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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. I’m all for keeping Beasley if he is a positive influence on the team and if it works financially. I trust Bean and Mc D as they know more than any of us.
  2. Just want to say that I loved the way Singletary was used as an outlet by Josh today. I think this, combined with zone runs off tackle are the style of offense that uses his strengths best. Get him in space where he can make defenders miss instead of running him up the middle. Those dump off passes to him gave some consistency to the offense to let them have time consuming drives down the field.
  3. I love Beasley for what he brings on the field. The guy is a warrior out there. But if he is blatantly breaking COVID rules off the field, that is definitely not what this team needs. He has to follow rules for 5 months to minimize infections on the team. How hard is that to do? To break the COVID rules is just selfish. Players need to be available to play. Nothing else matters.
  4. I saw this earlier. I have no issues with his personal choice, though I don’t like it, but he should be fined if he is blatantly ignoring the rules which are there to limit COVID issues on the team. If he is influencing others to not take maximum precautions to prevent infection, that is a huge problem.
  5. The Bills are just more dynamic as an offensive unit when he is on the field
  6. Stupid to use TO there. Odds of stopping them were very low no matter what you call. Keep the TO fir our offense
  7. The stress of this season starts with the high expectations fans and media placed on the team. Then add the unexpected regression of the O line starting with Dawkins COVID experience and seemingly long term impacts. Them add the roll of the dice every week for who cant play due to COVID and it all results in no consistency for this team. Which leads to frustration. The ultimate goal is still possible. Josh is still amazing to watch so I’m just going to enjoy the ride while it lasts.
  8. They should put everything outside - practice, meetings, etc.
  9. Bye bye season hopes. Players should be on lockdown wearing N95 masks if they must go out.
  10. Thy should play Gabe on run plays. They should play him on pass plays. Good things happen when he is on the field.
  11. Also, what’s goin on on Bradshaw’s face below his left eye? Looks like a big bandage covered with skin colored makeup.
  12. Without yet doing deep research on the RBs in the coming draft, Charbonnett looks great to me. Big, powerful, fast. I’d love for Bean to find a back with those traits and keep Singletary as a change of pace alternate.
  13. This is the last step in his development. This is where Brady beats everyone. Understanding and winning the mental side to maximize his effectiveness.
  14. The offense needs more physicality and Davis brings it. Davis needs to be on the field all the time.
  15. When you play Brady, you need to beat the the Bucs and the refs. So frustrating…but that’s been our lives the last 20 yrs.
  16. If the Vikes blow this, it’s coaching malpractice. What happened to their run game?
  17. Three of our losses are by a combined 10 points. They are not far off from being where we all want them to be.
  18. I also think they have most of the pieces in place. They need a couple big nasty guards and a back with some explosiveness and add reinforcements elsewhere. Hopefully next year Dawkins gets back to a better version of himself. I’m sure Bean did not expect the regression of play on our O line.
  19. If we fix the offense, I think we win a lot of the games we have lost. O line and RB need improvements. It’s easier to build an effective run attack than a pass attack. Should be doable in the off season. Until then, let’s make a playoff run.
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