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Everything posted by Rico

  1. DON'T TAZE ME BRO! Too bad Lil Donte isn't going to the Jets.
  2. The FAN station here ( w/ Vinny Cerrato, ex-Skins GM) said they would run 2-TE sets.
  3. Gary Kubiak is the new OC in Baltimore, much speculation on the radio just now that OD is heading there.
  4. Bring him in & let him start a few games, then we can laugh at his apologists, it'd be like 2003 all over again.
  5. I went to Purdue when he was the starting point guard there, good guy!
  6. Flacco's BFF, his wife & Flacco's wife are also BFF's. This signing is absolutely no surprise to anyone here in Baltimore.
  7. I'm sure that Brandon and the other 2 are in constant communication. Just as in any other organization, sometimes you have to go to bat for something you believe in, and if Russ can convince the other members of Team Ralph that what he wants to do ultimately falls in line with the established best interests of Ralph, then Russ will get his way.
  8. Per Team Ralph. Seeing as he is their superior, Russ would be the one to keep them in line, following the chain-of-command.
  9. The two Doug's work for him, so he has to support them as much as a superior can. Ultimately though, this is still Ralph's team, he still gets his marching orders from Ralph, and the bottom-line constraints that have been put into place by Ralph still have to be met. There is absolutely no way that Ralph gave him carte blanche to do as he pleases.
  10. If they fall too far out of line, they will not be part of the program much longer.
  11. Yes, some people are extremely naive indeed. Brandon is not going to do anything that goes against the S.O.P. that Ralph has established, and the other two remain in place to keep him in check.
  12. Until we see otherwise, it's Marrone/Whaley vs. Brandon/Littman/Overdorf(aka Ralph's stooges). Ralph may not be calling the direct shots anymore, but standard operating procedures at OBD have never changed. When it comes to the bottom line, everything is set up exactly the way he wants it.
  13. I agree on the twinnies, I didn't like them the season they were on, but they are very funny. I was rolling last night, especially when they were slamming the Afghanimals (who are also funny). Cowboys FTW, but I like most all the teams left. The only 2 I really don't care for are the team with the idiot who didn't use the express pass, and the Globetrotters (would love to see the Cowboys double U-Turn them out of the game).
  14. Yes, there's always hope... hope that new ownership will be here soon.
  15. Not only did he not walk away from the money, he can look forward to a huge payday in court, his ambulance-chasing mother will see to that.
  16. More obvious than ever to me that Martin has no business being in the NFL, at least not until he gets some MAJOR help. Whoever green-lit him as being mentally & emotionally stable enough to be a high draft choice really dropped the ball big-time.... I sure wouldn't trust them to re-evaluate him. At least he has a Stanford education, I wish him well in his future endeavors.
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