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Everything posted by BuffaloBaumer

  1. I don't remember ever struggling with who I want to win when it comes to two AFC teams facing each other. I see both of these teams having a chance to getting 10 wins after looking at their schedules. Are the Jets really going to continue winning with that defense stealing games? I know the Chargers falter every year but their offense is legit and one of these years, they are going to go on a run. I am leaning towards a Jets win since we will have them in two weeks and no way can they sustain this style of winning. I really think Chargers need to lose this one (assuming we take care of business in LA). Curious what others think about this outcome...
  2. I actually thought that Taylor coached an awful game and was even more pathetic than our coaching staff. The Bengals TRIED to give that game to Buffalo multiple times with horrible decisions to punt on 4 and 1s and kicking field goals. Buffalo was lucky to even be in that game with 3:32 left.
  3. My guess is that the Chargers game will be the biggest one of the season, and if we win that, we will play Miami for the division. We are 100% losing to to KC and Philly. Hate to say it but injuries to other teams QBs may be our only hope….before we play them.
  4. 10 wins will mean absolutely nothing, we lose every tiebreaker. It’s division title or bust, and our schedule will not allow that either.
  5. The only reason Buffalo was still in that game in the end was because their coaching was miraculously worse than our own. They did everything they possibly could try to give that game away to Buffalo.
  6. It’s division title or nothing. I honestly can’t believe they are most likely missing the playoffs. Injuries on defense have absolutely nothing to do with how awful the offensive coaching is on this team. Good luck with Philly, KC, Chargers and Dallas. Ugh, I’m not even confident about Jets and Miami…
  7. I have 2 things: Go Sabres i absolutely detest our coaching staff
  8. Welp, that fumble just saved me 45 minutes of sleep. Valiant effort by the defense.
  9. I fully accept that the Super Bowl window has officially been shut, but can we please get back to watching entertaining football again? I just can't believe how far this team has fallen in one year. Von Miller CANNOT dress until that brace comes off his knee....total waste of a roster spot.
  10. This whole team freaking stinks to high heaven. This is so painful to watch
  11. Serious question, does this team have a strength anymore? Even our punter sucks now.
  12. Awful throw. Josh had to have a night to have a chance and he already blown it.
  13. I didn’t realize you were allowed to run for more than 10 yards in one play?
  14. Bills HAVE to go for on any 4th and short all game if they stand a chance
  15. It’s exactly what most of us predicted, so it really shouldn’t be that devastating when this game is over by halftime.
  16. Oh my God, I actually forgot that Von Miller was on this team until I saw him warming up, no joke.
  17. Obviously would love a win, but would be fine with a competitive game and no injuries. Just glad the Dolphins lost earlier so we can still stay close in the division no matter what.
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