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Marshawn Lynch speaks

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As Nix would say... "show me the baby marshawn" and all will be fine....


I think that was meant for Travis Henry.




Some people have to look for the gloomiest things about somebody. If he could put on 10 pounds without losing speed it would be better for him but it's totally unnecessary.



Well, I'm black and have felt direct prejudice from the NYPD, although I'm not a millionaire (yet) with a red X on my back, which would make it even easier. To say that Marshawn has reaped what he has sewn is unjust. I myself am an outstanding citizen who has always followed the law, yet, in the 20 months that I've been living in NYC, I've been pulled over 5 times. In the 12 years prior to living here - driving around Chicago, Michigan, and all of Texas - I was pulled over 0 times. I was at a point where I felt like once I got in my car, I became an escaped fugitive. I can only imagine how much worse the situation would be if I was a 'known' individual who had past transgressions with the law. The race card cannot always be played, but there are times in which it is definitely a factor. To turn your nose up at what Lynch is saying, is either being naive and/or pig headed...


Kelly is a reliable source so I believe Lynch was pulled over 50 times or more but that says more about the police than Lynch, JMO


An AA friend of mine was pulled over several years ago because the cop was "thinking about buying a car like his and he just wanted to check it out", y'know things like how much trunk space it has. :blush:


What's even funnier is some dimwit here said that maybe the cop was just interested in the car. Some people here are greatly disconnected from reality and they really don't want to be connected.


I believe that most white people in Buffalo wouldn't be cited for loud music, they'd probably just ask them to turn it down.


it almost sounds like lynch has been "scarred straight" by the blatant racists of buffalo.


The article certainly paints an ugly picture for the city.


It does sound like he has learned his lesson and has decided to rededicate himself to the game, which is what we all wanted to hear. If he can get back to form we will have a ridiculously good running game


A lot of people like to tear down the famous riding a high and then rebuild them again later. If somebody changes the public will put them on a pedestal again, if the charges aren't really serious (I'm talking to you Big Ben), If Lynch continues to say all the right stuff and work hard and come out with another great season a lot of transgressions will be ignored. JMO


I always liked your posts, no longer. Now that I know you are black that changes everything. /many posters.


You said it! Keep the negroes away from TBD. :angry:(That was a joke for those of you who don't get it.)

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Gailey is supposedly already at work "cooking up plays" to utilize the three backs. I, too, have been in favor of keeping all three. They're each different stylistically, each offer something different. I could see a two back set working great with Freddie and Spiller together until we get near the redzone or on real short yardage, and then Lynch and Spiller near the endzone or on the third and inches type play. The most challanging part for Gailey, I think, will be making the defenses respect the pass enough in those types of sets - maybe two back, with Nelson as T.E. and Evans and Hardy/Easley on the outside, and you could roll Spiller out into the slot creating 3W, 1T.E., 1RB set - or, the two back without a T.E., and have maybe Easley and Hardy on the outside with Evans in the slot... they could do a lot and it should be fun to watch - Imagine, Bills offense being fun to watch - for the first time since Flutie... Just imagine if Gailey can get Edwards to play good again - then, all of a sudden we've got a legitimate offense that could put up some points. I think if Edwards or Brohm look good in camps that will only motivate Nix that much more to go after Gaither.

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Ohhhhh snap. You know about free online dictionaries.


He's a thug, Ralph Wilson is old, Rachel Maddow is a lesbian, John Madden is fat, Bill Gates is rich, Barack Obama is black, etc.


I don't know why you're getting hung up on simple facts man. Marshawn lynch is a thug and that's a pretty obvious fact. You trying to turn this into a racial thing ("aggressive" black person. aggressive? really?) means that you have some difficulty accepting reality.


I wasn't calling him a thug when he spoke horrendous English, showed up in dreds with gold teeth. I called him a thug when he drove his car into people and smoked pot in tinted cars with unregistered guns.


So what do you call Buffalo's own Patrick Kane? I just love how he essentially got a free pass from everyone for beating up a cabbie....

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I wouldn't even go that far...Detroit may be a one of a kind type city in the fact that it is so vast and because of the way it was built around auto plants. It encompasses almost 140 square miles and has almost 50 square miles of abandoned lands and buildings. In comparison, Buffalo in total comprises 40 square miles, so if you were to take the entire city of Buffalo, and then add in another 25% of Buffalo, you would have just the amount of abandoned buildings and land that Detroit has--a truly vast amount of space. Because of this, Detroit is almost impossible to compare to any other city. You could fit the entire land mass of San Francisco and Boston combined inside Detroit and still have a few square miles left over...


Detroit's population was once over 2 million and is now just over 900,000, with many people saying it will bottom out at 700,000. That is a mind boggling amount of people who have moved out of the city. In comparison, Buffalo's peak population was just over 580,000 in 1950---a huge difference in the amount of people leaving...


Percentages are about the same... Detroit maxed at 2 million, now they are at about 900,000.


Buffalo almost closed in on 600,000, now hovering at 270,000. Exact same percentage loss, or just right about at it... just a smaller scale.


If ol Hank Ford wasn't turned down by the Buffalo city fathers for his upstart little car company back in 1902ish... how different things may be.

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I will say this....if Lynch comes through and provides an effort to win the starting job, or if he contributes in a big way this year AND stays out of trouble, a lot of people on this board will forget about his off-field actions. Let's face it.....what he has done is not the worst we've ever seen from young, 20-something year old millionaires....seriously.

I am giving him a chance. We all loved him his first year when he showed some old-school power football, the likes that this team had been missing for years since Kenny and Thurman.


I will support him. He needs another chance. If he let's us down again, then so be it. He's still a very young man....and I know many a great person who has eff'd up in life early on.

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I wasn't calling him a thug when he spoke horrendous English, showed up in dreds with gold teeth. I called him a thug when he drove his car into people and smoked pot in tinted cars with unregistered guns.



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>>>>>Spiller, an undersized breakaway threat, isn’t likely to be deployed as a traditional, every-down halfback.<<<<<


Wonderful. :blush::angry::blink:


I didn't like the pick. He reminds me of a Reggie Bush Type. Great for the Saints who have so many weapons. The Bills have no weapons except Lee Evans and maybe Fred jackson.

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Best post i read all day.


I know about the police, i know first hand homie they watch black men with money ...once u a target its on for them.

Thanks man...just speaking the truth.


I am a white man...but I see no color.


This is EXACTLY why my Father got out of the police force 30 years ago...and why my Uncle just retired 5-10 years ago from being the Lieutenant of Ontario County Sherriff's Office. MANY cops, especially the younger ones, are all pushing out their chests because they now have that "badge" and a gun on their hip. THEY think they are more bad-ass than the "thugs" do nowadays. It is why SO MANY people, including myself, despise the cops. I have NO respect for them.


Even being a white boy fresh out of high school out where I live...because I wore my hat backwards, had earrings and drove a nice sports car...I would get targeted. However, the **** really hit the fan when I got pulled over in a gas station parking lot because I had a "Phish" sticker on my back window..."Suspicion of use or possession of marijuana," the cop told me, as he approached my car asking me if he could search my vehicle. I told him of course he could search my car, if he had a better reason to and provided me with a search warrant. I also swiftly reminded him that my Uncle was HIS BOSS, probably sitting back at the Sherriff's office waiting for this chump to get back with somebody...but it sure as **** was not going to be visiting Uncle Mikey on this night. Not because this jerkoff pulled me over in a gas station parking lot for a reason that is equally discriminating as pulling me over for being black, having dreadlocks or wearing a !@#$ing yamaka on my head. I reminded him who my Uncle was and who my lawyer was (also happens to be the most well-known and respected judge out where I live), and I then told him to get lost...he had no business even talking to me.


I also got stopped walking home one night from a party because I was wearing a red bandana...and that supposedly represented me being a part of a gang...because there are so many "gangs" in Canandaigua, NY. (Not to mention, I am as white as Casper the Ghost, quite the prep and (at that time) I sported ZERO tats or markings.)


The Canandaigua Police department is WELL KNOWN for being this way...EVERYBODY out here knows it. This is NOT a big city by any means. Many would argue it is a "City" at all...yet you see a cop every couple hundred yards.


This IS what our society is turning into...sooner or later we won't be able to walk down the street to get an ice-cream cone without being harassed by a cop, asking us what we are doing, where we are going, who we are...etc.



Just for good measure..."F**K THE POLICE!"


"F**k that ****, 'cause I ain't the one for a punk muthaf***a with a badge and a gun, to be beatin' on, and thrown in jail, we could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell. To the police, I'm sayin' f**k you punk. Readin' my rights and ****, it's all junk. Pullin' out a silly club, so you stand, with a fake ass badge and a gun in your hand. But, take off the gun so you can see what's up and we'll go at it punk, I'ma f**k you up!"


(Save the "Wow you're mature" or the "Hey, stay classy" comments...I couldn't care less what anybody thinks of this post, it IS MY opinion and I AM entitled to it. And if you're a cop...F**K YOU TOO!) :blush::angry::blink:

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thats an embarrassing article for all sides involved


Mostly for the reporter. What happened to objective journalism? Quotes from all sides? It reeks of, "holy crap, an NFL player granted me an interview!"

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Mostly for the reporter. What happened to objective journalism? Quotes from all sides? It reeks of, "holy crap, an NFL player granted me an interview!"



what exactly would have been a quote from the other side? You think the bills would provide a quote for the other side? or the police dept about a closed case? im not sure what youre getting at?


Btw Lynch, who has kept a low profile and said absolutely nothing up to this point, cant be expected to suddenly talk to the media but for an article like this. THe reporter likely said he'll do a piece on lynchs side of the story...and thats exactly what you got.


Its a sports article about a player, not supposed to be an objective piece about an "issue"

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Damn racist cops in Hamburg. Must be hell for the 50 or so other African American players on the team. Can you guys provide links to the articles describing how the po-po is harassing them too?

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I will say this....if Lynch comes through and provides an effort to win the starting job, or if he contributes in a big way this year AND stays out of trouble, a lot of people on this board will forget about his off-field actions. Let's face it.....what he has done is not the worst we've ever seen from young, 20-something year old millionaires....seriously.

I am giving him a chance. We all loved him his first year when he showed some old-school power football, the likes that this team had been missing for years since Kenny and Thurman.


I will support him. He needs another chance. If he let's us down again, then so be it. He's still a very young man....and I know many a great person who has eff'd up in life early on.

Nicely put and I agree my fellow RUSH fan.


I didn't like the pick. He reminds me of a Reggie Bush Type. Great for the Saints who have so many weapons. The Bills have no weapons except Lee Evans and maybe Fred jackson.

Well now we HAVE a weapon. get over it already.

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Thanks man...just speaking the truth.


I am a white man...but I see no color.


This is EXACTLY why my Father got out of the police force 30 years ago...and why my Uncle just retired 5-10 years ago from being the Lieutenant of Ontario County Sherriff's Office. MANY cops, especially the younger ones, are all pushing out their chests because they now have that "badge" and a gun on their hip. THEY think they are more bad-ass than the "thugs" do nowadays. It is why SO MANY people, including myself, despise the cops. I have NO respect for them.


Even being a white boy fresh out of high school out where I live...because I wore my hat backwards, had earrings and drove a nice sports car...I would get targeted. However, the **** really hit the fan when I got pulled over in a gas station parking lot because I had a "Phish" sticker on my back window..."Suspicion of use or possession of marijuana," the cop told me, as he approached my car asking me if he could search my vehicle. I told him of course he could search my car, if he had a better reason to and provided me with a search warrant. I also swiftly reminded him that my Uncle was HIS BOSS, probably sitting back at the Sherriff's office waiting for this chump to get back with somebody...but it sure as **** was not going to be visiting Uncle Mikey on this night. Not because this jerkoff pulled me over in a gas station parking lot for a reason that is equally discriminating as pulling me over for being black, having dreadlocks or wearing a !@#$ing yamaka on my head. I reminded him who my Uncle was and who my lawyer was (also happens to be the most well-known and respected judge out where I live), and I then told him to get lost...he had no business even talking to me.


I also got stopped walking home one night from a party because I was wearing a red bandana...and that supposedly represented me being a part of a gang...because there are so many "gangs" in Canandaigua, NY. (Not to mention, I am as white as Casper the Ghost, quite the prep and (at that time) I sported ZERO tats or markings.)


The Canandaigua Police department is WELL KNOWN for being this way...EVERYBODY out here knows it. This is NOT a big city by any means. Many would argue it is a "City" at all...yet you see a cop every couple hundred yards.


This IS what our society is turning into...sooner or later we won't be able to walk down the street to get an ice-cream cone without being harassed by a cop, asking us what we are doing, where we are going, who we are...etc.



Just for good measure..."F**K THE POLICE!"


"F**k that ****, 'cause I ain't the one for a punk muthaf***a with a badge and a gun, to be beatin' on, and thrown in jail, we could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell. To the police, I'm sayin' f**k you punk. Readin' my rights and ****, it's all junk. Pullin' out a silly club, so you stand, with a fake ass badge and a gun in your hand. But, take off the gun so you can see what's up and we'll go at it punk, I'ma f**k you up!"


(Save the "Wow you're mature" or the "Hey, stay classy" comments...I couldn't care less what anybody thinks of this post, it IS MY opinion and I AM entitled to it. And if you're a cop...F**K YOU TOO!) :blush::angry::blink:


Dude you have some issues...... reading your posts on this subject, you may need to step back and realize life isn't all bad.... and honestly, I really hope any small children you associate with don't hear these types of comments regarding the police. Are they perfect? No not at all, there are corrupt cops all over the world, but for people to have zero respect for a job many citizens won't do, is just plain ignorant IMO. Hopefully you don't fill the younger generation with the same hate an anger you obviously have. There are good cops who are out to protect the rights and freedoms of our citizens, and it is a very fine line they have to walk. So to classify them all as evil and corrupt is just wrong.

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The responses to this topic say more about the posters than it does about the Lynch situation. This thread is like a Rohrschach test for the responders. All I can say is :WOW!


I don't understand the intense dislike of Lynch. It is obvious that he is immature and that there is a lack of sophistication to his behavior. But the level of indignation and outrage by his self-centered and at times boorish behavior is disproportionate to his indiscretions. A large segment of Bills' fans are much more tolerant of a player who is playing well than a player who is not playing well.


My view on Lynch is that it is better that he be moved, for his sake and the team's. He is a talented player who needs to focus on his profession and be more disciplined. Whether he remains with the Bills or is eventually traded the best thing ML can do for himself is to work hard and take it from there.


Is Buffalo the best place for Lynch to flourish? I doubt it. He is a talent who may need a change of scenery to play up to his potential. In my view there is no doubt there is a racial tinge to the Lynch issue coming from both sides. And it ain't subtle.

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Thanks man...just speaking the truth.


I am a white man...but I see no color.


This is EXACTLY why my Father got out of the police force 30 years ago...and why my Uncle just retired 5-10 years ago from being the Lieutenant of Ontario County Sherriff's Office. MANY cops, especially the younger ones, are all pushing out their chests because they now have that "badge" and a gun on their hip. THEY think they are more bad-ass than the "thugs" do nowadays. It is why SO MANY people, including myself, despise the cops. I have NO respect for them.


Even being a white boy fresh out of high school out where I live...because I wore my hat backwards, had earrings and drove a nice sports car...I would get targeted. However, the **** really hit the fan when I got pulled over in a gas station parking lot because I had a "Phish" sticker on my back window..."Suspicion of use or possession of marijuana," the cop told me, as he approached my car asking me if he could search my vehicle. I told him of course he could search my car, if he had a better reason to and provided me with a search warrant. I also swiftly reminded him that my Uncle was HIS BOSS, probably sitting back at the Sherriff's office waiting for this chump to get back with somebody...but it sure as **** was not going to be visiting Uncle Mikey on this night. Not because this jerkoff pulled me over in a gas station parking lot for a reason that is equally discriminating as pulling me over for being black, having dreadlocks or wearing a !@#$ing yamaka on my head. I reminded him who my Uncle was and who my lawyer was (also happens to be the most well-known and respected judge out where I live), and I then told him to get lost...he had no business even talking to me.


I also got stopped walking home one night from a party because I was wearing a red bandana...and that supposedly represented me being a part of a gang...because there are so many "gangs" in Canandaigua, NY. (Not to mention, I am as white as Casper the Ghost, quite the prep and (at that time) I sported ZERO tats or markings.)


The Canandaigua Police department is WELL KNOWN for being this way...EVERYBODY out here knows it. This is NOT a big city by any means. Many would argue it is a "City" at all...yet you see a cop every couple hundred yards.


This IS what our society is turning into...sooner or later we won't be able to walk down the street to get an ice-cream cone without being harassed by a cop, asking us what we are doing, where we are going, who we are...etc.



Just for good measure..."F**K THE POLICE!"


"F**k that ****, 'cause I ain't the one for a punk muthaf***a with a badge and a gun, to be beatin' on, and thrown in jail, we could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell. To the police, I'm sayin' f**k you punk. Readin' my rights and ****, it's all junk. Pullin' out a silly club, so you stand, with a fake ass badge and a gun in your hand. But, take off the gun so you can see what's up and we'll go at it punk, I'ma f**k you up!"


(Save the "Wow you're mature" or the "Hey, stay classy" comments...I couldn't care less what anybody thinks of this post, it IS MY opinion and I AM entitled to it. And if you're a cop...F**K YOU TOO!) :blush::angry::blink:


I seriously hope you never breed

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thats an embarrassing article for all sides involved

Lynch had nothing to lose by doing that interview. You couldn't think any less of him (or at least most coudn't), but it did take some stabs at the city of Buffalo and the Bills fans. Sounds like he is taking some desperate attempts at improving his image, or getting a little sympathy, maybe to improve his trade value? Hoping some teams that weren't interested will be now? Or maybe he has resigned himself to staying in Buffalo so he is trying to stop the bleeding and get on the good side of the new coaching staff hoping to get some playing time. Either way, if Nix wouldn't take a 3rd rounder for Lynch, than maybe Nix needs to go as much as Lynch does, that would have been moronic.

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