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One Nation Under God


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I have a question to all of you about this subject.


How do the words "One nation under God", become harmful to people?



No one here has said that. You'll have to ask someone who cares.


Yes they did.


These words are a wedge to get the toe of religion into the door of state. How many times have you heard evangelicals point to the pledge or a dollar bill and proclaim it as proof that America is a Christian nation? Don't kid yourself. These words are as heavy as they get.



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Yes they did.


I don't think Promo's statement suggests the word are "harmful to people". He just thinks their inclusion is a very bad idea. At least that's what I get from his post.

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The day is late, Levi, and I have to get up and start preparing my wife's food when she returns to me from her work. I'll revisit your comments at a later time.


So, time for you to ponder over assumptions you assigned to me. We shall speak again.


There has been lots of commentary re Pascal's wager - through many years:





I've read your subsequent postings. I hope as you age, gain wisdom, you will see that you cannot compel faith. If the youth of every generation had all the answers to all things (as they chronically like to tell us), it would be a be an ideal world - by now.


Faith is a subject, and I do not think at your young age, you are capable of adding. Throughout history, great minds - beyond the capability of anyone who posts here - have dedicated their lives thinking about such.


If you want something to pursue, note that all things animate have a mind measurable by its wants, and that only man seems to have in full power the ability to contemplate the future.


Some other things, too. In time.


For now, by all means, stare at the stars and wonder. I encourage that. Leave snip comments to others, to the older folks with the scars of life...we earned it.


So shall you. Don't be strident.

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I don't think Promo's statement suggests the word are "harmful to people". He just thinks their inclusion is a very bad idea. At least that's what I get from his post.

If not because they could be harmful in some way, then why would they be a "very bad idea"?

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If not because they could be harmful in some way, then why would they be a "very bad idea"?



Is that a serious question? Are the only bad ideas those which cause some direct harm to people?

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These words are a wedge to get the toe of religion into the door of state. How many times have you heard evangelicals point to the pledge or a dollar bill and proclaim it as proof that America is a Christian nation? Don't kid yourself. These words are as heavy as they get.




oh, those eeeeeevil Christians and their plot to take over America! this is just the first step!! :)

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Is that a serious question? Are the only bad ideas those which cause some direct harm to people?

So there's no harm in it, yet it's a really bad idea.


Maybe you're just taking "harm to people" a little too literally. I don't believe the question was meant to be "How do those words make people sick or physically hurt them".

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So there's no harm in it, yet it's a really bad idea.


Maybe you're just taking "harm to people" a little too literally. I don't believe the question was meant to be "How do those words make people sick or physically hurt them".



"No harm" is not the same as "no harm to people".


Taking the 405 North in Southern California during rush hour is a really bad idea, if you have a better route. No real harm to people is involved in that assessment.


To make this more relevant to this topic, here is an analogy for you. Completely changing US currency, starting now, to add the phrase "Go Team!" somewhere on the bill/coin hurts nobody, AFAIK. But it sounds like a really bad idea.

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