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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. The opinion of “no firearms present that day” is a complete assumption. There may have been plenty of concealed firearms present. No one was searched and there were plenty of packs on people. I’m still wondering what the zip tie handcuffs were for.
  2. Have people forgotten about this guy and his buddies? They were on a mission. Clearly they had a different purpose to be there than the crazy rioters.
  3. Regarding the lack of security - one thing we do know is the Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller sent a memo on January 4th specifically prohibiting certain actions by the DC National Guard in response to the demonstrations on January 5-6, 2021. Prohibited actions included using weapons, ammo, batons, helmets or body armor. He prohibited interaction with the protestors, did not allow the sharing of equipment with other agencies, did not allow intelligence, surveillance or reconnaissance activities or incident awareness or assessment, banned the use of helicopters, prohibited searches, seizures or arrests. All of the above were specifically prohibited unless specifically authorized by the Acting Secretary of Defense. There were many facets to the lack of security that day. Why were demonstrators allowed to carry their weapons at the protest where Trump was speaking? Protestors are normally not even allowed to carry small wood sticks for signs yet that day, they carried all sorts of clubs, bats, hockey sticks, spears, flag poles, etc. that were used as weapons against the Capital police. Perhaps we will hear more of this in the future hearings.
  4. I think the proposed legislation took a good approach to this issue. It focused on preventing people who shouldn’t have weapons from getting them. I’d be fine with raising the age to 21, but enhance background checks is the right direction. I suspect that people on both sides won’t be happy, but that’s a good sign. While it won’t stop all mass killing events, if it stops just a few, it will be worth it. Bans on assault weapons won’t work. I would support expanded government buy back programs to get unwanted guns out of peoples homes and off the street.
  5. After all the court cases in front of judges appointed by Trump and other republicans, none found credible evidence of a stolen election. His closest advisors told him he lost. Any rational, sane, patriotic President would stop there and concede but his fragile psyche cannot accept defeat. He alone decided to go ahead with Jan 6th, breaking the sacred American tradition of a peaceful transition of power. While it is not a story some want to believe, those are facts.
  6. Why would peaceful protesters need bear spray, tear gas, steel clubs, zip tie handcuffs? Just wondering. That’s not what I would normally pack when I go to see DC.
  7. There were plenty of backpacks that were never searched and handguns may have been concealed. The mob went in and left without checks by law enforcement. So I don’t think we can assume that they weren’t armed. They chose to use tear gas, bear spray, steel clubs and other weapons. Reportedly, they had members outside of DC ready to bring in firearms if needed. DC also has severe laws regarding firearms that may have affected their decisions.
  8. The J 6th mob was a mix of peaceful protesters, rioters and organized paramilitary Proud Boys and others groups. Those paramilitary traitors were on a mission to stop the certification of the election. They were prepared to take hostages or do worse if needed to accomplish a coup. They weren’t there to hear Trump speak. They were at the Capital before the mob got there. Proud Boys were socializing with Trump associates before J 6th. That ugly day was way more than just a bunch of random protesters who got out of control.
  9. The reason is simple. They are a bunch of cowardly bullies who are happy to beat and injure defenseless unarmed people but won’t fight when the odds are against them. A bunch of loser cowards, every one.
  10. It was interesting to hear the Trump Election Defense Fund never existed. It was just another scam to suck money from his supporters. He sucked $250 million in small donations from his people with the lie. At this point, they should just give him their bank account numbers and passwords to show their support.
  11. Another example of why the FBI considers white nationalists/white supremicists the number one terror threat in the country. If these idiots were Muslims, there would be an enormous freak out.
  12. Personally, I think there should be an age limit for running for President or Senator. No one over the age of 70 should be allowed to run. Both Biden and Trump are experiencing mental decline from age and too many Senators stay on the job for life.
  13. Apparently multiple R congressmen requested Presidential pardons for their actions after the election. Sounds like an admission of guilt.
  14. Coverup. Interesting how some police behave when they are not the ones issuing orders to comply.
  15. The issue of assault weapons is about to change in a bad way. The army is about to replace their standard rifle the M4 (similar to AR15) with the XM5. The new XM5 will use a significantly heavier and more powerful bullet, able to blow through body armor and light armored vehicles, buildings, etc. In other words- even more deadlier than the typical assault weapons now favored by mass killers. The XM5 will be available in the USA for purchase by mass killers in the future.
  16. If this is true, they need a PR campaign to push the message. They would be a very powerful voice who should be supported by the Back the Blue audience. At this point, I don’t hear any position voiced by law enforcement.
  17. The fact that cops were afraid to enter the school because they were out gunned by the killer is proof that assault weapons should be very difficult to obtain. They are now unable to do their job to keep society safe. Law enforcement organizations need to speak out and be part of the solution to this problem. Cops shouldn’t have to face killers with weapons of war when they are armed with pistols.
  18. As of 2017, there were 120 guns in America for every 100 people. Gun owners need to help solve this problem.
  19. How many more must die in mass shootings? Other countries have mental illness too and don’t have children slaughtered in school or people slaughtered in grocery stores. If guns made us safer, we’d be the safest country on earth.
  20. Religion is religion. Government is government. Mixing the two together ruins both and benefits none. There was a reason why the founding fathers advocated for separation of church and state.
  21. Psychology is an inexact science. The Red Flag Law should have automatic triggers with threats at school being one of them.
  22. I will never understand why they gave the franchise to this guy. Desperation leads to risk taking I guess.
  23. Sign me up in a support role. This is a good thought exercise. Nearly everything you hear on tv is about what divides us. In reality, if we talked with fellow Americans of whatever skin tone or from whatever state, we would find we have a lot in common. I think a lot of Americans don’t appreciate what we have in this country. We are a spoiled culture. If you travel to a poor 3rd world country, you will immediately appreciate this country more. Billions of people live with almost nothing by our standards, yet live happily. They struggle together. In America, we have so much, but seem to only focus on our differences. Sports are one of the few parts of American culture that unites us.
  24. It’s all idiotic lies spewed to make white viewers afraid and to keep their eyeballs glued to the screen. The more eyeballs on the screen, the more money they make. They can do viewer ratings by the minute to track the language that keeps peoples attention and fear works.
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