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Everything posted by rafter

  1. I think the celebration after he looked over and saw Lee hurt was worth fining him over.
  2. The camera will block you more than the players for sure. I'm row 11 and have no issues seeing the field. That said, the LOWEST I would go is probably row 6. Any lower and your view will definitely be impacted.
  3. I agree on that point. I think he liked a few QBs in the last couple drafts, they were already taken.
  4. Thanks for the report and your 21 years service! I have to completely agree on Wilson. There were times the last couple years I felt he was the best player on the field. He is very underrated.
  5. The Kelsay extension also feeds into this. Nix' justification was that hes a good 'locker room guy'. They wanted to send a message that if you buy in, you will be rewarded, if not you're gone.
  6. Maybe someday we can look back on Fitz doing the same
  7. Definitely not. Posts like this make the off-season go by. I am by no means an oldtimer, but I was bread a Bills fan by my father. I was born in 81' and my father started bringing me to games when I was 5. I have solid memories of them probably starting around 88'. So I supposed I grew up accustomed to Bills dominance. It's been a rough decade brothers. Lets hope the next 10 is Bills ontop once again!
  8. Langston and not Dockery? Sad part was they were from the same offseason..
  9. If this defense performs to its potential, I expect one of the biggest changes to be Fitz. Much was made about Fitz injury, but Chan had Fitz throwing the ball way too much in order to get back into games. Id expect more running, less throwing, and Fitz' interceptions to be cut in half this year.
  10. Ben is a good example of what you want in a QB. He has a good pocket presence and elusiveness. Part of his mobility is actually due to his size, he shrugs off and spins out of tacklers. Outside of pure running or slash QB's the 40 means nothing.
  11. Talley was the glue that held that all together. They were all good players, but I would take Talley over all of them except bruce.
  12. I know you said no particular order, but I love how you have Talley first. My fav player. Thats the jersey I wear on gamedays.
  13. Brady yes Sanchez no Tannehill no Weeden no Flacco no Big Ben yes Dalton iffy Schaub probably Luck yes Hasselback no Gabbert no Manning prob too late in his career with that injury Palmer no Rivers yes Cassell no
  14. Hard to compare the sacks when they played in front of different QB's. An LT in front of Fitz should almost always give up less sacks than an LT in front of trent/vick.
  15. I agree he would have been hall worthy had he remained pre-injury level. He went from an all-pro to a stop-gap roll player. He was the most exciting and impact Bill's player I can remember during the 2000's.
  16. I agree that its unfair to judge any rookie QB after 1 season, but Gabbert was really bad. I think people would let his 33rd(last) rated QBr slide if he even had a flash of competency. He looked lost and scared. qbs
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