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Santorum Suspending Campaign

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Same arguments were made about W


He's a pretzel choking moron yet an evil genius capable of pulling off the greatest conspiracy of all time

Neither. Obama is a guy who has been told he's smart(er than he actually is) for a very long time. He's been oversold, and overestimated to us, but, that's not the real issue here. It's the people around him, for his entire life, that have been preparing the path for him, rather than him for the path, that have created the great conspiracy here. Look at how the media handled Obama Vs Hillary. Look how they've handled him since. Again, preparing the path. They picked up where the local Chicago media left off, and they picked up where the college professors left off. My question remains: can we get a performance evaluation of Obama the community organizer? No. Can we get grades in school? Why not?


Because none of these people want to be the guy who says the Emperor is actually standing there in his underwear. Doing so would mean admitting that they have failed miserably.


This has gone on so long that Obama himself is now incapable of understanding how, after decades of being told he's so...everything, he is failing. The answer is simple: Obama himself was failed by all those around him.

I am not saying this to be a smart ass, just an observation. The Tea Party wrestled such a strong presence in the 2010 elections, how on earth did Mitt Romney become the party candidate? Politics are never as predictable as it seems they should be.

When are Buftexes going to realize that the TEA Party and the religious right are NOT THE SAME PEOPLE? The religious right may want to be in the TEA party. They may have even gotten a few of their leaders into positions of leadership in the TEA part. But the real power of the TEA party comes from focusing on abuses and failings of the Federal government, and keeping the religious stuff out of it.


Once you understand this simple concept, you understand that Mitt Romney is perhaps the ultimate TEA Party candidate.....if you believe that he is in going to act like national guy, and not, governor of liberal state guy. I think Romney is a centrist, and as such, he is most suited to accomplishing the TEA party agenda. If spending is a problem, better to have a guy who doesn't respect either sides sacred cows, and indiscriminately shoots them, because he can.

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Graceless Santorum Drops out of Race.

Santorum probably hasn't damaged Romney with his graceless speech today - but he has damaged himself. Having run a highly commendable race on a shoestring, he had an opportunity to lift himself straight away into the top ranks of his party's leadership with real prospects of victory in 2016 (if Romney loses in November) or even 2020.


by making the speech all about him, rather than his country or his party, Santorum ended up looking like the smaller man.


I for one would find myself very hard pressed to support this **** for any elected office - ever. He's as big an azzhat as the current occupant of the Oval Office.

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Whiskey, breasts, and freeloading? Got my vote...

Reminds me of the old Steve Martin joke about S&M.


"So this couple came up to me after the show and said, "Hey, are you bi?" And I thought to myself, "Well, I speak a little Spanish, but not really enough to be bi..." But I didn't want to look stupid, so I said, "Sure, I'm bi." And they said, "Great, so we're having some S&M people over; after the show why don't you come on over?" So, I thought, "Great, Spaniards and Mexicans! That'll be fun to go over there and speak a little Spanish... "

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This idea that Santorum is like Reagan setting himself up for 2016 is absurd. He maxed out the crazy voter contingent and still came up short.


Santorum has shown no effort to work towards the middle and independents. Reagan created the big tent.

Edited by John Adams
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You people? :rolleyes:


I only look liberal compared to the whack-job majority here. Of course for full disclosure, as you may recall, I certainly did despise W. This board was never so very left-leaning as to allow for an anti-W thread to run as unopposed as the anti-Barry threads you find here today. It is BORING. You've scared all the libs away.



Now I'll bite my tongue about a lot of things, but I will not sit idly by and watch you take the lord's name in vain. Blasphemer!



You like examples and numbers? Here you go:

1. Libs here in 2005 posited things like "Democrats don't start wars", "Global Warming is man-made and anybody who questions that is on par with being a racist", "I can say without a doubt that Bush is such a good liar that he can fool the entire world, but, at the same time, that he is a complete idiot", "we have to hurry up and elect the liberals in 2006 because there's so much to do"

2. Many posters here fought this nonsense tooth and nail. LABillz is just one of many

3. Reality becomes history, and history proves over and over that these liberal premises, arguments, and conclusions are mostly wrong. LABillz has 0 effect on this.

4. Pissant liberal cowards, who are the exact opposite of LABillz, as he would not slink away never to be heard from again if he was this wrong about this many things, have all run....because....


The President YOU wanted, the Congress YOU demanded and the Party policies YOU supported, have all failed.


Here's the 2 I know you like the best:

1. The environmental movement has been set back politically by at least 30 years. You have no one to blame but yourselves for being fascists about it. You chose....poorly.

2. The religious have been galvanized by your party's stupidity, to the point that now you have silenced the "Jesus is a Democrat Catholics", and made the Cardinal in NYC look like he's more in touch with the common man, than you are. :lol: An amazing feat of stupidity. The churches out there are no longer on the defensive, you've given away the initiative. Therefore, prepare for the offensive, there secular people. Better dig deep holes w/ cover, because they will be bringing the heavy artillery you've seen fit to hand to them.


Be honest: The obvious failures are what scared the libs away. They know that if they stayed here the fire that would be returned on them is more than their fragile, phony self-righteous, egos can take.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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When are Buftexes going to realize that the TEA Party and the religious right are NOT THE SAME PEOPLE? The religious right may want to be in the TEA party. They may have even gotten a few of their leaders into positions of leadership in the TEA part. But the real power of the TEA party comes from focusing on abuses and failings of the Federal government, and keeping the religious stuff out of it.


Once you understand this simple concept, you understand that Mitt Romney is perhaps the ultimate TEA Party candidate.....if you believe that he is in going to act like national guy, and not, governor of liberal state guy. I think Romney is a centrist, and as such, he is most suited to accomplishing the TEA party agenda. If spending is a problem, better to have a guy who doesn't respect either sides sacred cows, and indiscriminately shoots them, because he can.


Actually OC, I never said any of the things you are attributing to me. And, you guys can spin it all you want, but the coalescing around Mitt Romney is pretty hilarious, particularly when you consider that some of the most visible Tea Party representatives have gone on record as saying they could never support Romney, based on Romney-care alone...but now, the spin has come so full circle that Romney-care is alright with Republicans, simply because it isn't Obama-care.

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Actually OC, I never said any of the things you are attributing to me. And, you guys can spin it all you want, but the coalescing around Mitt Romney is pretty hilarious, particularly when you consider that some of the most visible Tea Party representatives have gone on record as saying they could never support Romney, based on Romney-care alone...but now, the spin has come so full circle that Romney-care is alright with Republicans, simply because it isn't Obama-care.


Romneycare is a misnomer. It should be called Masslegislaturecare. The Mass. legislature was going to pass it. Romney worked with them to make it more palatable. Also, States have rights that the federal government doesn't. Please link to all of the Tea Party criticizm of Romney. Throughout the primary season he has polled well with them.

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Actually OC, I never said any of the things you are attributing to me. And, you guys can spin it all you want, but the coalescing around Mitt Romney is pretty hilarious, particularly when you consider that some of the most visible Tea Party representatives have gone on record as saying they could never support Romney, based on Romney-care alone...but now, the spin has come so full circle that Romney-care is alright with Republicans, simply because it isn't Obama-care.

The only TEA party people I have heard have either said nothing about Romney, or are grown up enough to realize that when one is the Republican governor of a top 5 liberal state, one must....govern. That means actually get things accomplished, even if you don't 100% agree personally.


I don't have to spin a thing when I say:

Romney has proven he can govern, even when he doesn't control the legislative side


Now, let's see what kind of dancing you have to do in order to convince us that Obama can govern, whether he controls the legislative side or not...


Show us your dance! ...I will be in the corner :lol: ing....and....hell, it's almost 5....drinking a nice cold Sapphire and tonic.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Actually OC, I never said any of the things you are attributing to me. And, you guys can spin it all you want, but the coalescing around Mitt Romney is pretty hilarious, particularly when you consider that some of the most visible Tea Party representatives have gone on record as saying they could never support Romney, based on Romney-care alone...but now, the spin has come so full circle that Romney-care is alright with Republicans, simply because it isn't Obama-care.

Romneycare doesn't mean crap to us because (1) it was a state issue and (2) Romney has been very vocal about repealing Obamacare, assuming it doesn't get fully tossed out by the Supreme Court. You can tell yourself these little white lies to somehow lull you into a false sense of 2012 satisfaction, but in the end, any tea party in the fight so far will give two rips about what Romney did in Massachusetts if it means we can finally shove a stake through the heart of the current administration.


EDITOR'S NOTE: The reference to a "stake through the heart" is meant metaphorically and in no way was meant that we would take an actual stake and shove it through the heart of the president. If you find it necessary to report my comments to one of the many websites set up by this administration so weaker-minded people can add to a list of people who say bad thing about Obama, be sure to spell my name correctly.

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Romneycare doesn't mean crap to us because (1) it was a state issue and (2) Romney has been very vocal about repealing Obamacare, assuming it doesn't get fully tossed out by the Supreme Court. You can tell yourself these little white lies to somehow lull you into a false sense of 2012 satisfaction, but in the end, any tea party in the fight so far will give two rips about what Romney did in Massachusetts if it means we can finally shove a stake through the heart of the current administration.


EDITOR'S NOTE: The reference to a "stake through the heart" is meant metaphorically and in no way was meant that we would take an actual stake and shove it through the heart of the president. If you find it necessary to report my comments to one of the many websites set up by this administration so weaker-minded people can add to a list of people who say bad thing about Obama, be sure to spell my name correctly.



Just the kind of shrill response one would expect from you...not that I believe the nonsense in this article, but when I read it, I immediately thought of you LAShrillz:



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Just the kind of shrill response one would expect from you...not that I believe the nonsense in this article, but when I read it, I immediately thought of you LAShrillz:




Bitchin about shrillness is not dancing. Dance "the Obama can govern" boogie. :lol: Get Frenkle to help you. He likes to dance I bet. :lol:


We'll get Frenkle a pole, since he seems to be into the gay overtones, and you can have a couple fans...this will be fun!

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Why is everybody trying to paint Romney as liberal or moderate? Don't even say Romneycare. That was a law that was going to be passed no matter what Romney did. Romney worked with the legislature to make the bill more palatable. Think of all the conservative members on this board who have been behind Romney from the start. I believe in what the Tea Party believes in and I've been for Romney from the beginning. He's not a default candidate for me. He's actually a candidate that has major accomplishments. I want a doer.

My only problem with Romney is that he is running as if the bill was his. Other than that, he is much better than Santorum. There still is something I like about Gingrich and Paul. Romney always was going to be the nominee though. It will be a very close election

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