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Ralph Wilson Stadium to be Smoke Free


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Since I don't see a link, am I to understand that you are not going to be able to smoke anywhere within the fences of the stadium........I think they have had a designated area for quite awhile - and they are banning it there??

Here ya go...


Link - Bills to open lots later, ban smoking in stadium

Edited by The Senator
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Oh Bill, I know where you stand on this. That's a slippery slope argument regarding a different drug. Nice try. :)


Anyway, I wouldn't mind if all drunks were kicked out, or anyone who made me smell their beer-laden breath could be kicked out. But a stinky, disgusting, carcinogen is a different animal.


Can we consider this a call to ban all drinking in the stadium?


Can't say I feel sorry for you. Slippery slope arguments are stupid. They don't work, and have no basis in fact. That's just basic logic.


Solution: Quit. Then you have no problems. Smoking is a choice you make.


it's easy to favor a ban against something that's entirely legal when it's something that does not affect you, personally. ... ah, but when someone suggests something that you might enjoy, well ...


as a smoker, there, i said it, i'll get by on this. always have. trouble is, i guess i wear today's "leper" label a little awkwardly and have difficulty understanding all this logic.

they push us out of buildings, leaving us to the streets. then they start complaining about us smoking on the streets. so they attempt to ban that, too. ... why not just stop selling the damn things? well, that would be going to far. and what about Prohibition, eh?


oh, so you can't ban them, but you can essentially attempt to ban the action, creating a Catch 22 that would make good ol' Joe Heller blush.


but wait, once they're done with us smokers, they'll have all this time on their hands to noodle in on the fun you might be having. and when that happens, good luck with that, cause it'll be too late. and don't say it won't happen.

the no-fun police are emboldened the the inroads already made. farting, just might well, be next.



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That's a busted link.........I'm assuming that you can't smoke within the gates now. I haven't had a cigarette in 15 years, but I think this is ridiculous. Who does it help?........If you don't want to be near smoke, don't go near that smoking area.


Obviously, if the "smoking areas" were working, they would not need to do this. But its the classic "give an inch, they take a mile". Give them smoking areas, and some figure "I dont feel like walking over there so I'll just do it here". Now, no one gets to smoke. There is no one else to blame for this except other smokers.

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I'm for public stoning for anyone who tells me your cigarette does not affect me because we are outside. There isn't a more asinine argument in the world. You don't even want to know what I propose after the stoning for those who make your second argument. Good Lord, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.


If you are so chosen to be the leader of human rights, including habits and practices you don't like, then you must be the one who is spoken of as, "he who is without fault".

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Obviously, if the "smoking areas" were working, they would not need to do this. But its the classic "give an inch, they take a mile". Give them smoking areas, and some figure "I dont feel like walking over there so I'll just do it here". Now, no one gets to smoke. There is no one else to blame for this except other smokers.


I never see anybody smoking in the bowl, and if I see 5 people smoking in the hallway during a whole season, that is a lot.


I have not seen smokers abuse this much at all.

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That's a busted link.........I'm assuming that you can't smoke within the gates now. I haven't had a cigarette in 15 years, but I think this is ridiculous. Who does it help?........If you don't want to be near smoke, don't go near that smoking area.



Sorry - don't know how that happened, but fixed it in the original reply and here it is again (twice)


Link - Bills to open lots later, ban smoking in stadium



Link - Two Bills Drive Home Page

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Smokers can't control they way the wind blows, but they can control whether they smoke or not. Smoking is a choice. Period. People smoke in the stands ALL THE TIME. Kick the inconsiderate jerks out. Now there are no excuses.


Excessive drinking is also a problem, but that doesn't mean smoking isn't. Both are issues, and should be addressed. I'm glad the Bills are addressing them.


I guess my point was more that, not ALL smokers are inconsiderate jerks and it is lousy that the polite smokers who follow the rules are getting screwed because of the jerks, but hey, that is life. Happens all the time.


Although I would like to point out that drinking is just as much of a choice as smoking is. So why should I have to put up with the choices of some !@#$s who spill beer all over me and say obscene things to women or in front of children?


I feel this is more a move made to follow the county's ( and the state's )standards and stances on smoking more than it is a move to make people happy or unhappy anyway.


Or you could think of it in terms of money for the team.


Beer = $$$


Cigarettes?? Well they sure don't sell them at the concession stands :devil:



At the end of the day, nobody's rights are being attacked (even though people would love to argue about freedoms and the constitution or the bill of rights) so I don't have any kind of problem with it. If it makes the game day experience more enjoyable for fellow fans than I am all for it. Just my two cents.

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Sorry - don't know how that happened, but fixed it in the original reply and here it is again (twice)


Link - Bills to open lots later, ban smoking in stadium



Link - Two Bills Drive Home Page




This is ridiculous........People are addicted to nicotine, you want to sell tickets and then you make them go through withdrawal to be at your game?.........I'm at every game and I certainly consider it a smoke-free facility already. Not letting people have a designated area and then not letting them go out and come back in borders on cruelty to me.


I have no dog in this fight and it still POs me.


There will be no more designated smoking areas, and any fan who leaves the stadium to smoke will not be allowed back into the stadium.


"We have listened to the vast majority of our fans who want to enjoy the game day experience in a smoke-free facility


I guess my point was more that, not ALL smokers are inconsiderate jerks and it is lousy that the polite smokers who follow the rules are getting screwed because of the jerks, but hey, that is life. Happens all the time.


Although I would like to point out that drinking is just as much of a choice as smoking is. So why should I have to put up with the choices of some !@#$s who spill beer all over me and say obscene things to women or in front of children?


I feel this is more a move made to follow the county's ( and the state's )standards and stances on smoking more than it is a move to make people happy or unhappy anyway.


Or you could think of it in terms of money for the team.


Beer = $$$


Cigarettes?? Well they sure don't sell them at the concession stands :devil:



At the end of the day, nobody's rights are being attacked (even though people would love to argue about freedoms and the constitution or the bill of rights) so I don't have any kind of problem with it. If it makes the game day experience more enjoyable for fellow fans than I am all for it. Just my two cents.


Who are these fellow fans who had a problem with the very restrictive policy?

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Thank you for proving nicotine causes retardation. This post is clearly unassailable proof.


This post is offensive to the mentally challenged, and well beneath your intellect.

Thanks for providing Bills fans with this forum. I am sorry about your mom and dad and hope that all is as ok as can be by you under the circumstances.

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This is ridiculous........People are addicted to nicotine, you want to sell tickets and then you make them go through withdrawal to be at your game?.........I'm at every game and I certainly consider it a smoke-free facility already. Not letting people have a designated area and then not letting them go out and come back in borders on cruelty to me.


I have no dog in this fight and it still POs me.


There will be no more designated smoking areas, and any fan who leaves the stadium to smoke will not be allowed back into the stadium.


"We have listened to the vast majority of our fans who want to enjoy the game day experience in a smoke-free facility




Who are these fellow fans who had a problem with the very restrictive policy?


I didn't say that I KNEW these people personally but judging by the statement about the "vast majority of our fans" that they "listened to" I would assume there are at least some out there, wouldn't you agree?? Just because you don't have a problem with it doesn't mean other people don't. How is it cruel?? If smokers want to have a cigarette while they watch the game they can do it somewhere else. Nobody is forcing anybody to buy a ticket. Sure, they WANT you to buy a ticket and come but nobody has a gun to your head telling you to go to the stadium.


And I used to smoke so don't give me your "people are addicted" argument. I quit, so can any other smoker, no matter what they tell you.

Edited by Van_phelaN1
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I didn't say that I KNEW these people personally but judging by the statement about the "vast majority of our fans" that they "listened to" I would assume there are at least some out there, wouldn't you agree?? Just because you don't have a problem with it doesn't mean other people don't. How is it cruel?? If smokers want to have a cigarette while they watch the game they can do it somewhere else. Nobody is forcing anybody to buy a ticket. Sure, they WANT you to buy a ticket and come but nobody has a gun to your head telling you to go to the stadium.


And I used to smoke so don't give me your "people are addicted" argument. I quit, so can any other smoker, no matter what they tell you.


I used to smoke, too, but it took a million "quits" to get it right finally.


That statement is 100% BS........Vast majority - try pain in the ass incredibly small minority, if that.


Do you go to the games?

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The ONLY problem I have with smoking bans are when private establishment are FORCED by laws to become smokefree. SInce the Bills are making the decision themsleves, I have ZERO problem with thier new policy, although, I agree with others here that it will likely cause some unintended problems.


If a private establishment like a bar or restaurant wants to allow smoking there, I also have NO problem with that. I can choose not to go there. I choose not to go to many Bills games because of the disgusting things you have to bear witness to regarding drunken idiots. Oh, that and the Bills suck big time...


Actually, this is the best post in this sickening thread. Sickening in the sense that people's rights are being stripped away as others cheer.


I have a decision to make. I, along with my 3 best friend of 45 years have attended a Bills game every year since the Bills/Miami game of 1994. Every year we leave on a Saturday and come home on Monday. It gets expensive. There is nobody we have ever partied with from this site that will tell you that we skimp. I have made true friends from TBD, and I don't do this easily.


My inclination is to not attend a game this season. Brandon helped :censored: up the team, now he is :censored: ing up the game day experience. Hypocrisy abounds in this thread as well. I have done a few things too many for humanity to be treated as a criminal for wanting to smoke a cigarette on the ramp, away from those "offended."


We have spent thousands of much needed dollars in the WNY economy. I am thinking at this point that the right thing to do is let the market sort itself out and keep the money in my pocket.


Thanks again for a great post.

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To all of you who keep trying to draw comparisons between the "choices" of drinking and smoking (and let's be clear, these are choices, not RIGHTS), you're simply missing the point. One choice (smoking) directly impacts others, undeniably, while the other choice (drinking) only directly impacts the participant.


The point I think some of you are trying to make, is that someone who drinks may impact others through actions such as drunk driving or verbal/physical abuse, so why not ban drinking as well?


The flaw in that logic is that the actions of someone who drinks are indeed regulated and punishable. Drunk driving is against the law. Verbal and/or physical abuse may constitute illegal assault, or result in expulsion from an event. But a person -- in fact, MOST people -- can drink lawfully and never have any sort of negative impact on anyone else. EVERY smoker pollutes the air around him.


The two are just not comparable. Smokers, and those who sympathize with them, need to get a thicker skin -- although most who have engaged in this practice for a significant period of time are likely already rather "leathery."

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To all of you who keep trying to draw comparisons between the "choices" of drinking and smoking (and let's be clear, these are choices, not RIGHTS), you're simply missing the point. One choice (smoking) directly impacts others, undeniably, while the other choice (drinking) only directly impacts the participant.


E-man, this is utter b.s. I mean absolute nonsense. Approx. 75% of domestic violence cases involve alcohol. This I know. What percentage of fights at RWS and accidents after the game do YOU think involve alcohol? C'mon.....let's have an honest conversation here.


My point is that if something need be banned, alcohol would be MUCH more important to the health and safety of those who attend games. I have been posting back and forth with you for years and cannot think of a way how you could possibly dispute this. You are obviously a smart person.


Please put away the PC nonsense and have a serious conversation.

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I used to smoke, too, but it took a million "quits" to get it right finally.


That statement is 100% BS........Vast majority - try pain in the ass incredibly small minority, if that.


Do you go to the games?


You chose to pick up the first one and put in in your mouth just like I did. I didn't say it was easy, i just said it's possible. Sorry I didn't see your other post about how you quit. Poor thread reading on my part. However that doesn't change anything.


As far as going to the games: I live in Albany so I don't make every game. I try to make it to several a year but the last two years I have only been able to make it to one game each (last year was the eye-sore that was our home opener against Miami :wallbash: but CJ waved to my gf while she took a picture so at least someone was satisfied with the game :lol: )


So I am there enough to see the people who smoke in the stands, and YES they DO exist. To be honest, I am with you in that I was never bothered by it and people who walk past the "smoking area" and still complain about it are stupid.


As far as the statement being 100 percent bs? That isn't hard to imagine but if I was going to pick out all the BS statements that have come out of One Bills Drive we would be talking about a lot more than than smoking.

Edited by Van_phelaN1
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