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The occupy Wall Street movement spreads

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Dammit Adam, get off the fence and don't pretend to scoop down like a vulture. All you are doing is being an ass here by saying that. You are probably not an ass, but you need to get off your high horse and and take a stand for once.

I don't see this as something worthy of my time and just don't have an opinion on. If they truly have something to protest and change, they will get the message out. At that point they will be judged on that message.


Otherwise, they are venting about various things they don't like. In that case, they will fade into oblivion and not even be remembered. This is the most likely scenario.

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I don't see this as something worthy of my time and just don't have an opinion on. If they truly have something to protest and change, they will get the message out. At that point they will be judged on that message.


Otherwise, they are venting about various things they don't like. In that case, they will fade into oblivion and not even be remembered. This is the most likely scenario.



Adam there is a reason that on occasion I've called you YesButt. Come off of your Swiss mentality and just take a stand on something.

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Adam there is a reason that on occasion I've called you YesButt. Come off of your Swiss mentality and just take a stand on something.

I don't think it's a Swiss mentality so much as a defeatist mentality.

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Adam there is a reason that on occasion I've called you YesButt. Come off of your Swiss mentality and just take a stand on something.

Mostly because I come off that way sometimes, because i don't always express my stance clearly. I get that. But I honestly don't care about this issue. These people will go away by themselves.


You want to talk defeatist? How about the apparent candidate? Romney will look like Al Gore in the debates. I hope the people voting for him in the primaries will enjoy the four more years they helped bring about.

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You want to talk defeatist? How about the apparent candidate? Romney will look like Al Gore in the debates. I hope the people voting for him in the primaries will enjoy the four more years they helped bring about.


Seriously? Who do you think has a better chance? I don't see many soccer moms and independents voting for Newt in a general election.


The only really good GOP candidate was Christie and he has clearly decided to wait till 2016.

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A ticket of Newt and Paul would consolidate the conservative vote, many independents and some democrats. It would also bring Paul's.die hard base to the table and put the ticket over the top.


Romney will lose the lazy independent vote in the debates, and that is a more important group than people like to admit.

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Seriously? Who do you think has a better chance? I don't see many soccer moms and independents voting for Newt in a general election.


The only really good GOP candidate was Christie and he has clearly decided to wait till 2016.



Don't tell me the Republicans are going to put yet another broad out there. And one with a bimbo name too?


Does this one have a filet show like Bachman?

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I think Adam is more French then Swiss.

I honestly don't know enough about the French to understand what this means. I love living where I do, and I am sure the people of France enjoy whatever lifestyle exists there, so I won't run that down.

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I honestly don't know enough about the French to understand what this means. I love living where I do, and I am sure the people of France enjoy whatever lifestyle exists there, so I won't run that down.


Swiss are neutral, French are defeatist, per common perception.

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Occupy Syracuse welcomes protesters from New York City


“I don’t think it’s possible to know how (the movement) will turn out,” Smith said. “We’re focusing on issues, not politicians. I don’t think (change) is going to happen within the system.”



Uhmmm... yes it can if you vote.


I love how they think that "punish the successful" and "we are the 99%" are actually issues. They're still a bunch of uncoordinated morons thrashing about without a coherent message other than they want a free ride through life, and let the "rich" pay for it.

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Occupy Syracuse welcomes protesters from New York City


“I don’t think it’s possible to know how (the movement) will turn out,” Smith said. “We’re focusing on issues, not politicians. I don’t think (change) is going to happen within the system.”



Uhmmm... yes it can, if you vote.


Sucks for the citizens of Syracuse

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