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  1. He's right, but, OF COURSE, the haters will be like.......... "RACIST, NAZI" 🤣
  2. WELL, MSNBC: MSNBC regular cites Clarence Thomas’s white wife in racist rant. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/3018411/liberal-media-scream-msnbc-regular-cites-clarence-thomass-white-wife-in-racist-rant/ .
  3. Are they shooting each other specifically for their race?
  4. If we keep politics and racism out of it, then I can't see anyone really giving a **** about the WNBA. It's minor league and I doubt that will ever change.
  5. thats just your racial biases being projected. the facts point to the majority of Gun violence happening in DEM strongholds.
  6. No, and I think you're an idiot. Call me racist, pretty please, you clown.
  7. It shot up in 2012 because we elected a black President and "America is irretrievable racist!" was dying. The race baiters had to find a way to keep grifting.
  8. Yep, just a daughter-showering-with, child-sniffing, access-selling, plagiarizing, racist alternative.
  9. Coming soon, a look into a favorite term of the shi.t poster: Racist. Any guesses as to which shi.t poster prefers to flippantly toss out the racist accusation like no other? The results may be surprising.....
  10. Would black on black crime be considered racism to you? For the record, I hope the tops shooter burns in hell.
  11. i don't know why they don't just overtly state that they are racist....oh, wait
  12. I’ll answer in order… You could say that Affirmative Action was DEI in its infancy…One could argue that, initially, Affirmative Action may have been needed…But it was never understood to be a permanent solution- but rather transitional tool to bridge the Jim Crow days to modern times. It has been 60 years, and 3 generations since then…And up until DEI was introduced 15 years ago, race relations seemed to be progressing nicely…Suddenly DEI is introduced, and segregation is being promoted in school and in the workplace, and I feel like we over corrected, and are now regressing again- as race relations are the worst they’ve been in 50 years…The only difference is it is coming from different place than it previously had… My family is so racist, and they are black…
  13. You forgot "nazi" and "racist". Pretty sure that's what CNN is telling you to say. Keep trying!
  14. It. Was. A. Racist. Attack. How can you not admit this? How is this difficult?
  15. Lol…unfortunately I will never know what white privilege feels like… But, careful, your racism is starting to show…😉
  16. Google is absolutely elitist, racist, and a Democrat GOTV for us op. And yes, it does give these results. Incredible.
  17. I'm certain that Roundy is prepared to sternly condemn Biden for these racist comments.
  18. So roundy is in fact an illiterate racist commie. As an anti-communist Jesse Kelly clearly said being CALLED a racist by communists like roundy means nothing to him. And it shouldn't. It's a marxist tactic to project. It's an iron law. It's precisely why I don't care that roundy, an actual racist, calls everyone it disagrees with a racist. You want complete validation that you're not a racist? Have roundy call you a racist.
  19. How dare they think for themselves! There racism is incredible!
  20. You’re a smart guy and a good poster. But I can’t agree with that. Ask any of the victims below if “dumbing it down” to racism is wrong.
  21. Tongue in cheek? You can't define it? You sound like a racist Nazi to me. You're generalizing and lumping all persons into one category. You're a f*cking racist and you don't even know it. F*ck you and your white privilege.
  22. You definitely don’t write down my posts then, because I’ve posted here before how much I can’t stand Omar. She’s a blight on the Democratic Party. Here’s another example, though I admit it’s not quite the same topic. Here in WNY we’re trying to expand the Metro transit line. In opposition, a group has formed desperate to ban the expansion. One of their reasons is “criminals will come into the suburbs.” What do you think “criminals” means?? I said if they judge others on their race, they’re racist. This isn’t a difficult concept.
  23. It's the Iron Law of Trumpy Projection! Trump's fortune came from his adjudicated racist father's slumlord past and he's always given off strong racist vibes (see the whole Central Park murders "wilding" thing he inserted himself into). So let's accuse Biden of racism! Trump is caught on tape saying he just grabs women by the p[]ssy and he always manages to be backstage when those young Miss Teenies are getting dressed and he brags about how shaggable his teenage daughter has become. So let's accuse Biden of being a perv! There's your response, Tarheel.
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