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Epic turnaround or continued free falling?

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No games scare me in December....


Not the Chargers, Nor Denver, Dophlins or even the Titans this week....


I can see 9-6 going into the final game with the Pats....


I'm telling you Fitz is in a zone right now and with his confidence, he can carry the entire team


And this isn't a play-off scenario post.... I just see Fitz putting this team on his back

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No games scare me in December....


Not the Chargers, Nor Denver, Dophlins or even the Titans this week....


I can see 9-6 going into the final game with the Pats....


I'm telling you Fitz is in a zone right now and with his confidence, he can carry the entire team


And this isn't a play-off scenario post.... I just see Fitz putting this team on his back


Fitz may be able to put the team on his back, but that rag arm of his won't be able to deliver anything.

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No games scare me in December....


Not the Chargers, Nor Denver, Dophlins or even the Titans this week....


I can see 9-6 going into the final game with the Pats....


I'm telling you Fitz is in a zone right now and with his confidence, he can carry the entire team


And this isn't a play-off scenario post.... I just see Fitz putting this team on his back

NO :bag:

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No games scare me in December....


Not the Chargers, Nor Denver, Dophlins or even the Titans this week....


I can see 9-6 going into the final game with the Pats....


I'm telling you Fitz is in a zone right now and with his confidence, he can carry the entire team


And this isn't a play-off scenario post.... I just see Fitz putting this team on his back


Elda, I think the problem is, he can't.


Please don't mistake, I think Fitz is a quality NFL quarterback. But to carry the whole team, one needs to have a truly elite offense and we're not there. We're maybe one injury and one WR away. (Though if Smith continues to improve as a wideout, we could surprise me. I hope that doesn't deter the Bills from drafting an elite quality WR)


Even Manning was struggling to carry the Colts of recent years as their run game atrophied and the quality of their defense declined.

NE offense is a highly-polished juggernaut, but they wouldn't be where they are if their defense weren't improving and getting the stop. You see it if you read the box scores, NE does plenty of 3 and out drives and they count on their defense to get the stop and give them the ball back, over and over until they "get it going on"


Our defense is really the key. They've shown flashes, especially last week. If they can only improve a little bit, we can do it.

If the defense allows the opponents to build a 28 point lead, we need some lucky breaks to overcome that - not realistic to expect in 4 of 4 games.


PS you'll definitely lure the Fitzhaters out of their holes on this one.

Edited by Hopeful
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No games scare me in December....


Not the Chargers, Nor Denver, Dophlins or even the Titans this week....


I can see 9-6 going into the final game with the Pats....


I'm telling you Fitz is in a zone right now and with his confidence, he can carry the entire team


And this isn't a play-off scenario post.... I just see Fitz putting this team on his back


any road game for this team is scarey, dont know how you think they wouldnt be


and when did Fitz get in this zone? bc he finally played somewhat decent last week after looking awful the 3 weeks before that?

Edited by Max997
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Can we? Yes we can 4 games in December. Is it something that I really think is possible? Yes, I do. I agree with the OP that none of these teams scare me. We can the Titans and having them at the Ralph is going to be a huge advantage for the Bills. They are itching to get back in that stadium in front of the "Die-Hards" and really play well. Going to SD is going to be a challenge because of the cross country trip, but I believe that the Chargers are reeling right now and Norv is extremely similar to Jouron in the way he coaches to not lose. We know that playing that way causes losses. Miami at Home in Decemeber is always tough on them. Plus, we owe them a slacking. Denver on Christmas Eve is going to be a really fun atmosphere. The key to beating Denver is to force turnovers and score early. We need a 2 TD lead in the 4th Quarter. Tebow doesn't have that much magic. He is good for 1 td drive a game.

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Elda, hope you're right. I think it's possible if they play the rest of the way out like they did against the Jets last week. And playing 3 of those 4 games at home should help. Reality is though, Elda, I think we have at this time, too many young players playing for the first time. They're learning as they go along, OJT. And in the NFL, mistakes will be made as you go along.


I agree with Promo the Robot in that 2 - 3 wins is more like it. And a lot has to go right to get the 3 wins. The huge X-factor I feel is our D. Who knows though, the ball bounces in strange ways some times.


In closing though, if the Bills wind up 8-8, especially w/ all the injuries, that's a good season and A: an upgrade from last year, B: a good springboard to go into the off season w/ a good feeling going forward to next year.

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The offense could play well enough for this team to win the remaining games. They scored 24 points against the Jets and that should have been enough.

The defense is what has been killing us and I do not see that changing. We are playing teams with better offense than the Jet's. Thus I do not see it possible. I can see the Bill's winning one or two games going forward but will be surprised if they acheive any more.

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No games scare me in December....


Not the Chargers, Nor Denver, Dophlins or even the Titans this week....


I can see 9-6 going into the final game with the Pats....


I'm telling you Fitz is in a zone right now and with his confidence, he can carry the entire team


And this isn't a play-off scenario post.... I just see Fitz putting this team on his back

I think 0-4 is more likely than 4-0. But my opinion is it will be somewhere in between.

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I think 0-4 is more likely than 4-0. But my opinion is it will be somewhere in between.

0-4 wont happen. This team showed me last week they are not packing it in and we can move the ball against the best. Revis looked pretty average on sunday. Cortland Finnegan is nowhere near Revis.


I like our odds this week and I think we will continue to get better and win

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