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Reasonable and Civil Discussion?

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Socialist Workers Party (1938)

United States Marijuana Party (2002)

Unity Party of America (2004)

Workers Party, USA (2003)

Workers World Party (1959)

Working Families Party (1998)




I said legitimate. Sorry, I may have come across wrong. I was depressed by the two party system and I claim lack of clarity or somesuch...

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Democratic Party (1792 historic, 1828 modern)

Republican Party (1854)

Constitution Party (1992)

Green Party (1996)

Libertarian Party (1971)

America First Party (2002)

American Party (1968)

America's Independent Party (2008)

Boston Tea Party (2006)

Communist Party USA (1919)

Independence Party of America (2007)

Moderate Party (2006)

Modern Whig Party (2008)

Objectivist Party (2008)

Party for Socialism and Liberation (2004)

Peace and Freedom Party (1967)

Progressive Labor Party (1961)

Prohibition Party (1869)

Reform Party of the United States of America (1995)

Socialist Equality Party (2008)

Socialist Party USA (1973)

Socialist Workers Party (1938)

United States Marijuana Party (2002)

Unity Party of America (2004)

Workers Party, USA (2003)

Workers World Party (1959)

Working Families Party (1998)




What, no Whigs?


I want to se the US Marijuana Party and the Prohibition Party in a cage match. :thumbsup:

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Of course, you could extend that metaphor to say just as easily that jw broke the "fourth wall" the moment he decided to post on TSW.




Which is not an argument that jw or others shouldn't post on TSW (or PPP) either. Overall, if people view jw as less of an authoritative figure having him post here, I personally think it's balanced out by his value to the board (and hopefully by the board's value to him). And the "fourth wall" phenomenon, while common, is hardly ubuquitous (I, for example, am not enamored by claims of authority in any form; jw's posting here doesn't change my opinions of his work one whit). But LA is talking about a very real phenomenon, nonetheless.


Your not enamoured by the fact that I am god and all knowing and all powerful ?

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Your not enamoured by the fact that I am god and all knowing and all powerful ?


If you were God, you'd know damn well that you and I have an agreement: I don't piss in your pool, and you don't piss in mine.

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P.S.: Taro, I make you look like a liberal? Interesting, because I haven't voted for a Republican Presidential candidate since 2000 (and even then, it was a write-in for McCain instead of Bush.)

Sorry. My bad. My reading of your posts through the years made me believe that you are more conservative than the typical journalist (and I still believe that to be true, apologies again if I am mistaken there); after reading your follow-up post to the one I am quoting I realize I went too far in my post. I should have written that you make me look almost like a moderate. :thumbsup:

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here's my question about some of the comments here, and how i've been pegged a loose-goon liberal. leanings aside, i'm sure there are none of you who know my voting record in Canada, which many of you might find intriguing.

and i've certainly made some comments here knocking one person or another, but it's been knocking them for their utter showbiz foolishness (beck, hannity) or for comments they've made, John Bolton, whom i found to be arrogant.


if anyone can find one byte (just one) of a mention supporting pelosi or harry reid, or knocking Ronald Reagan, well then i'm guilty as labeled.

i won't argue that i have certain leanings and the perceptions are readily apparent.

but in fear of being repetitive, i bring up those who have influenced me, my way of thinking and my style of writing: from HST to Paul Westerberg, from Chuck Bukowski to Graham Greene, from Mr. John Cash to Steve Earle from The Clash and Tom Waits.


given that, some might question whether i don't have anarchist leanings. i certainly won't go that far.

what is true is my lifelong aspiration to live up to the lofty goals established by those rebellious yellers and cranks who have influenced my creative side.

and as straight as AP copy can be, i've found that my influences have helped shape a phrase or two in my day on the wire.



what bugs me about the "liberal dumbass" comment is that it lacks dimension. it's an easy label that can be applied anywhere, like a post-it note. given what matters to me, a phrase i've used in this thread, i'm left with two choices, to stop posting on PPP or engage. and i chose the latter because i've never been a fan of walls, fourth, fifth, whatever.



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here's my question about some of the comments here, and how i've been pegged a loose-goon liberal. leanings aside, i'm sure there are none of you who know my voting record in Canada, which many of you might find intriguing.

and i've certainly made some comments here knocking one person or another, but it's been knocking them for their utter showbiz foolishness (beck, hannity) or for comments they've made, John Bolton, whom i found to be arrogant.


if anyone can find one byte (just one) of a mention supporting pelosi or harry reid, or knocking Ronald Reagan, well then i'm guilty as labeled.

i won't argue that i have certain leanings and the perceptions are readily apparent.

but in fear of being repetitive, i bring up those who have influenced me, my way of thinking and my style of writing: from HST to Paul Westerberg, from Chuck Bukowski to Graham Greene, from Mr. John Cash to Steve Earle from The Clash and Tom Waits.


given that, some might question whether i don't have anarchist leanings. i certainly won't go that far.

what is true is my lifelong aspiration to live up to the lofty goals established by those rebellious yellers and cranks who have influenced my creative side.

and as straight as AP copy can be, i've found that my influences have helped shape a phrase or two in my day on the wire.



what bugs me about the "liberal dumbass" comment is that it lacks dimension. it's an easy label that can be applied anywhere, like a post-it note. given what matters to me, a phrase i've used in this thread, i'm left with two choices, to stop posting on PPP or engage. and i chose the latter because i've never been a fan of walls, fourth, fifth, whatever.







I didn't call you a liberal dumbass. I referred to your liberal dumbass posts at 4:00am. With few exceptions I try not to call people names. I tend to refer to their posts as being idiotic or whatever instead. Regardless, glad you want to continue to engage on PPP.



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I didn't call you a liberal dumbass. I referred to your liberal dumbass posts at 4:00am. With few exceptions I try not to call people names. I tend to refer to their posts as being idiotic or whatever instead. Regardless, glad you want to continue to engage on PPP.



very good. thanks.




should be noted that in my regular line of work, all of the starting quarterbacks i've covered have been righties (right-wingers?) ... make of this as you will. :thumbsup:

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very good. thanks.




should be noted that in my regular line of work, all of the starting quarterbacks i've covered have been righties (right-wingers?) ... make of this as you will. :thumbsup:



Just some food for thought. How successful have they been and can you make a correlation?

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What does this say about the Tea Pary Movement?



Please spare me all the what about this or that responses, you want to discuss an incident where some left leaning group acted idiotically, start your own thread.


What does this say about the Liberal Democratic Party Movement?

and this,


Why is it that black men in America have such a problem with white women in American politics?


Why President BO fears the Tea Party.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Now this is unfortunate. I had high hopes for the May Day protests, and at first it seemed like all was well.


And then...


SANTA CRUZ — Downtown business owners spent Sunday repairing shattered windows and doors after a May Day rally Saturday night turned into a riot with approximately 250 people marching along Pacific Avenue, some carrying makeshift torches, throwing large rocks and paint bombs, and spray-painting walls with graffiti.

At least 18 businesses suffered damage during the rally in honor of international workers that began at 9 p.m. and escalated into mayhem around 10:30 p.m., police said. Investigators estimated damage at $100,000, though some business owners said it could be more. No injuries were reported.


On Sunday, sea green-colored glass littered sidewalks where windows and glass doors had been smashed. Maintenance workers, many getting called in the middle of the night, boarded up windows with plywood until new sheets of glass could be installed.


Really unfortunate.

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