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Everything posted by rafter

  1. Miami sounds like the frontrunner. (at least according to rumors)
  2. Surprised GB has cap issues. I don't pay much attention to them being in the NFC, but they seem like a tight ship.
  3. I'm sure it talks a lot less too.
  4. You guys are really understating welkers ability.. If any WR can put up those numbers why haven't they? (moss doesn't count) Welker is the best in the NFL at finding a soft spot in a defense and moving the chains. That said, I wouldn't make a play for him. He's aging, expensive, and we are on just the start of a new rebuild.
  5. Lets just hope they hire the right coach, whichever color. I highly doubt there's any bigotry going down at OBD. Say what you will about their competence, but they have always operated with class. Besides, isn't whaley of color? He's right at the top and heavily involved in choosing the next coach. I doubt they're limiting any options by race.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Z0VMI67a4Y
  7. This is HUGE. The influx of cash from Canada cannot be discounted. I will always welcome Canadian fans here, and my experience with them has always been positive.
  8. Right? That's crazy and it's how almost all the situations are.
  9. I agree with what your saying about not liking Cam, but also not rooting for him to fail.. I don't agree with how you see he has the ability to be more "explosive" than RG3? RG3 is faster and creates way more with his legs. They both have comparable arms, but RG3 seems to be the superior mentally. The only advantage I see Cam having(its a big one) is that he is bigger and can take the hits better.
  10. That's a hard argument to make at this point. It took me awhile, but I cant support fitz anymore. I think the repeated and pathetic attempts at a deep pass pushed me over the edge. Unless your sarcasm went over my head? It happens.
  11. I wonder if Polian was fired because he didn't agree with Irsay's plan to cut Manning and draft luck. Perhaps Polian's plan was to keep Manning(He probably has a strong bond with him) and trade out of the #1 for a ransom.
  12. Except for a few more times right after this.
  13. You've got a way with words.. Anyways, I do feel you have some valid points. In the past ralph's involvement has never gone well and that might be what resonates with coaches when they choose a destination. But, I believe since Donahoe hes been more hands off in his approach, with no better results.
  14. I like how B.scott is part of our goal line package. So stupid
  15. I wonder how many Geno threads we will get between now and the draft?
  16. Im hoping our pressure up the gut will be what derails their passing game.
  17. I think the most pleasant surprise this season has been the run D. I'm loving 100yards/game avg. after what we've been through the last few years. The DB's we have to expect them to go through some growing pains, hence the big gainers. Hopefully GW&JB can coach our corners along faster. Fitz is Fitz. He can be a good QB if you don't put the whole game on his shoulders. Keep a lead or a close game and we can rely on our sick run game (3rd in the NFL 178y/g, and thats with injuries).
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