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Everything posted by negativo

  1. Does the pope sh!t in the woods? Is the bear Catholic? Of course he's HOF, and almost certainly 1st ballot.
  2. Final piece of the Jags Super Bowl puzzle now in place.
  3. Love it. Graham needs to be on the field...he's a difference maker. His football instincts are well suited for the safety position.
  4. I cannot get enough of this Goodell account. Brilliant.
  5. Under. I think making the roster is 50/50.
  6. Whaley has a keen eye for defense and a blind eye for offense. Bryce Brown was a complete bust, and Whaley has to suck on that lost 4th rd pick he donated for him.Thank God it wasn't a 1st...{cough, EJ, cough, cough}
  7. Agree 100%. This rule change is an improvement over the boring automatic kick, but only marginally. Eliminating the PAT kick altogether and requiring teams to go for PAT on a real football play would be much more interesting.
  8. Something highly toxic is in the Bay area water. Niners gonna be as bad as the Raiders this year. Fitting that they'll suck as bad as their alternate unis.
  9. I'm certainly no EJ apologist, but doesn't it make more sense to let the summer play out before we jump too deep on this cutting him talk? Give him the opportunity to succeed, or the rope he needs to hang himself with, and then see what comes of it. My money isn't on him, I like Tyrod's chances better, but my money's been wrong before. Let's let it play out.
  10. As I said before, the competition for a roster spot is between EJ and Tyrod. Whoever comes out ahead stays, whoever loses goes. Cassell will be on the roster as a game managing backup/short-term starter.
  11. Winston should counter sue. By the same common sense that Tom Brady must have known what was going on with inflategate, it's also common sense to deduce that Kinsman is lying to try and hit lotto. Her story changed over and over again, and has been dismissed at every level. She even had her aunt try to extort Winston for hush money. As a parent, I look at the situation through the eyes of what would I do if my child was being framed by a gold digger looking for a payday. I know I would advise him to do exactly what Winston is doing. Pay her nothing, not one thin dime, and fight her every inch of the way. Let her legal bills skyrocket and teach others a lesson who might be tempted to play the same game. Also as a parent, I would be appalled if my daughter used sex with celebrity athletes as a ways and means to wealth. I'm certainly doing my best as a father to teach my daughter better than that. Reinforce she's worth more than that. That she's not just a vagina cash machine. It's sad that society is still so backward and Neanderthal. In many ways, we're moving backward instead of forward in terms of our attitudes towards women and sex. We have devalued both to nothing more than a game of orgasm for dollars.
  12. I hate Dallas. I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Dallas. Is it jealously? Maybe. Partly. It's also a cultural hate. Arrogant pretty boy hate. Smug, cocky, entitlement hate. Regardless of the reasons, the simple fact remains that I HATE Dallas.
  13. Kiper ripped the Bills last draft for the Watkins trade, saying they should have taken Beckham and kept the picks. Turned out he was right. This year, he sticks to the Watkins premise for the 2015 draft being a failure, too. Impossible to say whether he's right or wrong yet, but it's no surprise he doubled down. Of course, he's been wrong as often as he's been right in his predictions so hopefully for us this is one of those times. Let's face it, draft success is impossible to predict.
  14. Grayson was the only QB worth taking after the Big Two, but he was gobbled up before the Bills 3rd round pick by NO. Had he been available the Bills very well might have taken a shot on him. The rest of the pack were essentially athletic projects, and we have enough of that already.
  15. Freddy is a lock for the roster. He'll be the primary backup to McCoy, and will spell him throughout games as needed. Expect Brown to be cut and Williams to land on the practice squad.
  16. Bad beyond words. Total garbage.
  17. I may be in the minority here, but I'd pick Grayson at #50. QB is the one dire position issue for us. We solve that puzzle the rest of the pieces fall into place. From what I've seen and read, he has the best chance of any remaining prospect to make the mental and physical transition from college star to effective pro. The other QBs have "athlete project" written all over them, and I do not want to get stuck in that abyss. A Quality OL will be available at #3. Don't want to waste this opportunity at a solid prospect, and next year be forced to trade up to land the best available QB darling should nothing in our current group emerge from mediocrity.
  18. I'm so sick of this being bantered in the media. Was he worth it? So far, no. Will he eventually be worth it? Maybe. He has shown flashes of elite talent, but also has been injury prone and has a tendency for alligator arms in traffic. I'd like to think he'll become a pro-bowl receiver, but anyone who says they know either way is just guessing. Let's see how the year plays out. Until then, I'm reserving judgment.
  19. Well that significantly deflated my hate for Brady. Good on him.
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