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I can't do this anymore

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I am fed up with watching these morons too, but my solutions is the Red Zone channel....honestly, the thing is a godsend...they have the Bills on just long enough for you to shake your head at their ineptitude, and then before you know it they flip over to another game that you can focus on. It does wonders for blood pressure and sanity. I may not be able to prescribe meds as an RN, but dammit I prescribe the red zone channel for anyone who can't bear to watch this fuktardism anymore.


Red Zone is the bomb. Mrs. Lew loves it. Last year we were on vacation and at the hotel, there was only the one game televised.

Her comment. "I miss Red Zone."

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Hey look at the bright side


- We have a QB that can't throw

- A kicker that can't kick

- A Punter that can't punt

- A Defense that can't stop a highschool offense

- A Safety that can't catch the ball when it hits him in the gutt

- A coach that can't coach

Holy crap I am going to find the highest bridge and jump! We do suck

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The NFL is the only professional team sport I care about. I've been a Bills fan for almost thirty years and all of my time and loyalty goes to them. The Bills are the only team I could imagine rooting for but I just can't bring myself to commit my time or money to such a poor product.


How many years of futility can a fan be expected to endure, or maybe a better question is how much should we be willing to endure? I truly, and stupidly, believed we were on the right path and that this might just be the year. I know the season's not over but does anyone really think this team is going to win in NE or Houston?


I'm still a Bills fan in my heart but I think it might be time to take a leave of absence. I won't be putting any more my resources towards this mess of an organization. It just hurts to much.


You'll be back next season after they apply some more turd polish.

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Another 50 year fan here. Hang in there Mike, before Kay Stephenson, Hank Bullough,and the group we have "enjoyed" the past decade or so,there was Harvey Johnson!! There is a history of mediocrity going back to the late 60's, This franchise has always been run by piss poor management (other than Polian)and the fault lies with only one man... Ralph Wilson. To the fans of "Mr. Wilson"... give it a rest.


I feel the off season spending was a desperate attempt to sell tickets to help the value of the franchise (and we all know why).


We have a mediocre coach(and staff) and there is NO motivation for the players. They never see the owner and due to his age and health he is basically inactive at this point.


I continue to watch the games and hope for the best but after all these years I remember a comment my frustrated Dad said years ago..."There is more to life than the Buffalo Bills". As I watch the games I expect very little (and receive it).


Due to Ralph's "management practices", lame coaches and a team full of quitters, do not expect to see any type of turnaround soon.


Watching games is something I do with my son and we enjoy the time together... I just don't expect much.

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I can't believe I still follow this team for over 50 years. It's always heartache or frustration. losing to Chiefs AFL championship before the first Super Bowl, Fergie lost his shoe against SD in playoffs, Kelly's TD drop against Browns in 89, wide right, Music City disaster, McElvins fumble against Pats, Dallas loss on MNF and now this. The joy of being a Bills fan. here we go again!

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Since the 9ers game I see this team more and more like the Washington Generals. They find new and interesting ways to lose.

Its actually kind of fun and funny to come up with the scenarios on how they will blow the game. It is inevitable so just try to have some fun with it.

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I completely understand you Mike. I've found myself similarly taking a bit of a step back from the Bills in the past few weeks. Like others I tend to DVR the games now rather than going out of my way to watch them live. I used to check this site multiple times a day, now I look in every other week. Be a fan, but don't lose sleep over the team. It's obvious the defense and DC aren't losing sleep over being this terrible and there is zero chance we make the playoffs this year. You don't go from a terrible team to a winning franchise overnight and we won't see a movie-type turnaround this year.


That's actually what brings a lot of fans back I think. It has happened overnight to a lot of other teams in this league and does happen just about every year. It's much harder to suck to the extent to the Bills have than the KC Royals.


At least SU basketball starts soon, they should be top ten again....



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The NFL is the only professional team sport I care about. I've been a Bills fan for almost thirty years and all of my time and loyalty goes to them. The Bills are the only team I could imagine rooting for but I just can't bring myself to commit my time or money to such a poor product.


How many years of futility can a fan be expected to endure, or maybe a better question is how much should we be willing to endure? I truly, and stupidly, believed we were on the right path and that this might just be the year. I know the season's not over but does anyone really think this team is going to win in NE or Houston?


I'm still a Bills fan in my heart but I think it might be time to take a leave of absence. I won't be putting any more my resources towards this mess of an organization. It just hurts to much.

I was in the USMC until the 92-93 season and I bought seasons every year until 2003. I bought into the you gotta buy the Club seats to save the team, went all in on the Bledsoe signing, I quit after they gave the farm for JP..Now I sit watch the first qtr usually if its a good game i'll watch it if not I practice self preservation and do other things more important in life. I still pay attention but not nowhere nere the level I had previously..

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Ugh. I too have been doing this for 45 years.

What gets to me the most is the apathy surrounding these disasters. The fans walking out of the stadium like sheep. Like they expect these results. Not even seeming angry. In my minds eye I see a scene like the apocalyptic horizon from " The Terminator 3" as i walk through the parking lots. But no, what do I see? A bunch of docile sheep waiting their turn for the next slaughter. Is anyone angry?

I guess when I see our defensive linemen, (who had such a stellar game), laughing it up with their opponents while I'm still punching the seat in front of me, I should understand that I have more emotion invested than this organization than the organization itself.

Another example of the apathy surrounding this mess is the Tavaris Jackson situation. He can't get on the field because he cant get enough reps in practice? Come on men! Pactice longer. These are your jobs! Work overtime. Do what it takes to succeed.

If I did my job as an ICU nurse as poorly and accepting of incompetence as these guys I would be in jail along with being unemployed.

Edited by mrwilson60
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The folks in the front office that run this team know just what they are doing. They put a mediocre team on the field and give us fans a little bit of hope each year. They know that we will show up for the games. Until this year, they did not ever really have to spend much money (I am scared to think what this year's spending spree is all about).


Bills fans proved to the FO back in the early '90s that when the Bills win all the time we fans can get a bit too used to it. No one likes to talk about this, but we were like the Atlanta Braves fans at the time in that we fans would not even fill up Rich Stadium for playoff games. As far as keeping the Bills in Buffalo, having a losing season in '97 turned out to be a good thing. When the Bills started winning again under Flutie the next year, we fans seemed to realize just how fortunate we were to have a decent team in our hometown. We fans showed that we could viably support a team in Buffalo.

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You know what's depressing? Having a 21-year-old Bills fan next to me at the bar yesterday and realizing that poor guy has no memory of when the Bills were a very good team. If someone like that wants to throw in the towel on this organization, could you blame them?

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You know what's depressing? Having a 21-year-old Bills fan next to me at the bar yesterday and realizing that poor guy has no memory of when the Bills were a very good team. If someone like that wants to throw in the towel on this organization, could you blame them?

i can beat that ... my oldest kid is 14 so none of my kids have not only never witnessed a good Bills team, they have only known Bills teams that suck ass for their entire lives.

They are hanging in there, and the oldest was still going to wear his Bills jersey today to school as always on the days before and after a game. But they were all pretty disillusioned yesterday.

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