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Everything posted by rafter

  1. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that hes already spent the money he anticipated getting.
  2. It looks like you might be better off selling it on ebay than trading it in. Looks to be a collectors item to the d-bags of the world http://www.ebay.com/itm/Aaron-Hernandez-New-England-Patriots-football-jersey-M-w-SuperBowl-patch-/261237113461?pt=US_Football_Fan_Shop&hash=item3cd2f20275
  3. I hope im never in a police lineup with you as the witness.
  4. Solid pick I've got seasons but im only about 400! The drive home after a loss is brutal!
  5. From a phone its annoying to follow all the links. sorry
  6. Non-cartoony pictures of peoples faces never come out right. This artist is actually pretty good. I wanna find out who it is just to find the artist.
  7. My sentiments exactly! It's impossible to know if a pick is good or bad, so why not look at it positively? History has proven that the experts are 50/50 at best if a pick is "value" or "reach"... So why not just sit back and envision what potential our team could have with the talent we've added. The Bills have been negative for so long, but the one time of year we can always we positive is the draft. Lets sit back and think of the better future that's on its way! Go Bills!
  8. For the same reason Marrone wanted nassib. Obviously!
  9. I'm late to the party, but I dig this pick. We need more wreckless LBs. Even though its diminished in the days of nickle and dime, I've always felt LB's set the tone for a defense.
  10. He might be in the building, but I doubt hes in the room.
  11. I suppose we can't have everything. I imagine Russ mentioned to the schedule committee that we would prefer less late season home games. There's only so many ways to cut up a schedule.
  12. Pretty much. Young/known depth with potential upside.
  13. I'm getting tired of hearing the term 'arm talent'
  14. I can't say I'm familiar with NCAA rules/stats. I agree thought that the NFL cannot really go any further than what it already has. They cannot dictate who teams hire at arguably the most important position in the game. What options does the league really have? I think drawing more attention to an issue they cannot correct will cause more harm than good.
  15. I don't get the vibe coach candidates in the NFL are being avoided due to race. The problem is I don't think the PR machine media will be satisfied until 50% of the coaches are black. Why does no one focus on the fact that only about 15% of the population is black. I think the NFL is way closer to where it should be than people give it credit for.
  16. Stop it! I thought this was successfully blocked from memory.
  17. I suppose that's the price of success. Hopefully one day we have the same problems
  18. I like how we are purging the only good part of the jets(the D).
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