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Dr. K

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Everything posted by Dr. K

  1. Obviously I'd like to see the Bills get the #1 seed. And the path to the Super Bowl is harder if they don't get it. But if they lose tonight they are far from done. #1 seeds have won only seven of the last 22 Super Bowls. Getting the home field and the bye are absolutely no guarantee.
  2. This is fantasy. Even if he's cleared to play, he can't play at his former level coming off almost a full season of not playing. In the current situation he would not offer an improvement to the defense.
  3. I think I agree with you about Morse. Six concussions is not good. When I had a concussion, even after I felt completely normal months later, if I bumped my head I was as woozy as if I were back in the minutes after the concussion.
  4. In episode three of season one of the Apple TV series "Mythic Quest," the game company that is the setting of the series has to set up rules of behavior for people who sign on to the online game "Mythic Quest" that gives the series its title. They form a committee to decide what groups to ban from the game, playing one group of terrible people off against another in order to decide which group is the absolute worst. In the end they decide that Nazis are the worst, but it was close. Here's a screen capture of the final choice.
  5. High of 12 degrees, 22 mph winds, gusts to 38 mph, wind chill -19 degrees. Sounds very bad for a passing offense.
  6. Wrong. The whole point of running the clock down is to leave the Dolphins with NO TIME on the clock, so you don't have to kick off and risk some miracle play.
  7. I think it was absolutely the right decision. Don't let the Dolphins touch the ball again--especially because they have Hill and Waddle. Listening to the play-by-play I thought, "This is why Sanchez is no longer in the league."
  8. .... because I lit my John Lennon votive candle when they fell behind.
  9. I said the Vikings were going to fall apart after they lucked out and beat the Bills. I remember when the Raiders, many years ago, started 8-3 and then failed to make the playoffs.
  10. This is my perception, too. So many people ready to jump off a ledge every week, no matter the result. So many people who are absolutely living in that last 13 seconds from the KC game last year.
  11. All these games feel like playoff games now. High stakes and brutal. Expect another one next Saturday.
  12. So many drops by our receivers. If Knox catches that surprise pass on the last Bills drive the Jets never see the ball again. I thought it was a bad call at first, but in retrospect I think it was a ballsy move to put them away. Bills were in a lot of third-and-long situations all day.
  13. Does saying this mean it's okay to get her pass-out drunk and gang rape her? We don't know what happened. I don't know. You don't know.
  14. No. They decided they couldn't prove it in a court of law.
  15. I've felt this way for a while now--and I was extremely skeptical when McDermott took over. But what he's managed to do with the culture and preparation of the Bills is not something anybody should dismiss casually. Getting all these high ego players to function as a team, to put the welfare of the whole ahead of their individual success, is not an easy thing to do. We can point to eight or ten teams around the league that underperform because their coaches can't do this. Plus he's smart and adaptable and able to learn. I want McDermott and Beane to be here for a long time.
  16. I liked Cook's performance yesterday, but I worry about the possibility of his fumbling. Unlike Singletary, he does not seem to me to "wrap up" the ball while being tackled. He also seemed to trip himself up a couple of times. Still, I liked the speed he brought to the runs he made.
  17. The comma before "with Josh Allen as the center of their efforts" makes the sentence technically correct, separating the phrase from the previous one about the Dolphins. If the comma were not there, then yes, the sentence woudl be saying that Allen is the center of the Miami efforts. As it is, it is poorly constructed and somewhat ambiguous, but grammatically correct. I taught writing in a university for forty years, and I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express.
  18. The gloom and doom on this board is so off-putting. I don't know if the Bills will win tonight or in any of the next five games. I believe they have the clear capability to do so. But I do know that wallowing in misery--because I've done it myself at times--is not a good way to live.
  19. Interesting numbers. Yes, in raw numbers the #1 seeds have won the most Super Bowls since 1999 (if your numbers are accurate, which I assume they are). But in terms of percentages, the #1 seeds have the worst record of winning. #1 - 8 of 22, or 36% #2 - 5 of 10, or 50% #3 - 1 of 2, or 50% #4 - 3 of 7, or 43% #5 - 2 of 2, or 100% #6 - 2 of 2, or 100%
  20. Let the Dolphins bandwagon get overcrowded. Who cares? I like it that the media are talking about Tua and the Dolphins, and Mike White and the Jets, and Joe Burrow and Cincinnati. They've all won some games, and some of the praise (I'm thinking the Bengals, who are coming into shape at the right time) is deserved. Pile it on. The Bills just need to get their house in order and win these last six games. We'll see.
  21. Beat the Chiefs in the playoffs. But if they do that I will of course want more. I am another of those old dudes who would like to see them win a Super Bowl before I die.
  22. I'm always nervous before games, but I think this is going to be a tough one. The Lions, right now especially, are not the pushovers they have been in the past, and the Bills are still fighting lots of injuries.
  23. Plus you check to see that there are no penalty flags.
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