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Sorry TBD, but I'm out of the ticket buying business


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I was going to give Jay props for doing the classy thing by not calling the person out publicly, at least not yet. We don't know the circumstances of why the person no-showed, and the person should be given the opportunity to make it right before being ostracized if he/she had a legitimate reason for not showing up.

Where's Judge Wapner when you need him?

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Y'know...I could understand "Hey, Jay, I know I asked you to get me that ticket...but I just lost my job, so I won't be traveling and can't pay you for it. Is it okay if I owe you?" But no message at all? No explanation? Just "Meh...I won't be there, so screw it?"


Unless you're actually in the hospital, dying, that's low. You tell that cheapskate that a broken hip is no excuse for not paying.

I've been in that situation before.

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When Jay mentioned that he had an extra, I hoped the person who had ordered it had a reasonable explaination. Scott's generous offer is admirable, but I hope the person is safe and can just explain to Jay what transpired. I don't think a public lynching is required (its not like he is a Bills player), just reach out to Jay and Scott and resolve this issue.

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