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Everything posted by negativo

  1. Unless it's torn instead of pulled, he'll be fine by opening day.
  2. Nothing that most of us haven't been saying since Taylor was signed.
  3. I think EJ getting released would be as much about team chemistry as resources. He would likely be disgruntled as the 3rd string QB never getting practice snaps. If the coaches believe Simms on the Practice Squad gives the team all it needs as a 3rd QB, and adding a position player who can contribute on special teams is more benefit, it would make sense to let EJ go. Also, it would be the right thing to do for EJ. Wallowing as a 3rd QB means never dressing for games and being in career abyss. It would be better for him to get a clean start elsewhere and have a shot as a backup one injury away from starting. He's been a gentleman here, and deserves that much.
  4. Poll to determine how TSW members will react if EJ gets released.
  5. I honestly feel for EJ's superfans. They've invested so deep of a commitment he'd prove the naysayers wrong, so much energy defending every unbeliever attack, so much emotional capital hoping EJ would arise from the depths and vindicate their perfect faith, that I honestly wonder if they'll be able to continue on as Bills fans if/when he's cut. It will crush them.
  6. Likely over for EJ. Taylor and Meh will battle it out to the end for the starting job.
  7. Sad as this statement may be, it's pretty accurate. Many of us, present company included, feared this would be the case from the moment Manuel was selected.
  8. Been out of Buffalo for 25 years, and after coming in once a year the first few I have only been to a handful of games the past 20 years. My era is mostly old memories from when I was a wild child in my 20's. Back then we tailgated hard, got drunk, and had some of the best times of my life. Never got in a fight or was puked on. Yes, there was always a sloppy drunk stumbling around somewhere in the lot, but you were smart enough to not bother with them. Maybe it's different now, or, more likely, the members of this board got older and have a reduced tolerance for young, loud drunks getting rowdy at games like we all used to do. I still drink (more scotch than beer these days), but my competitive drinking days are over. No longer enjoy pounding beers from a funnel or shotgunning them from a can. But I remember vividly when I did, and how much I loved doing it back in the day. Now I like to drink because I like to drink. I don't count empties like a trophy case. Drinking games with penalties would be a boring waste of time. I drink at my own desired speed, and have as much or little as I want, and that makes me happy. Friends having drinks with me is one of my favorite things, but the mob chugging era is long gone. Most of us here are probably the same way. Just remember, we were all once a pack of drunk kids having a blast in ways only youth allows. We sometimes forget what that looks like until it's in our face, but it's a right of passage that we shouldn't be too judgmental about. Remember, we all live in glass houses, people.
  9. Not unusual for the ex-coach to take some smack from a few ex-players. Even "players coach" Rex was given a little nasty. That said, Marrone earned a special level of hate from all sides. Fans, players, staffers, management...overall, he managed to achieve the unique distinction of becoming the most hated Bills coach of all time.
  10. Guessing this is primarily a huge FU to the Jets, because he's not exactly a huge talent. Not sure we need this crap, but it fits the Rex philosophy of being a bully team that likes to get under the skin of his opponents. After too many years of being the weaklings, I gotta confess to liking a little FU.
  11. Worst ever has to be a fairly high 1st round pick. With that, here's my Bottom 5. #4 Overall - Mike Williams: A complete and utter fail who was effectively out of the NFL after 4 miserable seasons. #12 Overall - Phil Dokes: Anyone over 45 remembers this unbelievable stiff, who was out of the NFL after 2 inept seasons. #11 Overall - Aaron Maybin: Despite Tabloid Timmy's effort to positively spin this bum, he sucked and was out of the NFL after 3 seasons. #1 Overall - Walt Patulski: He wasn't as bad as legend has it, but for a #1 overall pick he was terrible. #16 Overall - EJ Manuel: The idiocy to draft EJ 30 spots higher than his draft ranking doomed the Bills to QB purgatory. *Honorable mention: #1 overall Tom Cousineau. The fact he was traded to Cleveland for their top pick - which became Jim Kelly - made his bust extremely valuable. Without Tom there is no Jim.
  12. Pretty much summarizes my opinion. I watch most FSU games being in Florida, and I KNEW the EJ pick was impossibly stupid the moment it happened.
  13. EJ does seem to be the 3rd wheel right now. He needed to step up in camp and show he was the best of the lot, and it has not happened. The Carolina game could be his last gasp. I can't see the coaches keeping all 3 heading into Cleveland.
  14. Love having football back, but that was one boring game to watch.
  15. Smart to start Cassel in the preseason opener. The competition between EJ and Tyrod seems pretty tight, and starting one over the other would be a big statement to their teammates as to who has the upper hand. Cassel is competing really against Cassel. If Meh plays Meh he'll carry a clipboard. If Meh plays better than meh he will be the #1. The pecking order in the battle between EJ and Tyrod will become apparent in the playing order of the 2nd game. I would expect a cut to be made prior to the 3rd game, which is when the starter gets the bulk of the snaps and the backup finishes.
  16. I grew up on his calming voice bringing sanity amidst the insanity of MNF during the Cosell era. RIP Frank.
  17. No, they didn't document the PSI before the game started. That's the point. There is no credible baseline. Also, the stats don't add up that after the game the Colts footballs were substantially more deflated than the Patriots. The whole thing reeks.
  18. You didn't read what I posted. The error is in the 13.0 premise to begin with. The presumption the Colts balls were originally inflated to 13.0 was not verified or recorded by the referees despite their being notified of the Colts impending protest. The report just takes their word for it and leaves it at that. Without any documented verification of the starting point of 13.0 the entire comparison is invalid. Again. Please reread the first statement I quoted. "Wells admits that the NFL referees did not bother to document the pregame measurements despite the Colts tipping off the NFL to their suspicions and the NFL warning the referees to watch for ball pressure."
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