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Yeah, I've been reading this story. Funny how everyone automatically jumped to the conclusion that the Feds were snooping on the guy's activity, and conveniently ignore the first point in the piece that the guy's former employer called in the Feds when the employer discovered the searches on employer's computers done on employer's time.

Edited by GG
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I'm not implying we should be all right with Obama leaving his troops to die putting a hit out for Stevens- what I'm implying is you and your ilk have no clue as why you should hate Obama, you hate an imaginary Obama you made up in your head you should hate the real Obama instead. The quote is just to say this stuff has been out for a long time.


I genuinely don't know anyone who hates Obama. I know many people who see him as an incompetent boob who couldn't lead a parade or complete a full sentence without, at least, the use of a flash card.


But hate him? No. But you and Tingles keep saying that and it just might stick one day.

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Side note: Trey Gowdy told Greta last night that many Benghaz survivors have been moved to unknown places throughout the US, and have had their names changed. They discussed it as if this were common knowledge, but I'll be looking for proof of this. That's a pretty damning claim. Does he genuinely know something that he leaked? It's hard to tell. I like Gowdy a lot. I just wish he'd pick a haircut and stick with it..

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*You know who I really hate? My gifted and talented teacher in 8th grade. She is the only person I truly hate in the entire world, because she was a disgusting ugly pig who kept finding reasons to rub her nasty breasts on me. That is the only person I hate. Edit: the more I think about it, it's more like pity than hate, anyway.

Pics, or it didn't happen. :ph34r:

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The speculation I've heard for a long time is that Stevens was working for Stevens or at best for elements in the CIA but he wasn't doing what Obama wanted which is how he ended up less than living.


So you either do Obama's bidding or you end up dead? Sounds like Obama learned more than community activism in Chicago.

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The Atlantic: The Attack in Benghazi: Worth Investigating After All.


“Suddenly it is imperative that Congress investigate details surrounding the attack that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens. I’ve never felt that way before. But Drew Griffin’s scoop changed my mind. . . . To be clear, it isn’t at all certain that the CIA was secretly funneling Libyan weapons to Syria, long before Congress ‘lifted its hurdles’ on arming Syrian rebels. But if CNN’s report is correct, the CIA is at minimum trying to hide something huge from Congress, something that CIA agents might otherwise want to reveal — itself a reason for Congress to press hard for information. And if speculation about moving weapons is grounded in anything substantive, that would be an additional reason to investigate what the CIA is doing in Libya. Dozens of CIA agents were apparently on the ground in Benghazi, Libya last September. What I want to know is why.”





Report: Arms Smuggling Operation.


“The CIA has been subjecting operatives to monthly polygraph tests in an attempt to suppress details of a US arms smuggling operation in Benghazi that was ongoing when its ambassador was killed by a mob in the city last year, according to reports.”





Will David Ubben Blow Roof Off ‘Phony’ Benghazi Scandal?


The former commander of special operations in North Africa says he, like our president, was incommunicado during the Benghazi attack. We may soon hear from the hero who survived 20 hours waiting for help.


During the second wave of attacks on Benghazi, diplomatic security agent David Ubben was on the roof of the CIA annex with two former Navy SEALS. Eventually, several rounds of mortar attacks found their mark, killing Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty while shredding Ubben’s right leg.

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Hey guys, in honour of the birthday of our beloved dear leader who has united the Islamic world behind America after the failures of the previous administration, we have decided to close several embassies to observe this monumentous occasion


Nothing to see here folks, move along



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Hey guys, in honour of the birthday of our beloved dear leader who has united the Islamic world behind America after the failures of the previous administration, we have decided to close several embassies to observe this monumentous occasion


Nothing to see here folks, move along



Someone made another Internet video?

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Yes, and too bad for you, I retain control of what I write, why, and whether the length of it suits my purpose.


You'll read it regardless.




I always read your posts all the way until they start getting incoherent. So usually at least the first eight words. Sometimes up to fourteen.

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I always read your posts all the way until they start getting incoherent. So usually at least the first eight words. Sometimes up to fourteen.

Yes, yes, and you're trolling activity has been funny 3.5 times out of 20 lately.


Whoever actually had the Crayonz account before was a lot better at this than you are.

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Yes, yes, and you're trolling activity has been funny 3.5 times out of 20 lately.


Whoever actually had the Crayonz account before was a lot better at this than you are.


How embarrassing for me, I didn't realize he was joking.

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Yes, and too bad for you, I retain control of what I write, why, and whether the length of it suits my purpose.


You'll read it regardless.




I don't. I get the Cliff notes from the crayonz incarnation.

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