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This passes as reporting nowadays?


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Anyone who still tunes into Fox news should be well aware of how poor new reporting has become.

LMAO. You didn't really just say this did you? Google.......news ratings. It's not even close as to "who still tunes into" what stations.

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LMAO. You didn't really just say this did you? Google.......news ratings. It's not even close as to "who still tunes into" what stations.


What's your poiint? Justin Bieber has sold millions of records, being popular does not equal being good.


If Fox was a real news agency you'd know that the War Powers Act of 1973 gives the president the power to do what Obama did in Libya. Just like Reagan in Grenada and Bush 41 in Panama. Instead you have Beck and Hannity telling you what to think and leading you around by the gonads. And you let them.


Fox News is a joke and people who rely on them for as their sole source of news are wholly and entirely misguided. Fair and Balanced? Pfft. How about Ignorant and Disingenuous?

Edited by Campy
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Boulware and McGinest were actually very good players, but I wonder how many Bills fans would be happy if they knew that the ceiling on Miller was their career output.


Boulware was better than McGinest, but lasted only 7 seasons total. Excellent pass rusher, but wasn't very big and not surprisingly wore down quicker. Probably the best comparison of the bunch to Miller, but Miller is not built at sturdily as Boulware was. I loved Boulware's game, but with the highest pick the organization has had in 25 years, I'd prefer a guy who I think might actually be around for 9-10 seasons.


McGinest was a disappointment for his first 7 plus years. His strong suit was playing better in the second half of his career, but he still was never the game changer he was projected to be. He had a DE frame at around 270 so he's not a good comparison to Miller.


The Bills will be fortunate to find a guy at #3 who has the career that Willie McGinest had. I don't think a lot of #3 picks were as good as he turned out.




First off, i figured this was funny since rotoworld just reported that the Bills prefer Newton, and now McSuntan says the Bills prefer Gabbert. (I guess its a fair assumption now that Gabbert isn't even on the Bills board)


But more importantly, THIS passes as reporting? tim graham reports what Todd McShay says? So now, so called "journalists" are even lazier and simply regurgitate what one of their co-workers for the same company reports? I suppose pencil-neck will have an article in an hour about how "2 sources have said the Bills would take Gabbert over Newton." :wallbash:


Where did anyone see that Gabbert is off the Bills board? I don't believe that for a minute.

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What's your poiint? Justin Bieber has sold millions of records, being popular does not equal being good.


If Fox was a real news agency you'd know that the War Powers Act of 1973 gives the president the power to do what Obama did in Libya. Just like Reagan in Grenada and Bush 41 in Panama. Instead you have Beck and Hannity telling you what to think and leading you around by the gonads. And you let them.


Fox News is a joke and people who rely on them for as their sole source of news are wholly and entirely misguided. Fair and Balanced? Pfft. How about Ignorant and Disingenuous?



Sounds more like someone's still leading you around by the gonads. He's been the all the disaster they warned us about and more.

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Sounds more like someone's still leading you around by the gonads. He's been the all the disaster they warned us about and more.

It's hard when you follow a giant like George W. Bush.

Edited by Casey D
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Sounds more like someone's still leading you around by the gonads. He's been the all the disaster they warned us about and more.

Why don't you guys take this **** to PPP. no one wants to read your uninformed political opinions on the football board.

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It's a blog...


It's a blog, but we're supposed to believe that blogs are killing 'reporters' who do 'real reporting' and yet these 'reporters' are creating 'blogs'?


It's the same reporter circle jerk that has been going on for years. A 'reporter' talks to another 'reporter' like you and I would talk to a buddy about sports and this becomes an article. That's fine if they want to be 'bloggers', but they're claiming the title of 'journalists' all on their own. No on is thrusting that title upon them.

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It's far more opinion and conservative entertainment then it it news. The Daily Show has more "news" than most networks.



What's your poiint? Justin Bieber has sold millions of records, being popular does not equal being good.


If Fox was a real news agency you'd know that the War Powers Act of 1973 gives the president the power to do what Obama did in Libya. Just like Reagan in Grenada and Bush 41 in Panama. Instead you have Beck and Hannity telling you what to think and leading you around by the gonads. And you let them.


Fox News is a joke and people who rely on them for as their sole source of news are wholly and entirely misguided. Fair and Balanced? Pfft. How about Ignorant and Disingenuous?


It's good to read that there are those who still capable of using their own mind rather than to be beholden to an ideology and render themselves as being simply puppets and minions of the rich.



Sounds more like someone's still leading you around by the gonads. He's been the all the disaster they warned us about and more.


See above.....

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The only stench in this country is the economy...LOL


And oddly enough the economy has stabalized and even started to rebound from the freefall it was in when Obama took office. Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that people who rely on Fox for "news" remain dangerously ignorant.

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And oddly enough the economy has stabalized and even started to rebound from the freefall it was in when Obama took office. Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that people who rely on Fox for "news" remain dangerously ignorant.



Not half as dangerously ignorant as the people who voted for Obama and still think he's doing a good job.


BTW, the only people who rely on one TV news outlet source are senior citizens who don't know how to use the internet...LOL

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