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No outrage over Merrimans past arrest?


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That's what I'm thinkin' - as long as he's nice to children, old people, and small animals, what's the problem? :unsure:


(BTW - doe's anyone know what substance he took? I buy DHEA over-the-counter at Vitamin World and GNC - yet it's a banned substance in the NFL and almost every major 'sports body'.)

His lawyer says he took nandrolone.

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Where are all the people who in the past have been outraged by Vicks dog torture and Pig Bens alleged rape?

Where are all the people who thought dumping Lynch was a great move because of his legal problems?

Doesn't choking a woman and holding her prisoner count?


The charges were dropped in a week (unlike Pig Ben who never had charges filed in the first place)and personally I don't think it should matter as far as playing football is concerned. But I'm curious why people aren't outraged by Merriman being a Bill now?

Living in Pittsburgh, Big Ben is generally percieved as an arrogant, demeaning scumbag who treats everyone like garbage. And now TWICE allegations have come out that he was accused of rape. That is a pattern of behavior in most people's eyes. Merriman kept a little money hungry whore from driving from his house drunk. No comparison. And (so far) Merriman hasn't shown that pattern of behavior. And it seems that he was very well liked in San Diego (from what I just read on a different thread) so he also doesn't seem to be a scumbag human being.

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Where are all the people who in the past have been outraged by Vicks dog torture and Pig Bens alleged rape?

Where are all the people who thought dumping Lynch was a great move because of his legal problems?

Doesn't choking a woman and holding her prisoner count?


The charges were dropped in a week (unlike Pig Ben who never had charges filed in the first place)and personally I don't think it should matter as far as playing football is concerned. But I'm curious why people aren't outraged by Merriman being a Bill now?



To be fair the Media did do a much better job making us hate Pig Pen and VIck-dogg... And Lynch was scorned for a bit but would have been unanimously forgiven with a big season... They put very little effort in to making us hate Merriment... In fact after reading more about the story I really don't like Tia... and with a nam like Merriman the thought of a roid fueled sack dance makes me smile!


It not the fans fault the media we blindly subscribe to has double standards. =)



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If she was trying to drive away drunk then we should applaud him for possibly saving the life of one or more persons. He is a hero. It just goes to show you that sometimes it's ok to choke a woman.......


FWIW I had to do something along the lines of this to a girl, a friend of mine. Long story short, she got in her car after she had been drinking heavily. Me and a buddy of mine had to basically rip and throw her out of the car. She called her B/F who came in furious and asked why we did it and we told him and he apologized to us.


If what people say he did is true( trying to save her from drinking and driving) then i applaud him.

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Its really comical reading the defensive responses from everyone here just because he is now a Bill.


Fans are now trying to lessen what happened and justify it (She was drunk and was going to drive, its only Tila Tequila and she probably deserved it!, he hasn't been accused of anything like that since). Seems some here will defend him now, yet have Ben R as #2 worst human in the NFL for being "ACCUSED" by 2 woman of trying to have sex with them, the last one she was so drunk she couldn't remember it. People will make up and assume thiings about Vick, like that he "got off" personally killing dogs, and everyone ran Marshawn from town assuming that he really did intentially steel $20 from an innocent woman "just because" and desperatly wanted him gone because he clipped a Canadian with his car and was found with weed (something most think is harmless and should be legal) and a gun (something everyone feels they need to have in the US) in his car.


Even if she was drunk and he was just trying to be a Good Samaritan/Saint and stop her, there is such a thing as using excessive force, and a +/-250lb NFL linebacker (who had been found taking HGH/Roids) choking a +/-100lb drunk female is way more force then needed to keep someone from getting away

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Its really comical reading the defensive responses from everyone here just because he is now a Bill.


Fans are now trying to lessen what happened and justify it (She was drunk and was going to drive, its only Tila Tequila and she probably deserved it!, he hasn't been accused of anything like that since). Seems some here will defend him now, yet have Ben R as #2 worst human in the NFL for being "ACCUSED" by 2 woman of trying to have sex with them, the last one she was so drunk she couldn't remember it. People will make up and assume thiings about Vick, like that he "got off" personally killing dogs, and everyone ran Marshawn from town assuming that he really did intentially steel $20 from an innocent woman "just because" and desperatly wanted him gone because he clipped a Canadian with his car and was found with weed (something most think is harmless and should be legal) and a gun (something everyone feels they need to have in the US) in his car.


Even if she was drunk and he was just trying to be a Good Samaritan/Saint and stop her, there is such a thing as using excessive force, and a +/-250lb NFL linebacker (who had been found taking HGH/Roids) choking a +/-100lb drunk female is way more force then needed to keep someone from getting away


Big Ben was accused multiple times of the same thing and never denied any of it. Plus there are witnesses to what he did. It will only tell in time to see if he has changed.


Vick did his time, i have no hard feelings for him as of now. When he did it, i damn sure did. He did his time and it actually doing things to prevent dog fighting. I have forgiven him and have moved on.


Merriman had 1 isolated incident of this. Have you ever tried to handle a drunk person? No matter of weight it's like the somehow find extra strength. She had to drop the charges, also Merriman actaully won teh suit as the defendant and Tila actually owes him $1MM dollars or so.


Yea he took steroids, so did Shawn Nelso are beloved TE, I can guarantee you others on this team have done it as well.


To add, people generally get this wrong. Merriman had his best 2 seasons after being suspended for PED's not before.

Edited by CountDorkula
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Its really comical reading the defensive responses from everyone here just because he is now a Bill.


Fans are now trying to lessen what happened and justify it (She was drunk and was going to drive, its only Tila Tequila and she probably deserved it!, he hasn't been accused of anything like that since). Seems some here will defend him now, yet have Ben R as #2 worst human in the NFL for being "ACCUSED" by 2 woman of trying to have sex with them, the last one she was so drunk she couldn't remember it. People will make up and assume thiings about Vick, like that he "got off" personally killing dogs, and everyone ran Marshawn from town assuming that he really did intentially steel $20 from an innocent woman "just because" and desperatly wanted him gone because he clipped a Canadian with his car and was found with weed (something most think is harmless and should be legal) and a gun (something everyone feels they need to have in the US) in his car.


Even if she was drunk and he was just trying to be a Good Samaritan/Saint and stop her, there is such a thing as using excessive force, and a +/-250lb NFL linebacker (who had been found taking HGH/Roids) choking a +/-100lb drunk female is way more force then needed to keep someone from getting away


I am only speculating, but a firm revearse chokehold is an effective way to restrain someone who is smaller than you without hurting them or allowing them to hurt you, and it can be done without actually choking the person. If the dude was trying to hurt her, there is no doubt he would have succeeded.

Edited by Buffalokie
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Big Ben was accused multiple times of the same thing and never denied any of it. Plus there are witnesses to what he did.


Merriman had 1 isolated incident of this. Have you ever tried to handle a drunk person? No matter of weight it's like the somehow find extra strength. She had to drop the charges, also Merriman actaully won teh suit as the defendant and Tila actually owes him $1MM dollars or so.


Yea he took steroids, so did Shawn Nelso are beloved TE, I can guarantee you others on this team have done it as well.


To add, people generally get this wrong. Merriman had his best 2 seasons after being suspended for PED's not before.

Are you trying to say that a 100lb (if that) female is going to be able to over power a male football player atleast 150lbs larger then her (and with a past of using HGH/roids) that they would need to use excessive force?


Ben was ACCUSED on 2 seperate occasions in 2 seperate offseasons bt 2 sepearate woman. Charges were never pressed against him, yet there are all these "CREDIBLE" witnesses that saw him sexually assault these woman?


His best season, statistically came in the year he was suspended (of course we all know its a fact that steriods leave your system the second you get caught for taking them), the next year was slightly better statistically then his first year and its never been close since.


What everyone else seems to not want to acknowledge was that the lawsuit he won didn't have to do with the assault, it was with regards to her using his "Lights Out" logo and trademark infringement, the only reason he won was because she failed to respond to the case and he won by default


In December 2009, Merriman filed a civil suit against Tequila, alleging intentional interference with contract, unfair competition, and trademark infringement. He claimed that Tequila improperly used his own "Lights Out" logo and disrupted negotiations for t-shirts to be marketed by Wal-Mart. She failed to respond to the suit at all, and a default judgment was entered in his favor for $2 million.

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Ben was ACCUSED on 2 seperate occasions in 2 seperate offseasons bt 2 sepearate woman. Charges were never pressed against him, yet there are all these "CREDIBLE" witnesses that saw him sexually assault these woman?


Ben was SUSPENDED by the NFL for his actions, in spite of charges not being filed. He was not completely exonerated for his actions.


Merriman's incident with Tila Tequila...NOTHING happened to him, and he was completely exonerated when the charges were dropped.


Why did the NFL not go after Merriman? Maybe because there was no credibility behind the charges?

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Even if she was drunk and he was just trying to be a Good Samaritan/Saint and stop her, there is such a thing as using excessive force, and a +/-250lb NFL linebacker (who had been found taking HGH/Roids) choking a +/-100lb drunk female is way more force then needed to keep someone from getting away


There were 10+ witnesses to this, and they said he didn't use excessive force. This wasn't like some private fight between them that no one saw. There were plenty of people that were there to see it happen.

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Where are all the people who in the past have been outraged by Vicks dog torture and Pig Bens alleged rape?

Where are all the people who thought dumping Lynch was a great move because of his legal problems?

Doesn't choking a woman and holding her prisoner count?


The charges were dropped in a week (unlike Pig Ben who never had charges filed in the first place)and personally I don't think it should matter as far as playing football is concerned. But I'm curious why people aren't outraged by Merriman being a Bill now?


My take has never changed on this endless subject. Today's athletes are not boy scouts. If Shawn Merriman had been convicted of a felony when he allegedly attacked Tia Taquila, and been sent to prison for it, I would not want to see him playing for the Bills or any other NFL team. Vick is a convicted felon, that is the one stance I've been hoping Goodell and the NFL would finally take....that they don't allow convicted felons who serve any time at all in prison for their crimes, back in to play - ever.


But Merrimans' charges were dropped, and I am fine with him trying to spend the rest of this season with Buffalo - it is a win-win for him and the Bills. If he can play "lights out" again, he will help this pathetic defense play better this season, and open up the vault for himself in free agency next season.


And who knows, maybe he will end up signing a conract with the Bills based on his relationship with Nix.

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I had a long, thought out response typed up. But I've deleted it since I'm tired of having to defend sanity on this board so often. So instead, Im posting the following:



"Thread is retarded."


Right? Convicted of a violent felony...accused of violent crime, yet found to be completely innocent of ANY wrongdoing. You'd thing the difference would be obvious. One guy got a boner off torturing animals, the other physically stopped a drunk woman from driving. Very clearly the same thing. Where's the outrage over these very comparable crimes?



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Ben was ACCUSED on 2 seperate occasions in 2 seperate offseasons bt 2 sepearate woman. Charges were never pressed against him, yet there are all these "CREDIBLE" witnesses that saw him sexually assault these woman?


Hadn't the statute of limitations expired by the time the first accusation was made? If that was the case, the lack of charges means absolutely nothing there.

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Seriously, some Bills fans are just embarrasing themselves now...this might be one of the stupidest threads of recent memory on here (and thats saying a lot). Between all the crying about refs, conspiracies by both refs and the media, rule changes, etc it was already getting embarrasing as thats all stuff straight out of the book "Things losers say"... Newsflash: We lose games because we beat ourselves with bad turnovers, a D that can't hold up, missed opporunities on offense, blown coverages, penalties, etc...in other words beacuase of a LACK of talent. And we dont get any respect from the media because we haven't earned any.


Add into that, the constant bashing of players like Lee (and already Merriman) and its no wonder free agents dont want to come here. I mean dam, Merriman has been here 24 hours and this crap is already going on by uneducated kids who clearly don't know squat about the actual case. We just added to this team a player of higher quality then what we have...as I stated above, we lose because we dont have enough talent. You guys all scream at the FO to bring in more talent...and here we take a NO risk HIGH reward chance on a talented player at one of our weakest positions and some of you still just cant help yourself.


How about we just welcome Merriman to this team and cut him some slack and let him show us the kind of player he is over the remainder of this season? Keep in mind, if he does work out we will still need to resign him, so maybe making him feel wanted here is a better approach, especially since thats all he wanted in SD...


On second thought, this isnt as dumb as the other Merriman thread about whether or not Nix is going to give him roids again...that one is the stupidest one on here right now and threads like these really taint this board...

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Its really comical reading the defensive responses from everyone here just because he is now a Bill.


Fans are now trying to lessen what happened and justify it (She was drunk and was going to drive, its only Tila Tequila and she probably deserved it!, he hasn't been accused of anything like that since). Seems some here will defend him now, yet have Ben R as #2 worst human in the NFL for being "ACCUSED" by 2 woman of trying to have sex with them, the last one she was so drunk she couldn't remember it. People will make up and assume thiings about Vick, like that he "got off" personally killing dogs, and everyone ran Marshawn from town assuming that he really did intentially steel $20 from an innocent woman "just because" and desperatly wanted him gone because he clipped a Canadian with his car and was found with weed (something most think is harmless and should be legal) and a gun (something everyone feels they need to have in the US) in his car.


Even if she was drunk and he was just trying to be a Good Samaritan/Saint and stop her, there is such a thing as using excessive force, and a +/-250lb NFL linebacker (who had been found taking HGH/Roids) choking a +/-100lb drunk female is way more force then needed to keep someone from getting away

You're an idiot

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Seriously, some Bills fans are just embarrasing themselves now...this might be one of the stupidest threads of recent memory on here (and thats saying a lot). Between all the crying about refs, conspiracies by both refs and the media, rule changes, etc it was already getting embarrasing as thats all stuff straight out of the book "Things losers say"... Newsflash: We lose games because we beat ourselves with bad turnovers, a D that can't hold up, missed opporunities on offense, blown coverages, penalties, etc...in other words beacuase of a LACK of talent. And we dont get any respect from the media because we haven't earned any.


Add into that, the constant bashing of players like Lee (and already Merriman) and its no wonder free agents dont want to come here. I mean dam, Merriman has been here 24 hours and this crap is already going on by uneducated kids who clearly don't know squat about the actual case. We just added to this team a player of higher quality then what we have...as I stated above, we lose because we dont have enough talent. You guys all scream at the FO to bring in more talent...and here we take a NO risk HIGH reward chance on a talented player at one of our weakest positions and some of you still just cant help yourself.


How about we just welcome Merriman to this team and cut him some slack and let him show us the kind of player he is over the remainder of this season? Keep in mind, if he does work out we will still need to resign him, so maybe making him feel wanted here is a better approach, especially since thats all he wanted in SD...


On second thought, this isnt as dumb as the other Merriman thread about whether or not Nix is going to give him roids again...that one is the stupidest one on here right now and threads like these really taint this board...



Here, here! Welcome to Buffalo Shawn! :beer:


Now go kick some :censored: !!!!

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