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One Nation Under God


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It was wrong and stupid to add that phrase, IMO. But it is also stupid to spend the time/money/attention to remove it. Let's just move on.

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I don't care about the god thing necessarily. To me its about history and tradition. If you toss that stuff away just because someone is too much of a sensitive douche then your country has no culture. Much like Canada did when they pissed all over Mounties. Letting people where turbans instead of the traditional Mountie uniform. So, there culture is more important than Canada's. When a country lets something like that happen that place has no balls.

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I don't care about the god thing necessarily. To me its about history and tradition. If you toss that stuff away just because someone is too much of a sensitive douche then your country has no culture. Much like Canada did when they pissed all over Mounties. Letting people where turbans instead of the traditional Mountie uniform. So, there culture is more important than Canada's. When a country lets something like that happen that place has no balls.



But you should remember, Under God was added to the pledge in 1954. It isn't exactly steeped in tradition and apparently the Pledge was OK to change then.


As for the Mounties, it's a freakin' HAT. Turban, Cowboy hat, Beret, does it really matter?

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Why do people even care about this? I'm about as agnositc as you get, and I fail to see how this could possibly matter. One nation under god, one nation under allah, one nation under gary busey...who cares? It's just words, people.


But what about the money?


I propose changing In God We Trust to In Chuck Norris We Trust

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But what about the money?


I propose changing In God We Trust to In Chuck Norris We Trust


On the rare occasion when we do say the Pledge, I have always omitted saying the "under God" phrase. I may insert "...under Chuck Norris..." next time it comes up.


I wish the phrase hadn't been forced in there. If people want to pray on their own initiative, fine, and I will defend to the death their right to do that. My problem is the codification. It raises my ire to hear people smugly say "Oh, it's just a generic word. Doesn't mean anything. Just play along with it...." It is patently a state endorsement of religion. The word "God" is religious by its very definition! Don't smirk and pretend that it isn't.


To agree with The Dean, here, tho... Right now, there is much badder fish to fry.

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On the rare occasion when we do say the Pledge, I have always omitted saying the "under God" phrase. I may insert "...under Chuck Norris..." next time it comes up.


I wish the phrase hadn't been forced in there. If people want to pray on their own initiative, fine, and I will defend to the death their right to do that. My problem is the codification. It raises my ire to hear people smugly say "Oh, it's just a generic word. Doesn't mean anything. Just play along with it...." It is patently a state endorsement of religion. The word "God" is religious by its very definition! Don't smirk and pretend that it isn't.


To agree with The Dean, here, tho... Right now, there is much badder fish to fry.


I don't have a problem with the state endorsing religion, as long as it doesn't impinge upon my rights to free religion and free speech. I mean, it's not like we're legally required to ever recite the pledge.


That's the beauty of this country...it's the freedom itself, not the symbolism. I can sing "I Touch Myself" during the freakin Star Spangled Banner and nobody's allowed to touch me. Not that I would.

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But you should remember, Under God was added to the pledge in 1954. It isn't exactly steeped in tradition and apparently the Pledge was OK to change then.

As for the Mounties, it's a freakin' HAT. Turban, Cowboy hat, Beret, does it really matter?

Good point. But I disagree on the Mountie thing. Canada being a small country and next to the States doesn't have an abundance of their own distinctive culture. I think the Mounties are one of those things things that combine history and tradition. But I guess some sikhs cultural heritage from a country he no longer live in is more important.

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Why do people even care about this? I'm about as agnositc as you get, and I fail to see how this could possibly matter. One nation under god, one nation under allah, one nation under gary busey...who cares? It's just words, people.

it's one nation under the GIMP-get it right

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Why do people even care about this? I'm about as agnositc as you get, and I fail to see how this could possibly matter. One nation under god, one nation under allah, one nation under gary busey...who cares? It's just words, people.


Hippies like to entertain themselves with things that waste money and draw attention.

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There might be some conflict between Chuck Norris and
if you put them on the same bill.


Chuck is already on the one. Whose eye do you think that is looking down on the unfinished pyramid?


Annuit Coeptis = "He favors our endeavors."


"He" is Chuck. C'mon people!



BTW - It was the Baptists of Danbury Connecticut that send a letter to Thomas Jefferson urging that there be a separation between Church and State. Know why? They feared persecution from the Congregationalists of Danbury Connecticut.


So there you go. :rolleyes:

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