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Everything posted by KOKBILLS

  1. Like I said in another thread earlier today, Jason Peters does not want to be a Buffalo Bill UNLESS He is the top paid LT in Football...That's all there is to it... I think this situation was forever damaged during the Holdout last Season...I think Peters was shocked at the way The Bills handled it...And all The Bills were saying over and over again was simple...Get in here with Your Teammates and show Us You wanna be here...I think Peters thought that approach was insulting...I really get the feeling He was shocked The Bills did not step up to extend Him immediately...It's just a gut feeling I get...It shows how much He understood, or cared, when He failed to show up to voluntaries this Year...I knew as soon as I heard that he was pretty much done in Buffalo...He has not changed His stance one bit... I'm sure JP's Agents are making it clear to Him that another Team will pony up the cash...And I'm pretty sure they are right too...A Trade is the only logical way out here...And I do believe The Bills will get a 1st Round Pick out of some Team... It's a rediculous situation though...I think both sides are a bit at fault here...I think Peters is being a complete selfish ass, and I think had The Bills approached Him after the 2007 Season for an Extention they could have got Peters at a bargain rate...I also think the fact that The Bills spent HUGE cash on 2 DE's that are no where near as good at their Position as Peters is at His had something to do with this whole mess going bad...I could be wrong about that though...Who knows? All I know for certain is that Peters is all but done in Buffalo and now the Bills have a MASSIVE hole on their O-Line once again...Oh joy!
  2. You gotta know that's not going to happen with this bunch...
  3. The Pace Deal won't effect Peters negotiations whatsoever...Just completely different Players at completely different points of their careers... I hate to sound like a broken record on this whole Peters thing...And I hope in the end I'm wrong...But My gut is telling Me Peters really does not want to be in Buffalo anymore UNLESS The Bills make him the highest paid LT in the NFL...And The Bills are not going to do that....So it's My opinion that regardless of the arguments on both sides of this thing, there is only going to be one logical conclusion...Peters will be shipped out prior to the 09 Draft and hopefully for a 1st and a 3rd Round Pick... We'll see soon enough...I hope I'm wrong to be honest...I hope they can come to their senses on both sides and meet in the middle...I just doubt it's going to happen...Had Peters shown up for the Voluntary Workouts I might have changed My mind on The Bills stance because that is what they want out of Him...They want Peters to show them He WANTS to be in Buffalo...And Jason KNOWS THIS!!! So by not showing up Peters is all but saying He wants out...Just My opinion...
  4. Well the quality of Pass Rusher available at #11 in comparison to #21 could be considerable...I don't know for sure though...The Draft is a crap shoot, especially at OBD lately...It's not so much who would be available from #11 to #21 as it is the value You are giving up...That's a TON of Value equal to 450 on The Trade Value Chart (or #45 Overall)...Lets say the Bills were just Trading Down out of #11...They should recieve #21 and #45 in return just for that...Then throw in Peters value on top of it and well...See where I'm coming from?...So now...If the Eagles want to give up #21, #28, and #53 for #11 and Peters that is at least closer...Still not enough, but closer...To Trade Down AND give up Peters the Bills should get (IMHO) #21, #28, #53, and #85...That would be close...I know that's not likely, so maybe the Eagles could throw something better in for the 2010 Draft to sweeten the Deal...But The Bills better get close to that in compensation for Peters and moving down or they will be the laughing stock of the NFL...If they are not already...
  5. Well 1st off what I meant to say is that there are 31 Teams who would take Jason Peters in a heartbeat based on talent alone...Obviously some Teams will be weeded out because they can't afford to pay him or because they already have a serviceable LT... Why is Peters still here? Easy...Cause The Bills are not shopping Him yet...At all...They do want to keep Him...But at their price...They will only begin shopping JP as a last resort when it's crystal clear His Agent is not backing off the "highest paid LT" demands, AND the Draft is REAL close... There are PLENTY of NFL Teams who would LOVE Jason Peters...This is all a Game and no one wants to tip their hand too soon...But Peters is considered one of the 5-10 best O-Linemen in the NFL...Every Team knows He held out and struggled at times in 08 due to that...But they also know his ability, his age, and what He is capable of when properly motivated...That's all a Team that Needs a LT is going to look at...Peters is better than most NFL Starters at LT...He just is, and He should get better in time...His best Football is ahead of Him...The only thing that will hold Teams back will be the salary demands...But rest assured The Bills can do better than Trading Down 10 spots and Picking up #28 overall...And if they can't they should NEVER do the deal...Cause that Deal sucks out loud...
  6. I doubt very seriously the Bills take a QB in Round #1...But I won't argue this point either...Plus I think there is a feeling among some at OBD (mainly the Owner) that they REALLY blew it not Drafting Cutler a few Years back...So I think The Bills WILL look long and hard at each and every Draftable QB to make certain they are not going to make another mistake...That being said I think the Need for Pass Rush still wins out in the end...
  7. Oh man this is like a hanging curve... OK...The "malcontent overrated lard ass, attidude deficient Peters" is a 27 Year Old 2 Time Pro Bowl LT who is arguably as good or better than the LT Drafted #1 Overall by Miami last year...Say all You want about Peters...There are 31 other Teams who would LOVE to have his talent... So...Ask yourself this...Where would Peters go if He was in the 09 Draft? Well...Considering the fact that a LT is at least being considered by Detroit at #1 Overall, and the fact that Peters would be taken over any of these soon-to-be Rookie LT's, what exactly is His value?...And yes I know the Bills will likely never get Market Value for Peters...Still...At the VERY least Peters is worth the #21 Pick overall along with the Eagles 3rd Round Pick as compensation...At the VERY least...That would leave the Bills at #11 Overall and give them 2 1st's and 2 3rd's...I'm still not sure #21 Overall and a 3rd is worth Trading Peters...Especially considering the fact that now The Bills Need to Draft a LT with one of those 1st round Picks...But it sure as hell is a TON better than Trading Down out of #11 Overall...10 spots down! And only picking up #28 Overall, which is barely a 1st round Pick??? For a LT who has #1 Overall Value AND moving down 10 spots??? It's a BRUTAL Trade for the Bills if they were to do it...It's REAL bad...The Bills FO would be a laughing stock... Come on?...
  8. #11 Overall and Peters for The Eagles #21 and #28 is a HORRIBLE Trade for the Bills...Why don't they just give Peters to the Eagles? The Bills will be laughed out of the NFL if they do the Trade just like that...Trade a Pro-Bowl LT to move down 10 spots and Pick up only #28 Overall? That is rediculously bad...Why don't they throw in Lee Evans too while they're at it?...If this was true I would seriously consider not watching The Draft for the 1st time in forever because the Bills would get ridiculed incessantly on both Networks...Please God let this be a false rumor...
  9. Seriously... Are Folks really this gullible?? Really?
  10. I HATE April Fools Day...My Ex-Wife was born on April 1st...The joke was definitely on Me...I was not amused by the Olaf Pillar thing either way back when...Possible 1st Round Sleepers are simply NOT a joking matter...
  11. In all the Dead Dick threads that have over-run this board over the past year not once have I read that DJ is making the Personnel decisions all by his lonesome...The Bills have made Personnel decisions a "Team Effort" ever since Marv came back...Marv was also clear that The HC would always get His way in case there was a tie...What is know is that after Marv left DJ was to take on added responsibilities, and with it added influence on Personnel matters...Go back to Marv's comments when he left...It's all there in black and white...Jauron has had a LOT of say in personnel matters...A LOT...More than Ralph? Probably not...But more than anyone else before last Years collapse...Probably so...
  12. I hope something can be worked out...I don't see how Trading Peters can be a good thing...I just think it may be the inevitable conclusion...We'll see...
  13. I wish I shared Your optimism...but I don't...I think Peters will be the Top Paid LT in The NFL by the time this is all said and done...I don't think He's going to accept less...And I think that is going to seal His fate as a Buffalo Bill...I think He holds out for the Top LT cash and forces a Trade... Just My opinion...
  14. Not too good right now...He was not asked to do much in-line Blocking in Florida's Spread...Like most of the Florida Recievers He is a decent downfield Blocker...But He's REAL raw in most areas of His Game...The thing is, Ingram has incredible upside...His natural ability, size/speed ratio, and Receiving skills are definitely tops among this Years TE's...And the thinking is He may be a bargain due to the knee Injury...We'll see...
  15. The only "fact" that matters is this... The Bills are either going to make Peters the highest Paid LT in The NFL or they are going to Trade him...I think without a Deal that makes Him the Top Paid LT in Football Peters will never Play another Game for The Bills... OK well...maybe it's not a "fact" quite yet, but it's been My opinion since forever now and I don't see any movement one way or the other that is going to make Me re-think My stance on this mess...And just for the record I don't think the Bills will pony up the cash necessary to keep JP and He'll be Traded sometime before the 2009 NFL Draft...
  16. Whatever...Just a visit huh? Follow this Organization much? Any other Team I would not give it a 2nd thought...But with Dead Dick up there at OBD there is no telling how high they will take a DB in ANY Draft... Start paying attention...And I'll leave the stick right where it is until this Team proves to Me they can get their head out of their... But keep rooting hard for losing Football there Buddy...
  17. Players who impress me for different reasons... Michael Crabtree - WR - Playmaker... Rey Maualaga - ILB - Some Players just seem to have a knack...Like fellow Trojan Troy Polamalu for example...I think Maualaga is one of those-types...I think He's going to be a heck of a Pro in time... Cornelius Ingram - TE - The Kid just exudes confidence in His own abilities...He just jumped out at The Combine...He looked like the best TE in drills to Me...The sky is the limit for Ingram if He can stay healthy...I think if He Played a Full Season in 08 He'd be a Top 15 pick... Robert Ayers - DE - I'm still trying to figure out how a DE with His ability only gets 3 Sacks in a Season...That is a bit scary to be honest...But You watch the Kid in those Sr. Bowl Practices and He looks like He can't be Blocked with one Man...He's got speed off the edge and power enough to bull-rush...He's a solid 270 too...Maybe a boom or bust type but I still like his potential over the other DE's...Admittedly I could be wrong... B.J. Raji - Just like almost everything about this Kid... Duke Robinson - I like the idea of taking a pure OG in this Draft because you figure to get REAL good value due to all the highly Rated OT's...Robinson should be able to slide in at LG for most NFL Teams from the get-go and if enough Teams fill their OL Needs early there is a possibility He'll slide...I still think Robinson is a Mid-2nd Rounder...But who knows? Knowshon Moreno - HB - I made a point of watching Georgia Games the past 2 Years just to watch Moreno...He was something else...Not sure what kind of Pro He'll be just yet...But the Kid was electric in College... Brian Cushing - LB - He'll be a great addition to any Team...He may never be an All-Pro...But He'll be solid for Years and Years... Chris Wells - HB - I'm a Michigan Fan and that Kid KILLED Us... I think he's better than Eddie George was but He may be a bit to fragile to see His full potential through... That's just the few that come to mind immediately...
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