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New Spin On Shanny Not Coming To Buffalo?


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Why is it so hard for so many people to face reality? The weather in Buffalo isn't for everyone - there are a ton of wimps out there who can't deal with it. Good. We don't friggin' need 'em anyway.


Enjoy DC and all the crap that goes with it - especially the traffic.


While I haven't lived in Buffalo for quite some time now, I did spend the first 30 years of my life as a resident of Kenmore, Tonawanda, Cheektowaga, and Williamsville. I can say that I will always think of Buffalo as home, but I have to admit (as Darren pointed out above), that Buffalo isn't for everyone. I seriously doubt the rest of the country lays there heads down at night and dreams of being a Buffalonian. Taxes, local economy, etc., along with the weather all conspire to paint Buffalo as a town to avoid. It's hard for us to think of our town as a place most people wish to avoid, but that's the reality. I for one, dream of the day that Buffalo and NY State get it together and recapture the greatness that once existed there, but sadly that's not likely in my lifetime.


Let Shanny sleep with the devil....Nix and Gailey will succeed.

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I just read what Mike Shannahan said to the press about his decision to not coach the Bills, and I thought I'd offer my take on the whole situation.


I gotta admit, I have all the respect in the world for Mike. I always thought he was an excellent NFL head coach. He took Denver out of the "laughing stock" of SuperBowl teams to winning two straight in '98 & '99. And when it was reported that he met with Ralph Wilson last year about coming here I was estatic! But did I really think he would come here?...Never in a "million" years.


Look, the way I see it is Shannahan is totally patronizing us. He comes out and says he didn't want to come here because "My wife and kids didn't like the weather"...What?! Hey Mike, its not like you got a gig in San Diego or Tampa Bay! Just to fill you in, DC just got run with about 35 inches of snow the last couple of days! Another thing...its just as freaking cold in the nation's capital in December as it is in Buffalo. Maybe not as much snow, but if you're really trying to sell this to us, don't waste your time. He goes on to say the following, "Its a class organization and well ran". Um, no! We are not well ran, but yet again, neither are the "Dead-skins". Take the owner, Dan Snyder. I mean, here's a guy who is one of the wealthiest owners in the NFL, and yet he drops the ball on his head-coaches, and player personnel just about every time he has to make a decision. I can't tell you how happy I was to hear that they are going to tender Jason Campell and keep him on for the next few years, "allegedly". The fact is, I'd much rather gut it out over the next few years with a rookie, go 4-12, and build something rather than have a guy who will never amount to anything in the league. Let me put it like this: Jason Campell is to Donovan McNabb as Rick Mirer is to Joe Montana. Trust me fellow Bills fan, don't lose any sleep over not getting Jason Campell!


Look, I get that guys like Bill Cowher and Shanny think that Buffalo needs a pat on the dome, and to be let down gently, but we don't. If you're part of the associated press, don't waste your time asking those guys about why they didn't want the job here. I can't speak for everone, but I honestly don't care. It's as simple as yes or no! I never asked why, because I know why, just like all of you know why. We have Chan Gailey. No, it doesn't sound pretty, matter of fact it sounds like Dick Jauron. (Hideous). But think about something, Chan want to coach here. His goal is to make us successful, and he hasn't won nor lost anything yet. He's 0-0. I know it's hard, but we need to trust that he will get us to being a contender again. Its not like Ralph hasn't tried to get us talent on the team. I don't know about you, but when Owens signed here last year, I was floored. Its not like RW didn't attept to get us a high profiled coach, he did try, and as the old saying goes, you have to pley the hand you're dealt.


So good luck in that tropical paradise that is Washington, DC Mikey. Good luck to Bill Cowher next year on beating out Dan, Shannon and Boomer on the weekly picks next year and finding a gig to coach scabs in 2011. Best of luck to both of you, but just remember one thing guys: We are still Bills fans, the proudest fans in the NFL...And we don't need nor do we care for your patronizing.

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And we don't need nor do we care for your patronizing.

I think he was just dodging the real question by trying to spin a little comedic response. I mean, he sums up the whole thing by mentioning that DC was buried in snow.


OTOH, his answer is what everyone should expect. He's not going to come out and say Ralph has one foot out the airplane, Brandon is in over his head, and the tradition of the team is one of failure and unwillingness to do what it takes to finish the job.

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I love Buffalo. I live in Texas. I will never live in Buffalo again. Weather is the reason.


Like practically dying in 110 degree heat with high humidity 6 months a year is somehow better? I went to college in St. Louis and had to stay for an extra semester over the summer to finish up my degree since I had switched majors a year and a half in. The misery I felt for the 2 and a half months during that summer was probably more misery than I have felt in all of my Buffalo winters combined. When you walk outside to go out to the clubs at midnight and it is still 90+ degrees with stifling humidity, there is a serious issue...an issue that no amount of A/C fixes...

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I have no doubt that many coaches' wives bring up the weather issue when they are first told that Buffalo has come calling. Honestly, when I tell people where I'm from, the weather is usually the first thing they talk about.


Having said this however, I put NO credence in Shanahan's explanation of weather as the key factor in his decision. What clinched it in my mind was when he complimented the Bills as being a very well run organization.


Why doesn't anyone ever bring up how awesome the summer's are here most years(last year being a notable exception)---sunny and beautiful with a nice breeze. I am pretty sure when it is 100+ in DC, Shanny might wish he was here in the 75-80 degree and sunny weather we have, with the majority of the rainfall falling in the evening or overnight hours. For my money, Buffalo summers are pretty frigging good compared to 95% of the rest of the country...The winters, that's another story, but let's not act like there are only negative weather points about Buffalo, because that certainly is not the case.

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The weather was the most diplomatic and safest excuse to give, but it's definitely a major factor. Buffalo, for various reasons including weather, economy, taxes, market/marketability, is on no one's top-100 list of places to move, if one has a choice. And Shanahan did, with an owner who is willing to throw around money to boot.


I had a choice and moved back from Ohio. WNY is a special place that few other places in the country are like...hard to describe it, but you know when its not there, and it never has been there any other place I've lived, and that has been a lot of places...

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Best of luck to both of you, but just remember one thing guys: We are still Bills fans, the proudest fans in the NFL...And we don't need nor do we care for your patronizing.


Best line on this board in a long time. We are proud. We stick with them. We die with them. Lost all respect for that loser with what he said. Hope he shows off his real GM skills. John Elway is why he gets the respect he does. We'll see what he really can do.

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Why does everybody think it's *just* about Buffalo?


I don't think Shanahan was going to work for anybody but Dallas and Washington. Shanahan needs a ton of money, and a desire to spend a lot of it (big spending owner) to be successful. The majority of teams in the NFL wouldn't fit his coaching M.O.


yeah, just the ones who want to win as much as he does

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Like practically dying in 110 degree heat with high humidity 6 months a year is somehow better? I went to college in St. Louis and had to stay for an extra semester over the summer to finish up my degree since I had switched majors a year and a half in. The misery I felt for the 2 and a half months during that summer was probably more misery than I have felt in all of my Buffalo winters combined. When you walk outside to go out to the clubs at midnight and it is still 90+ degrees with stifling humidity, there is a serious issue...an issue that no amount of A/C fixes...


The weather is different here than St. Louis apparently. It's only that hot for about 2 months..maybe. Also, it doesn't get to 110 degrees here. I'm sorry to hear St. Louis is miserable.

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Like practically dying in 110 degree heat with high humidity 6 months a year is somehow better?


Actually, I do like it better. I find it easier to run errands around town most of the year in shorts and flip flops, than in boots and a heavy coat. No shoveling either. What I really miss is the fall - crisp air and the colors on the trees.

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It's too cold and or too much snow - it's all a crock of bull.


For the record. In the last 2 months here in DC we had more snow that Buffalo did.


WRT Shanny,


think back years ago and recall how many of this group was complaining about Shanny's players playing dirty on the field.


My how the perception has changed.

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i get tired of the overt bashing of buffalo. there are lots of people who come to buffalo kicking and screaming , and once they get accustomed to its singular charm, refuse to leave. we all know the people, just a shame we dwell on it. the best cure would be to ignore it. i left because of family reasons.. i e: kids getting jobs out of state, would move back in a heartbeat. i say forget about shanahan and his happy horsesh-t, let him "enjoy" the hot, humid summers of the D C area.

True enough. Doesn't Ruben Brown still live here? And Eric Moulds? Heck, Thurman and Kelly still live here. I'm sure you guys can come up with dozens of others as well, including plenty of non-athletes. Rick James, the Super Freak himself, used to keep a farm down near Springville.

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Wow, reading this post makes me realize what a hidden gem Denver is. Everyone who lives here agrees that it is literally the best climate in the entire country. It rarely snows and when it does, it's 50 the next day and the intense sunshine melts it within a day or two. It is sunny every day and in the summer there is absolutely zero humidity and as a result, no bugs. 90 is very comfortable here. And even when it's hot in the summer, it's always at least a little cool at night because again, there's no humidity. I can't believe some of the stuff I've read on here. Dude I love Buffalo as much as the next guy, but you can go two weeks without seeing the sun! In 7 1/2 years here, I've never gone two days straight without seeing the sun.

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Wow, reading this post makes me realize what a hidden gem Denver is. Everyone who lives here agrees that it is literally the best climate in the entire country. It rarely snows and when it does, it's 50 the next day and the intense sunshine melts it within a day or two. It is sunny every day and in the summer there is absolutely zero humidity and as a result, no bugs. 90 is very comfortable here. And even when it's hot in the summer, it's always at least a little cool at night because again, there's no humidity. I can't believe some of the stuff I've read on here. Dude I love Buffalo as much as the next guy, but you can go two weeks without seeing the sun! In 7 1/2 years here, I've never gone two days straight without seeing the sun.

Keep that quiet please, traffic and sprawl are bad enuf. <_<

that's pretty close though. does get cold mid-winter. ie- for the Bills/Broncs game Dec 2008, it was in single digits. beer had ice chunks in it. (Bills didnt kick in until got <10).

it's 50 now outside, feels warmer tho cause sun. Snowbanks still around from last weekend's snow.

In summer it rains almost every day, but not till late afternoon and only for 1/2 hr or so. every day starts sunny and slowly clouds up, till rain, then sunny again. And fall kicks butt here, warm and dry.

And very few bugs! no blackflies!


I've traveled most the country minus 7 states, and I think this is the best place.

That being said, upstate NY isn't bad, awesome summers, no hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, poisonous bugs/snakes, etc. Just cold and cloudy. and hey, they close freeway exits for tubing!! They just gotta fix the dam economy!

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