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  1. Post here everyone who should now be fair game for political indictments. Of course none of this will happen because the GOP is as spineless as dems are delusional. This would be a fine place to start...
  2. Wanted to see what the level of concern is for our Bills after the tough loss in Miami. Regardless of how you view Tua and the Dolphins, it seems likely that they will control 1st place in the AFC East for the foreseeable future. I am as optimistic as any about about our chances this year; however, I think most would agree that reaching our ultimate Super Bowl goal this year will be impacted by our ability to secure the #1 seed in the AFC. Miami's upcoming schedule: @Cin @NYJ Min Pit @Det @Chi Cle Bye Hou With Miami now essentially having a 2 game lead with the tiebreaker, our injury situation, and difficult next 4 games, how confident are you in Buffalo regaining control in the AFC East (and competing in the home field race)? I think today clearly demonstrated we are superior to the Dolphins, but sometimes the best team does not always prevail. Thoughts? Go Bills!
  3. Buffalo 4-1 Jets 3-2 Miami 3-2 New England 2-3 Let’s go
  4. Help me find the party affiliation here..... Racist remarks in leaked audio of L.A. council members spark outrage, disgust https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-10-09/city-council-leaked-audio-nury-martinez-kevin-de-leon-gil-cedillo How about here: PROTESTS, CALLS FOR RESIGNATION GROW AS LA COUNCILMEMBERS RECORDED MAKING RACIST REMARKS https://abc7.com/nury-martinez-kevin-de-leon-leaked-audio-city-council/12308791/ Anything on party affiliation?? A Republican gets canceled from life: Democrats are the most racist people on earth. The myth they've created with media assistance that they're somehow on the side of minorities is the biggest lie in politics of the last 60 years
  5. Had no idea, although I haven't read one in many years or read one to a child lately. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2021/03/02/6-dr--seuss-books-won-t-be-published-for-racist-images BOSTON (AP) — Six Dr. Seuss books — including “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street” and “If I Ran the Zoo” — will stop being published because of racist and insensitive imagery, the business that preserves and protects the author's legacy said Tuesday. “These books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong,” Dr. Seuss Enterprises told The Associated Press in a statement that coincided with the late author and illustrator’s birthday. “Ceasing sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ catalog represents and supports all communities and families," it said. The other books affected are “McElligot’s Pool,” “On Beyond Zebra!,” “Scrambled Eggs Super!,” and “The Cat’s Quizzer.”
  6. https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1364315888720076800?s=21 Read the whole tweet thread. SCOOP: Buffalo Public Schools claims “all white people” perpetuate systemic racism and forces kindergarteners to watch a video of dead black children warning them about “racist police and state-sanctioned violence.” I've obtained whistleblower documents that will shock you.
  7. The Compensatory Pick system was designed to allow the bad teams to keep their good players. Instead, it rewards the good teams because they can afford to let good players walk and get huge contracts, while back-filling with cheap players who want to "win now." This year is another perfect example. The Bottom 10 Teams this year were: 32) Jaguars: Zero Comp Picks 31) Jets: Zero Comp Picks 30)Texans: Zero Comp Picks 29) Falcons: 3 Comp Picks, but none in Round 3 or 4. 28) Eagles: 2 Comp Picks, but none in Round 3, 4, or 5. 27) Bengals: Zero Comp Picks 26) Lions: Zero Comp Picks 25) Broncos: Zero Comp Picks 24) Panthers: 2 Comp Picks, but none in rounds 3, 4, or 5. 23) Giants: Zero Comp Picks So, none of the bottom 10 teams got any Round 3 or Round 4 compensatory picks. Meanwhile, perennial playoff teams like the Patriots, Saints, Steelers, Packers, Chiefs, Rams, Titans and Ravens all received round 3 and/or round 4 picks. This is a disgrace.
  8. I don’t like Biden calling me systematically racist. I don’t think America is a racist country. I don’t understand how this clown gets away with calling all White people racists. What a jerk.
  9. They so don't want Yang.... No one significantly damaged the front-runner. (LOL) Debates are an opportunity for trailing candidates to damage the person at the top, but no one succeeded in hurting Eric Adams, the Brooklyn borough president who is leading in the polls. The debate was certainly testy, with several candidates taking aim at each other, but failing to make solid contact. Andrew Yang, the former presidential candidate, focused on attacking Mr. Adams, a former police captain, particularly on the issue of public safety. Mr. Yang highlighted his recent endorsement from the police captains’ union. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/06/16/nyregion/nyc-mayor-debate/takeaways-nyc-mayor-debate
  10. https://summit.news/2021/02/08/tom-brady-called-racist-for-winning-super-bowl-during-black-history-month/
  11. Any thoughts/ideas/experiences/recommendations out there? Looking for something for an aprox 900sq ft room, ideally with wireless speakers. For a tavern setup. Don’t need too much ‘boom’ but balance & sound quality are still important. Any help is appreciated, searching the net kinda makes things more confusing.
  12. https://legiscan.com/GA/bill/SB90/2021 Interesting how this didn't make the news. Voted in unanimously. Doesn't fit the narrative I guess. Google GA SB and click on News. It doesn't even seem to appear. I found it only by mistake. Am I missing something?
  13. I don’t really want this thread to be about mud slinging, but rather open and honest discussion about how we draw conclusions about racism...The following are just random thoughts and musings of how my brain tries to logically make sense of one of the bigger issues of the day... Premise (2 issues) (1) I never understood people who claimed that only white people could be racist because only they had power...(2) Because then those same people would turn around and say white people were inherently racist, like it was some gene that only white people were born with...But those are two different notions- If white people are born racist, why would they need power to be racist? Let’s examine... Conclusion to issue #1 First of all, if, in order to be racist you must have power, what about in predominantly Asian countries, or Middle Eastern countries, or South American countries? Is a white person, who travels to those countries,” all of a sudden not racist because his race might not be the majority, or not in a position to have power? Furthermore, does that make those majority races racist because they have the power in those regions? And does this, in turn, show that racism and power are two mutually exclusive concepts that may or may not be connected in any given situation? Conclusion to issue #2 Second of all, we all have an ego, which serves to protect the interests of the “self”...therefore, are we ALL not naturally hesitant and unsure of those things/people that seem unfamiliar or different to us, for the sake of self preservation? Does this mean that we are ALL biologically hardwired to be racist? Feel free to discuss...
  14. Didn’t see this subject being discussed anywhere. Shame on the NFL. https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2021/06/03/nfl-concussion-settlement-race-norming/ Does the league serve as a microcosm for wider societal attitudes?
  15. If the point of this theory is that racism of the past is reflected in the situation society is in now, then ya, that is just good history. "How did we get to now" is a basic question that historians have to answer. Thoughts?* *Please, make this your own thoughts. I know some people just want to cut and paste stuff from propagandists.
  16. I always knew the song was about black women, but I guess I never really paid attention to the lyrics… https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1281459
  17. Does the NFL owe fans an analysis of all of Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogs lyrics to make sure they never recorded anything sexist or racist? https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/posts/la-et-ms-dr-dre-straight-outta-compton-women-hurt-20150821-story.html What is the NFL statute of limitations on hitting women? The NFL's inconsistency is an assault on intellectual honest. Snoop pulls the racism and sexism together
  18. I'm going to be optimistic here, and say that we will likely still win the division, but I think it'll be a one or two game margin between us and the Pats. Bills have hit some bumps as of recently, and the Pats are looking like they will probably be a playoff team. As for today's game, our Defense was good in the red zone, but otherwise definitely some concerns with letting up too many chunk yards on runs and some mediocre pass coverage at times. Offense looked flat. I think it's glaring now that we need more of a run game, and a better run game. Don't know if it's so much the RBs, but that are O-Line can't run block (and can barely pass block at the moment...). Josh can't do it all himself, and with no run game whatsoever to set up play action and the pass game, all the pressure is always on Josh. I put some blame on coaching here too, they gave up on run early at times. Not enough run attempts on 1st down. Penalties killed us today! Some of them were questionable on officiating, but obviously cannot commit that many costly penalties that put you out of scoring position... The Titans and Bengals have lost to the Jets (and Dallas got dominated by the Broncos today)... I'm hopeful the Bills will turn this around and can still have a successful season!
  19. https://tatumreport.com/marc-lamont-hill-claims-believes-white-people-racist/ If someone believes ALL white people are racist, and that all racists must be destroyed unless they “bend over”, there can be only one outcome imo... This is insanity! Either we are ALL, inherently, racist, because we are biologically hardwired that way, due to our egos- or individuals in ANY race can learn to be racist... But, you will never convince me that ONLY one race is inherently racist...to me, that’s no different than racists, generations ago, saying blacks were inherently evil, because they were cursed by God to have dark skin... so stupid...
  20. What the *****? Did Demented Biden just call Satchel Paige the "Great ***** at the Time"? What is wrong with this racist? We need the Twenty-fifth Ammendment now. Total racist.
  21. Looks like Newsom has a big lead to keep his job https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/california-recall-polls/ But polls can be way off at times
  22. Feel free to merge this with the other Frazier thread but the more I watch this defense, and this team in general, has an edge to it. It’s pretty clear through 4 games that Frazier wasn’t running McDermotts defense and McDermott determined that his DC was holding some players back. The difference in play and aggressiveness from Ed Oliver, Greg Rousseau have been night and day. The development of AJ Epenesa who has been really good early this year, Terrell Bernard, Christian Benford look like pro bowl type players now. just a huge night and day difference with some of these guys from last year.
  23. In my race to get that meme out I forgot to upvote your excellent post.  It has since been corrected!

  24. here's several bars, but you can go to any race book, also there's a Santora's on Sunset

  25. https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/spanish-homework-assignment-at-n-y-school-draws-outrage/ I feel for teachers during the era of COVID. What a senseless and stupid mistake this was.
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