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The occupy Wall Street movement spreads

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IN 1985, THE FORBES 400 were worth $221 billion combined. Today, they’re worth $1.13 trillion—more than the GDP of Canada.


THERE’VE BEEN FEW new additions to the Forbes 400. The median household income has also stagnated—at around $44,000.


AMONG THE FORBES 400 who gave to a 2004 presidential campaign, 72% gave to Bush.


IN 2005, there were 9 million American millionaires, a 62% increase since 2002.


IN 2005, 25.7 million Americans received food stamps, a 49% increase since 2000.


and on and on and on...............






A new owner just bought the gas station around the corner and told the workers they could stay as long as they gave up their vacations. These people probably make 15k a year. Not a real nice aspect of capitalism

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I get the sense that OWS has, itself, been occupied by the hard left. Storming city halls. Burning American flags. Crapping on police cars. Rapes. Disease. Dead bodies and unattended babies.


Sounds less like what it started out as and more like the Purple People Beaters have a new gig for the 2012 election.


That's what happens when you have a leaderless movement without a focused goal or clear enemy. They were taken over by the anarchist "Anonymous" types.

Edited by Buff_bills4ever
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Yep, looks like.


Note that the DC city government just wants both camps moved to a different location where they can provide for the sanitation needs - basically, to find a location where they can be permanent temporary camps. :wacko: I'll bet, too, that at least one DC politician will be arrested at one of the camps, in a show of solidarity with the nutjobs (it's happened before).


Update: heard on the radio this morning, the DC occupiers have a plan for countering the National Park Service's "No sleeping in National Parks" dictate.


They will no longer use pillows.






A new owner just bought the gas station around the corner and told the workers they could stay as long as they gave up their vacations. These people probably make 15k a year. Not a real nice aspect of capitalism


I like it. Some people are born to be exploited.

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Update: heard on the radio this morning, the DC occupiers have a plan for countering the National Park Service's "No sleeping in National Parks" dictate.


They will no longer use pillows.








I like it. Some people are born to be exploited.

That's exactly the way you people think! Thank you for finally being candid. And the reaction from you chit heads is just like so many slaveholders going mad over abolitionist's speaking out.

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That's exactly the way you people think! Thank you for finally being candid. And the reaction from you chit heads is just like so many slaveholders going mad over abolitionist's speaking out.


And just where did you get this little tidbit regarding the evil new owner of this gas station?

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That's exactly the way you people think! Thank you for finally being candid. And the reaction from you chit heads is just like so many slaveholders going mad over abolitionist's speaking out.


I never used to think that way. Your posts changed my mind. You and the rest of the self-righteous professional victim class are so goddamned annoying, I'd rather get wealthy leeching off of you than in ANY way cooperate with you.


In other words: In your little stupid-ass socialist classless utopia you're creating, I have every intention and expectation of being one of the ruling class that exploits the rest of you. :devil:

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I never used to think that way. Your posts changed my mind. You and the rest of the self-righteous professional victim class are so goddamned annoying, I'd rather get wealthy leeching off of you than in ANY way cooperate with you.


In other words: In your little stupid-ass socialist classless utopia you're creating, I have every intention and expectation of being one of the ruling class that exploits the rest of you. :devil:


It seems as if the Sith have returned. (Yes I know too much SWTOR)



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and on and on and on...............






A new owner just bought the gas station around the corner and told the workers they could stay as long as they gave up their vacations. These people probably make 15k a year. Not a real nice aspect of capitalism

It's impossible for me to imagine how pathetic a life has to be to actually pen a story that simply points at rich people and says something bad about them. I wonder if, by the time they were bitching about Owen Wilson not wanting to talk to people at a polo match, they realized just how stupid they sounded.


The article, of course, is complemented by the readers' comments, which immediately comes out of the gates with "All this malarky about just working hard and you will better yourself is B.S. Probably invented by some rich prick who is on the dole of the family inheritance."


Yes. That's right. The entire concept of success through hard work was created by a trust fund baby. :lol:


Great story, DIN. You really outdid yourself with that link.

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It is a crying shame that these gov.tit huggers will never get it.It is NOT the "rich" peoples fault that you have no direction,and or your union officials took your dues,and dam,asked for another card.Over 21! SUCKER.Go work @ mcDonalds!Dont scream your **** they dont pay enough,because what you gain in self reliance and personal integrity is priceless.Contribute to the machine that is capitalism!If you want to be rich,push the raghead out of your way,and go to college.We have the best learning institutes in the world.Try trade school ,why dont ya,as their are a huge shortage of electricians,tool and die makers,plumbers,masons,machinists,among others.I have worked since i was 10 years old,with 2 paper routes!I am 53 years old and presently a maintanence technician.Bottom line is i have worked all my life,and am proud of it.I harbor no ill will to the "rich",as most earned it>You have the same oppotunity.Quit squelling like babys!You are a disgrace to the greatest country in the world!It was instilled in me that i would get what i need,but it was made clear,i was to work for what i Wanted.No waiting for the gov.to deliver my do nothing check.It built character,integrity,and self reliance.Put down the smoke and tv watching,and blaming your kids for whats wrong,kick out your loser boyfriend or girlfriend,and WAKE the !@#$ UP!Quit blaming the other person,cause your chips and dip,with remote control are not within reach.Heal thy self!

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It is a crying shame that these gov.tit huggers will never get it.It is NOT the "rich" peoples fault that you have no direction,and or your union officials took your dues,and dam,asked for another card.Over 21! SUCKER.Go work @ mcDonalds!Dont scream your **** they dont pay enough,because what you gain in self reliance and personal integrity is priceless.Contribute to the machine that is capitalism!If you want to be rich,push the raghead out of your way,and go to college.We have the best learning institutes in the world.Try trade school ,why dont ya,as their are a huge shortage of electricians,tool and die makers,plumbers,masons,machinists,among others.I have worked since i was 10 years old,with 2 paper routes!I am 53 years old and presently a maintanence technician.Bottom line is i have worked all my life,and am proud of it.I harbor no ill will to the "rich",as most earned it>You have the same oppotunity.Quit squelling like babys!You are a disgrace to the greatest country in the world!It was instilled in me that i would get what i need,but it was made clear,i was to work for what i Wanted.No waiting for the gov.to deliver my do nothing check.It built character,integrity,and self reliance.Put down the smoke and tv watching,and blaming your kids for whats wrong,kick out your loser boyfriend or girlfriend,and WAKE the !@#$ UP!Quit blaming the other person,cause your chips and dip,with remote control are not within reach.Heal thy self!

People like this guy are fed up and coming out of the woodwork because of their disdain and hatred of the class warfare and entitlement mentality Obama has been pushing. Obama is out in 2012 if it continues.

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Occupy Protesters Show Tolerance and Understanding. Just Kidding: They Throw Condoms at Catholic School Girls


About two-dozen members of Occupy Providence hiked from Burnside Park to the 39th Annual Pro-Life State House Rally organized by the Rhode Island State Right to Life Committee on Thursday.


The pro-life organization’s executive director, Barth E. Bracy, told LifeSiteNews.com that, near the end of the rally, the Occupiers “strategically fanned out with military precision.”


That’s when they “started showering condoms down on some of the girls from a Catholic high school.”


They gathered around speakers at the podium, shouting them down or otherwise jostling them and members of the audience.







They might dress badly................but they're still "brownshirts"




Edited by B-Man
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Occupy Protesters Show Tolerance and Understanding. Just Kidding: They Throw Condoms at Catholic School Girls









They might dress badly................but they're still "brownshirts"






Might have to call BS on this bud. I can't find any info on this outside of right wing catholic websites. Sounds like propaganda to me.


Show me some proof from a reputable source please :)

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They gathered around speakers at the podium, shouting them down or otherwise jostling them and members of the audience.


Uh oh, I'm pretty sure that "99%" of the general population isn't the juvenile left who condone these moronic tactics.

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Might have to call BS on this bud. I can't find any info on this outside of right wing catholic websites. Sounds like propaganda to me.


Show me some proof from a reputable source please :)



Fair enough sir,


Here is the account from the radio news station in Providence. It still quotes the rally organizer for what happened and states that Occupy was there protesting, but wouldn't answer their calls for further comment.....................so I guess you still have to "take it on faith "



WPRO 630 Newstalk


Pro-lifers: Occupiers attacked rights to free speech


Pro-lifers are angry as they say occupiers assaulted their right to free speech on Thursday.

The Rhode Island Right to Life was conducting its 39th Annual Pro-Life State House Rally when a group of about 2 dozen occupiers showed up with signs and attempted to obstruct the rally.

“Some of their people started crowding around the podium, crowding the speakers, holding up signs behind our heads or in front of our faces, some of them were crowding the front of the podium. They started heckling, they started chanting,” said Barth Bracy Executive Director of Rhode Island Right to Life.

“Pretty much by the end of it I was not able to finish my keynote address; I got through maybe 25% of my address before they just shouted us down. They wouldn’t even let Father Bernard Healy, the executive Director of the Rhode Island Catholic Conference lead the closing prayer,” said Bracy.


Occupiers say the protest was actually organized by the Rhode Island Sexism League. While the Occupy Providence General Assembly voted unanimously to endorse the protest, the protest was actually conducted by Sexism League.


Bracy compared the protesters conduct to that of Mussolini’s black shirts, “there was nothing civil about this, there was nothing in their behavior that was encouraging a dialogue or exchange of ideas. They came to shut us down and completely shut down our right to civil speech in the state House. I think it was atrocious and I think they have a lot to answer for.”

Bracy said that the group was obstructing the democratic process and the pro-lifers right to free speech. “It is a sad day for democracy when people are bullied and intimidated and harassed and shouted down in the very rotunda of our state house,” said Bracy. “It is behavior completely unbecoming to people who claim to be democratic citizens.”


"It’s their right to feel that way. I personally feel attacked when someone goes to lobby at the State House to take my right to make a decision over what happens to my body away from me," said Sarah Quenon, member of RI Anti-Sexism league and also a member of Ocuppy Providence.


I also have the freedom of speech to go there and protest against people doing that in the State House


Bracy said he would invite the groups to reflect upon the fact that they are part of the 77% “that is, those who have been spared the abortionist’s knife.” He said he also wants the group to consider “that they claim to represent the views of 99% of Americans but apparently they missed the polls that shows very clearly that over half of Americans consider themselves pro-life.”

The protest of the pro-lifers comes one day before the Providence Catholic Diocese opened a day time homeless shelter to meet Occupy Providence’s requests to the city. Bracy said it is a “strange coincident” that the group prevented Father Healy from delivering a closing prayer shortly before the diocese is scheduled to provide the group with a day time homeless shelter.

Occupy Providence has not yet responded to requests for comment.







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Occupy Protesters Show Tolerance and Understanding. Just Kidding: They Throw Condoms at Catholic School Girls









They might dress badly................but they're still "brownshirts"





Maybe Herr Obama will send his minions to organize the "occupy youth" brigade


I know its way far fetched but I'm glad these idiots lack any cohesive ability to organize for a clear goal. If some type of strong motivating leader was ever able to organize these camps who knows what they could be convinced to do

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