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Everything posted by KOKBILLS

  1. I certainly won't be knocked back down to earth... Listen to the Cowboys Players and what they say about TO...Put in the tape and watch TO...The good AND the bad...Then decide if He's going to help the Team You watched struggle to score a single FG in 4 Quarters at Home last season...Risk? Ummm...Not so much... Any questions?
  2. "Come to Jesus?" More like come to loser... Look...Of coarse the Bills had a sit down with TO from the get-go...He's TO for God sake...and this is The Buffalo Bills...It's not exactly a match made in heaven...Everyone knows it...TO's also sitting across the table knowing He's leaving the Complex later that day with a $4 million Signing Bonus check so...It's not like He was gonna show His ass right then and there...He was gonna nod and say "Yes Sir" regardless... I love the TO Signing for a lot of reasons, but NONE OF THEM HAVE A THING TO DO WITH THAT LOSER OF A HC We currently have in Buffalo...The Bills will Win and be successful in 09 DESPITE Dead Dick not because of Him...A Player like TO is exactly the type of talent that will hide the fact that Jauron is a Career loser... "Come to Jesus"
  3. Thought I would just put this here cause his Name came up a few times in this Thread... DE Robert Ayers is a 1st round Draft Pick...Mike Mayock just said He's Top 15 on "Path To The Draft." I would keep an eye on that #11 spot because Ayers may just come off the Board right there to The Buffalo Bills... We'll see...
  4. Tought to argue with the Bills decision after reading that!!!
  5. Adam You can get as bent out of shape as You wanna get Bro...No biggie...And sure there are Real Life things that are FAR more important than winning Football Games...But the comment came in response to a Football comment...Not a Real Life commentary...I played Organized Sports My whole Young life...I played with some Guys who were straight up arrogant jerkoffs...But if they were jerkoffs who played hard and worked hard I did not care as much...I simply did not hang with them after Games, that's all... I made the comment purely because You stated You hoped TO led the League in dropped Passes next Season...And regardless of how much character counts to you, and all that stuff, I can't imagine anyone who is a Bills Fan wanting Our Starting WR to lead the League in dropped Passes...Like I said in a previous Post, that kind of attitude is indirectly wishing pain on each and every Bills Fan because it's going to effect the outcome of Games...And We have to sit through it...It's just a strange thing for a die-hard Fan like yourself to say...And I know You are die-hard... So I asked what the hell kind of Fan You are...If You're the type of Fan who puts character before anything...OK...fine...But hoping someone on Your favorite Team fails...well...that's just messed up if You ask Me...Maybe that's just Me...I don't know...
  6. I think TO LOVES attention, but I'm guessing He's also one of these premier athletes who watches every little thing that goes into his body...So You'll see him at a lot of Parties, but He probably sits back and does next to nothing...I've never heard anything about the guy Partying too much off the field and you know darn well you would have heard it by now...I mean...It's TO for God's sake...He's got cameras on him 24-7... One more note...No Athlete can go on forever...And TO is no exception...He's going to be 36 in Dec and that's pretty old for an NFL WR...But the Guy is a World Class Athlete who has a reputation as a tireless worker...Have You seen TO with His Shirt off? The Guy has like zero body fat...Regardless of what He did to devide some Locker Rooms, try and find one ex-teammate who speaks negatively about TO's work ethic...Go ahead and try cause You won't find a single one...Remember what the Guy did to Play in that SB with the Eagles? Then remember what He did in that SB??? This Guy is a serious NFL talent...The only Player the Bills have who is even remotely close to being a TO-type of impact Player is #83... So Party a lot? Don't know, but I don't think so...Hopefully most of his partying in Buffalo will come in the End Zone...
  7. Dude... A Man using the word "hubby" is about as clear a Man-Law violation as you can get... It's Husband...hubby is for Chicks...It's a Pet Name and a REAL bad one at that... Just saying...
  8. You're right...A PR move bringing in a Guy who had almost as many (25 to 26) Recieving TD's all by his lonesome as the Bills have had total over the past 2 Years...A WR who has had 3 straight Seasons with 10 TD Catches or more (38 total over those 3 Years to The Bills 45 Total AS A TEAM!!!)... Purely PR no question...
  9. Sure...And Maybe I'll be appointed King of The World one day!!! Could happen...And I'd make an excellent King btw...
  10. Dude... No Bills Fan hopes Our Starting WR leads the League in drops...Further more by saying that Your indirectly wishing pain upon Me personally because I would have to witness each and every one of those drops...So come on... Hate Him...But hope He helps Us Win...My guess is You'll like Him a lot more the 1st TD Pass He catches in 09...And a little more for each and every one after that...We'll see though... Chin up...
  11. Perfectly said... Honestly it's exactly how I feel...
  12. Adam what in the hell kind of Bills fan are You?
  13. I think You'll see now there is one Man who rivals His talent Bro...And He wears #83... WOOT!
  14. I'm actually thinking they go heavy D now in this Draft...But I'm always wrong so You're probably dead on Rich... If The Bills do Draft Pettigrew at #11 this Offense is vastly...And I mean VASTLY improved weapon-wise...Should be intersting now...I'd like to see them grab some Mid-level UFA-help for the D...ESPECIALLY for the Pass Rush, before they go TE at #11...But I'd also LOVE to see the Bills get Pettigrew...Maybe a Trade Down??? We'll see...
  15. Actually I think He got it from Rousenhaus...His Agent said it a couple Hours earlier on ESPN News...Maybe the Bills planted it...I don't know...
  16. I think the Bills now go HEAVY Defense in this Draft... We'll see though...
  17. To the National Media just about every move has been the wrong move by our Franchise for Years now...So I'm used to it already...Of coarse in some cases they have had a point...We'll see how this one turns out...But from anyone who REALLY follows this Team, I think it's hard to be completely negative about the move...It's not going to make the Bills worse on Offense...That is for certain...
  18. My reaction was pain because My Jaw hit the damn Floor so hard!!! Shock is the right word...Still waiting for the punch-line...Or to wake-up...Just amazed they did it...But thrilled they did too...My expectations for this coming Year were SO low before today this News is exactly what I needed to re-start the engine...
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