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DC Tom

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Everything posted by DC Tom

  1. And you and Jay here now? This is like a 25-year reunion thread. Was thinking, too, when I saw The Dean's reply, "How many of us remember the old times, with Dean's drinkling (side note, Hi, Love Corn!), Rosen's panda fetish, and Ann's House of Pain?"
  2. @JÂy RÛßeÒ Longest-living male giant panda in captivity An An dies at 35
  3. Oh, "saddest" is just ***** brilliant. I couldn't call him an idiot for that. I might hurt his self of steam.
  4. I'm a homophobe because my gay friends are Republicans? You're a mammoth ***** idiot.
  5. Would have been her birthday today. Happy birthday, Cindy. Hope you're having a good time under the couch with your uncle.
  6. Not that Trump has any integrity himself. Which goes to show how utterly bereft of any class, humanity, dignity, or basic decency these dregs of humanity are here. And they wonder why we got tired of their *****.
  7. What possible evidence do you have that I'm racist?
  8. No, it makes you wrong, because you said she posted it less than a week after an attempted coup. She didn't. And I already said she's an unholy dingbat. I've always thought so. I have no idea why people follow here. I've heard some do because she's hot...I don't even see that.
  9. YOU were FDR. Shut the ***** up Gary. No one cares.
  10. Check the date. She tweeted this before the election. THIS is why this board went completely downhill. You people simply can't read.
  11. She's an unholy dingbat. Fact is, either side was going to riot if their candidate lost. Both parties spent the better part of a year convincing their base that a loss meant the election was stolen (hell, most of you idiots here still think the 2016 election was stolen). This is what happens when you call your opposition your "enemy" and judge process solely by outcome.
  12. Um...because it is? Have you seen what's happened in the past 48 hours? Opposition is being silenced. There have been two bills in Congress to expel Republicans from Congress en masse. A third bill is being introduced that will declare the Republican Party a domestic terror organization. I know most of you here agree with that. But a one-party state that considers opposition True Evil that must be silenced is an extraordinarily bad idea. This is what most of you claimed was Trump's goal in the past four years. Now you're supporting it - driving your opposition to the fringes, then silencing it. This board is a microcosm of that - you harassed and abused everyone who disagreed with you, to the point where they felt they had to escape you. And now you're going to report the site they escaped to as a terrorist organization and have it shut down. This is what you want. It's what your party wants. Restriction of the freedom to oppose you. So you got your wish. Good luck with that. Remember, the Committee for Public Safety ate its own, and ultimately came for Robespierre. Followed? Are you functionally ######ed? I left months before you drove everyone else out of here.
  13. I frequently questioned him. I just didn't think he "lied," so much as he was too stupid to understand reality. To lie, you have to know what the truth is first, and he never did. And in my job, I had direct experience with some of his bull####. He's not some criminal mastermind genius Hitlerite. Never has been. He's just a boorish carnival barker from Manhattan.
  14. You'd be hard-pressed to find any such statement of support. Just because I don't support you traitorous idiots, doesn't mean I support the other traitorous idiots. The only real difference between you and your enemies is that your enemies don't want me dead.
  15. I am not and have never been a Trump supporter, you mammoth idiot.
  16. You did, when you said that the tests for COVID can be developed the same as the flu. We have an entire industry for producing flu tests and vaccines, and for surveillance of the flu. We don't for coronavirus. You cannot go directly from the lab setting to mass production of a coronavirus test like you can a flu test, because the production infrastructure does not exist for coronavirus, but does for the flu. You cannot scale your lab work to mass production in two weeks. If you develop drugs, you should know that. Testing stages aside, what does it take to take a drug from laboratory samples to mass production?
  17. Yeah, after weeks of people screaming "coronavirus isn't the flu," we'll just pretend it is the flu now, so you can be right. Whatever.
  18. 18 and 16 years old. One may last a good while longer - skin cancer, very slow growing. She's had it for years, but the only way to treat it now is with a leg amputation, and I'm not putting an 18 year old cat through that. Kidney failure may get her first. The other has a visceral mast cell tumor. She's in chemo (surprisingly inexpensive), but not doing well on it. I doubt she'll last the year. They're both senior. 16's a pretty good run for a cat. The 18 year old is a Manx, and that's a damned near miraculous run (Manxs are tailless, which is a spinal deformity. They usually don't make it past 10 years, because of spinal issues.)
  19. Aviation Gin. Promised I'd try it, after Ryan Reynolds spoofed the Peloton commercial ('cause it was a really good spoof). And it's actually very good. Was discussing it at work, and someone said "Gin tastes like Christmas." To which I replied "Yes, but Aviation Gin tastes like Christmas when your twelve years old and there's a dirt bike under the tree."
  20. H1N1 isn't a novel virus, and influenza surveillance efforts give a 6-12 month lead time for manufacture, by the same process they make tests for other flu viruses. The novel Coronavirus is a novel virus (pro tip: you can tell, because the microbiologists and epidemiologists call it "novel.") That means no warning, no lead time, and no preexisting industrial infrastructure on which to base test manufacture. But I'm sure I'm somehow wrong, and a million tests for anything and everything under the sun should just appear magically, as you seem to expect. Prius died six months ago. And good riddance.
  21. Everyone in the country has a preexisting medical condition of some kind. I all but expect to die from this bug. To be honest...I'm looking forward to it. I am sick of all this *****.
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