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Is anyone else embarrassed?


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I've been a Bills fan since I started watching sports in the late 80's. The Superbowl years were great (although slightly disappointing), even the teams of the late 90's and going into the very early 2000's at least showed teams that worked hard, and executed at times.


The last couple years, and this first game of this season... is just simply making me sad.


We don't execute on offense. We tend to give up big yards on defense and then rely on a couple lucky plays to keep the opponents out of the endzone.


No QBs, no OL, average (I used to think good, but not anymore) RBs, no WRs, no TEs... coaching has clearly not gotten better.


What's the point?


I didn't expect the Bills to win this game, or even more than a handful of games this season, but I did expect them to at least go out there and execute some. Nope.


It's like the culture of this team is to play as poorly as possible, and not really care about it.


I'm this close to literally wearing a bag on my head whenever anyone mentions football.



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Embarrassing is the right word, and admitting that I was wrong (as with the other thread) is another feeling I'm having.


I knew we were not going to be great or even make the playoffs this year but I was so put out by the comments that some experts were making that I thought this game, at least, was going to be the highpoint of proving them wrong.


...after seeing almost this same mis-fires, same three and outs, same wondering of "why did we signed a Raider to the offense?" as last year I just plain felt like an idiot.

Edited by dollars 2 donuts
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Embarrassing is the right word, and admitting that I was wrong (as with the other thread) is another feeling I'm having.


I knew we were not going to be great or even make the playoffs this year but I was so put out by the comments that some experts were making that I thought this game, at least, was going to be the highpoint of proving them wrong.


...after seeing almost this same mis-fires, same three and outs, same wondering of "why did we signed a Raider to the offense?" as last year I just plain felt like an idiot.

Indeed... a common discussion I had with a good friend of mine during the pre-season was "Man, the media is just wrong about our team... we aren't great by any stretch, but we are going to surprise some people!"




The media was right. I had rose tinted glasses on.



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I'm amazed that people underestimate what a task the Bills have ahead of them to rebuild this team. How many other teams head into the draft with starters needed at 6 positions, and only 7 rounds to do it in? Did people really think Buffalo was going to be good this year, especially in the first game of the season with new systems on both sides of the ball? Christ, I'm amazed they kept it that close.

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Ya know, we get mad when the talking heads in the media show us no respect, but truthfully...do we deserve any? Does anybody really think we're gonna march into Green Bay or New England & win either one of the next two games? I forget what the odds are of an 0 & 3 team making the playoffs, but I know it's slim. It's terrible that after one freaken game I have this sinking feeling again...that we're not gonna be in the playoffs again this year. The Bills looked pathetic as usual, with the exception of that one drive. And then let's take Spiller...our #1 draft choice & difference maker...he sure made a difference all right! Sheesh! A week ago today I called Direct TV & ordered the Sunday ticket for $320.00 & the NFL to go for an extra $50.00. I'm making a vow to myself this morning...that I'm not gonna allow this bunch of girls to cost me anymore loot 'til they start playing like men. When I do my grocery shopping this morning & the checkout person asks me, "paper or plastic" I'm gonna answer "paper"...it's not wise to put plastic over your head.

Edited by Enuf-is-Enuf
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I was embarrassed years ago. Now I am appathetic. They are who we thought they were. The Bills have proven that if you sucked last year because you lack talent in key areas and if you don't do anything to improve that in the off season, you will suck again the following year.

Edited by bmur66
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Embarrassed definitely fits. I also feel like why am I wasting 3 hours on a Sunday for this nonsense. The Dolphins were nothing special whatsoever. But Green Bay and NE are REALLY going to be embarrassing. I have to imagine the spread next week being a college like 14 or more points. For those alive in Elimination pools just look at our schedule and pick away.

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I was trying to determine how I felt after the game and all last night. I finally think it's embarrassment. I'm in Charlotte, NC and I've got Steeler fans to my left, Alabama fans to my right, Seahawks fans and Cowboys fans in the culdesac. Spent all of Saturday night cleaning the house to have people over for the game. Bought jerseys for myself and two sons. Built a bonus room out of the garage and got it decked out in Bills and Sabres. Went to the early service at church, started helping the wife make finger foods, dip, etc. People start piling in and got up to about 10 or 12. Had the shout song cued up on the computer. Adults and kids having fun dancing to the song, trying to get our kids to feel the way we did when we were young.


And then we started playing. I felt like crawling into a hole. I didn't want to go outside and face the neighbors. I was completely embarrassed. I felt like a fool for believing that we would look different. I started to consider all the time I've spent reading every Bills article that was written in the off season, how I've watched film on our draft picks, how I've spent time learning the 3-4 defense, etc. Only to find myself with egg on my face.


In a word, Humiliating.

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It's obvious that the Bills coaches didn't know how to prepare for Mike Nolan's defense. Besides the one drive for a TD, Gailey had no answers. When it seemed like the Bills were starting to get some momentum on offense, it was crushed by holding penalties. It's was just a very bad day for the offense. The defense & special teams did their jobs yesterday. I was impressed for the first time with McKelvin yesterday.

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I don't think anyone should be embarrassed by a pro football team they cheer for. It's not like your personally out there screwing up. Just like anyone should brag like they own the team when they win because they didn't do anything to cause the team to win

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I was trying to determine how I felt after the game and all last night. I finally think it's embarrassment. I'm in Charlotte, NC and I've got Steeler fans to my left, Alabama fans to my right, Seahawks fans and Cowboys fans in the culdesac. Spent all of Saturday night cleaning the house to have people over for the game. Bought jerseys for myself and two sons. Built a bonus room out of the garage and got it decked out in Bills and Sabres. Went to the early service at church, started helping the wife make finger foods, dip, etc. People start piling in and got up to about 10 or 12. Had the shout song cued up on the computer. Adults and kids having fun dancing to the song, trying to get our kids to feel the way we did when we were young.


And then we started playing. I felt like crawling into a hole. I didn't want to go outside and face the neighbors. I was completely embarrassed. I felt like a fool for believing that we would look different. I started to consider all the time I've spent reading every Bills article that was written in the off season, how I've watched film on our draft picks, how I've spent time learning the 3-4 defense, etc. Only to find myself with egg on my face.


In a word, Humiliating.


I feel for ya man

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No, got my ranting out yesterday, I'm good now.

Disappointed, yes. Surprised, not really.



yes disappointed .....but like basketball if you can't handle the press....they will press all game. Edwards can't handle the press- how can you continue to be suprised they blitzed. It's coming next week too and the week after that and the week after that etc. Can't get 9 guys blocked- nobody can.

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A little embarrassed, but used to it. The team isn't any worse this year than they have been. What new taunts can opposing fans come up with that I haven't been using for 3 years? I'm mostly resigned to idea of the Bills sucking at this point. I didn't even feel all that bad after the loss yesterday, because I was so mentally prepared for it, both leading up to the game and while watching the game itself. That's not to say I was hopeless while watching the game. When we scored on that 4th and 11 play, I had some legitimate hopes that we might win the game or at least force OT. But there's a difference between hopes and expectations, and while my hopes were up, my expectations were still zero. One good drive can't erase years of ineptitude from Captain Checkdown.

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How can I be embarrassed? I've seen worse than this. I sat through games coached by Jim Ringo, Kay Stephenson, Hank Bullough, Gregg Williams etc coaching teams a lot worse than this. I've seen bad quarterbacking by guys named Marangi, Ferragamo, Mathison, Johnson, Losman & Edwards. Lou Saban/Jack Kemp, Chuck Knox/Joe Ferguson & Marv Levy/Jim Kelly were the abberations, what we're seeing now is the norm. A coach is only as good as his QB. The only QB on the roster who will be on an NFL roster in 3 years is Fitzpatrick, and all he is, is a decent #2.

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