Ted Kennedy could have been any public figure and this point would be the same.


Fair enough, you can use the same type of example with Laura Bush then, and hope no one in this thread is a Republican either.



Or better yet, as 122 puts it...


I think a better example is the Kobe Bryant rape case. How many in here that are vilifying Lewis think that Kobe was guilty of rape? I think what is happening in this thread (and america in general-sorry DrD for the PPP spin) is that people get a soundbite make a judgement then refuse to change said judgement irregardless ( :lol: ) of the facts.

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SO murdering dogs is the same as being around when people get murdered. I plead with you to look at the actual details of the story and then form an opinion bc yours couldn't be farther from the truth. Actually just keep reading the thread...

Vick had a trial, went to prison and served his time, came out a changed person, yet he is still dragged through the mud and looked down upon because what he did was to dogs.

No one really knows what happened that night with Lewis, and from what it sounds/looks like, there wasn't enough evidence to prove anything so plea deals for testamony and for lesser charges (self defence) we're agreed to for closure on the incident. Again, If Ray was so innocent and just a by-stander at the time, why would he not testify and why would he be so willing to pay off the victims families? And of course only good truly forgiving people find God after events like that. He seems to be a very good upstanding religious person with his multiple wives.


Sorry if some prefer to hold a higher standard for praising people and aren't so forgiving just because they are good at playing a game that being involved in a situation where you help protect the killing of 2 people isn't just forgiven

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Wanted to point something else out. Ray Lewis did not "pay off" the families. Ray Lewis had to pay a Wrongful Death Settlement. This is pretty much like suing someone for indirectly being involved with or causing a death. Ray was not the only one to have to pay as all three men had to pay it. He basically had to pay because he was guilty by association. This happened AFTER the trail.

Edited by RK_BillsFan
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Wanted to point something else out. Ray Lewis did not "pay off" the families. Ray Lewis had to pay a Wrongful Death Settlement. This is pretty much like suing someone for indirectly being involved with or causing a death. Ray was not the only one to have to pay as all three men had to pay it. He basically had to pay because he was guilty by association. This happened AFTER the trail.

But if he was just an innocent by-stander who had nothing to do with the 2 guys being killed, and actually tried to help save them by breaking up the fight, Why did he have to pay anything? he did no wrong and actual did something to help?
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Wanted to point something else out. Ray Lewis did not "pay off" the families. Ray Lewis had to pay a Wrongful Death Settlement. This is pretty much like suing someone for indirectly being involved with or causing a death. Ray was not the only one to have to pay as all three men had to pay it. He basically had to pay because he was guilty by association. This happened AFTER the trail.


How do we really know? That is what the system tells us? He was guilty of obstruction... ANYTHING could have happened... Maybe he did do it? Nobody will know. Good for him, he knows how to play the game of football and the legal system... Yay!


But if he was just an innocent by-stander who had nothing to do with the 2 guys being killed, and actually tried to help save them by breaking up the fight, Why did he have to pay anything? he did no wrong and actual did something to help?


Even w/him helping, he could be still party to losing in a civil wrongful death case. The burden is drastically less. Get what I am saying?

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