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[I suggest a trade for] Alex Smith


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Smith and Fitz are both lousy at throwing downfield. The difference is that Smith makes far fewer mistakes. Smith is clearly the better of the two, though he's certainly not a franchise QB.


Interestingly, Smith sucked horribly - very bad pass percentage and failed the eyeball test - enough to get benched as a #1 draft pick - until he gained a HC who favored a run-centric offense. Then he gained confidence and his passing improved, as did his ability to pass downfield

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Get er done.


he'd get killed in this offense, harbaugh was smart enough to build the offense around the run game unlike our brilliant HC who neglects the strongest part of our team.


and please stop with all the 5 wides, Fitz has 2 seconds to pass and it never works.

Edited by Buffalo Barbarian
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Alex Smith is not and never was a true starting tier QB. Why is it fans are so willing to settle for someone elses backups and mistakes? The excuse that we have not had a good QB since Kelly only flies for so long.


Smith leads the NFL in completion percentage, ranks fourth in yards per attempt and QB rating, and has only five turnovers in nine games. How is he not a true starting-tier QB?

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At least Harbaugh has some gonads as a head coach. He benches a winning QB ranked third in most stats for a second year player, and the team keeps winning. Granted they have a top tier Defense, but come on.


Clearly, Smith and Harbaugh knock heads, and clearly Smith is NOT happy in San Fran. Can Smith win in Buffalo? Not sure, but at least he can throw the deep ball, and is accurate enough to hit recievers in stride.


I say we offer them a straight up trade after the season ends since both of their contracts are about the same dollar-wise.




oh and yeah we still draft a QB in the first round, period!



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At least Harbaugh has some gonads as a head coach. He benches a winning QB ranked third in most stats for a second year player, and the team keeps winning. Granted they have a top tier Defense, but come on.


Clearly, Smith and Harbaugh knock heads, and clearly Smith is NOT happy in San Fran. Can Smith win in Buffalo? Not sure, but at least he can throw the deep ball, and is accurate enough to hit recievers in stride.


I say we offer them a straight up trade after the season ends since both of their contracts are about the same dollar-wise.




oh and yeah we still draft a QB in the first round, period!




Why would the 49ers pay middle-of-the-road-starter money for Fitzpatrick, let alone trade Smith for him?

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Smith is not going to stay in SF past this season, he will demand a trade or straight up release at the end of the season.

He is not happy about losing his job from an injury, especially since what the team did to him in the offseason with courting Peyton


He's not going to Arizona, but there are definitely a few teams that would be interested in acquiring him. Minnesota is an interesting possibility, as Ponder isn't very good and they have enough offensive weapons to contend now.

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Smith is not going to stay in SF past this season, he will demand a trade or straight up release at the end of the season.

He is not happy about losing his job from an injury, especially since what the team did to him in the offseason with courting Peyton


dont pretend that he has the standing in the league to pull that move.


he may quietly say behind closed doors that he is open to being moved, or even refuse to rework a contract but alex smith doesnt get to call his own shots.

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Smith has not been horrible, but he also hasn't been great, and he isn't the kind of QB that everyone here wants/expects (a take charge, elite kind of player)

He has been a part of some really bad teams in SF, and was good enough for them with the defence they have to go deep. Problem is that he is not the kind of guy that will come in and turn around this offence and make it much better. He would probably look like an improvement over Fitz because his throws would atleast come within range of the WR he is throwing it to, and he probably won't throw an INT every single final drive the Bills have in close games, but he isn't going to give the Bills a QB that can carry the offence for them.

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dont pretend that he has the standing in the league to pull that move.


he may quietly say behind closed doors that he is open to being moved, or even refuse to rework a contract but alex smith doesnt get to call his own shots.


You don't have to have any kind of special standing in the league to demand a trade or release. He can go into the 49ers front office at any time and demand that they either move him or release him.

He may not be a player thats going to be able to demand where he goes though, but he has the right and ability to ask for a trade/release and sit out until he gets it. There are plenty of teams in need of an upgrade at QB that would give him a look

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