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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. He was the lowest guy on a totem pole that is a couple stories higher than our totem pole.
  2. He's rolling tonight, seems like he's trying to get his post count up.
  3. They did it Sat because they needed to promote a DL off the PS to play Sunday. The need was caused by Aaron Smith's injury not being year ending (pgh hopes) so they needed the roster spot instead of just putting Smith on IR. Also, their other starting DE keisel was out.
  4. Don't know about you, but I've seen Whitner bite on enough play action pass for the rest of the season. That would be from him feeling the need to step up and fill gaps.
  5. I'm don't know the rule for sure, but I thought it was 24 hours. Assuming the Steelers did it 4pm Sat and maybe the NFL doesn't count Sunday, 24 hours was up today at 4pm. I am a little disappointed by this because early reports out of camp had him making an impact, although as camp went on I heard less about him. I'm sure OBD will say something like he wasn't better than anyone we had etc, but I would have to think we could have found someone to release in order to give this kid a look see.
  6. steelers.com (via twitter, the @steelersdigest on the middle right of the page) has him picked up by the niners. http://www.steelers.com/
  7. Hey Aaron, try outperforming the players who can't play in practice first, then talk smack about who can't play and who can. As much as you think they suck, the coaching staff thinks you suck even more.
  8. The tower had to be swinging around in the wind considering he was tweeting about it so long before the tower fell. It's too bad someone didn't see that and get the kid down. Very sad the kid had to give his life for something so insignificant. RIP.
  9. I'm beginning to think it's not just the players that need to break out of their loser mentality.
  10. I'm thinking they don't know if Wang can stay healthy at tackle - considering his brief history here. The game could be a little fast for him out there. Maybe some time at guard will help him.
  11. Seems to me CJ needs to learn how to use his blockers better. He must have been so fast in college that he could make it around the edge regardless of what his blockers were doing. He needs to take what is there for him instead of trying to outrace defenders, they're too fast in the NFL.
  12. He looks like a boy playing in a man's game. Maybe some HGH in the offseason will help?
  13. For what it's worth I'd like to see us get Pit olb Lamaar Woodley in FA, a qb in the 1st and an RT in the second, assuming the talent available warrants it. This team is so talent devoid I don't want to get much into need, but the guys picked do need to step in and help.
  14. Chan repeatedly said all the players were starting with a clean slate. So while he may have looked at the tape, he gave them even ground to start. I didn't hear anyone complaining that Fitz or Brohm outplayed Trent during the entire preseason.
  15. You're right, just like a steak is a steak, same exact things.
  16. The locker room. The goal is to win. If your front office and coaching staff does not publically put winning first, what will the players do? Just not bother? What does that say to free agents who may come here? "well, we're gonna really try to win...", come on down so you can be part of our stroll to victory! Whether it's true or not, the front office has to believe their path is the correct one, if not they're not worth a crap in the first place. Would you rather have Jauron telling you it's hard to win in the NFL? Sounds to me like that's what you're looking for.
  17. I'm not going to be suprised if TE makes it back as the starter this year, I think he will be given the opportunity to have his own "Jacksonville" one last ditch effort. I consider this the wake up benching and it's mainly related to him not trying to play to win. Not saying that Trent will become the qb we need, but I can't see Fitz or Brohm lasting the rest of the year because they lack the talent also. There's only so long a coach can watch a player screw it up, and it seems like Gailey will be cycling through his options this year as he has been doing since OTA's.
  18. I think our dline is fine bud. In a 3-4 your pass rush comes from your lb's especially the olb's. We will need at least one olb next year, and depending on how Maybin plays I think when it comes draft time it may be a bigger need than OT. At least we have OT's that could get better this year, I don't have as much hope for the OLB's.
  19. If I'm remembering the play correctly - I think the WR could have headed to the sidelines (away from additional coverage) and been open for at least an attempted throw. Looked to me like there was enough room there and then up the sideline because the safety was around the hash. It does speak volumes that Trent couldn't find anywhere to throw the ball - across the field, anywhere - almost like he accepted defeat.
  20. It ain't right, but I laughed the first time I saw Jesus H Christ.
  21. From what I understand the tickets sales really went up right after TO signed. And when is the trading deadline, week 8 or something? So you wanted Ralph to give a big post trade finger to all the fans who bought tickets to see TO? There's a smart move. I'd be suprised if we move Lynch because it seems that this front office is making a commitment to the guys on the roster. The team will be built like the steelers, where the players feel more like a family and less like pawns, where they get cut when they get outplayed on the field. I think some folks here will need some time to get used to it, but oh well. As I've said before, the key is to draft guys that can be signed to a second contract, without that we will be in the same trouble we're in now.
  22. Since you had locked this thread a little while ago I posted a topic in customer service reporting the same issue for me. SDS - Maybe something related to the pic uploads from earlier?
  23. My fault, must have remembered incorrectly. I'll see if I can find the clip.
  24. I have assumed there is less involvement by the rest of the front office on an undrafted free agent than the first (and gradually lower) round pick. Another conclusion I draw from what I have seen/heard is Tom Modrak still has a job with the Bills because his recommendations have been better than who we have ended up picking. Just my 2 cents from behind the horse trying to figure out what it ate...
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