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Everything posted by negativo

  1. NCAA for me, and it's not close. I watch marathons of great games every Saturday from noon til midnight. So much more excitement and enthusiasm in the college game. Pro is very corporate and sterile by comparison.
  2. At the end of his great rookie year, Shanahan ruined him by allowing him to play on a spaghetti knee in the playoffs. That gruesome injury forever stole his ability to put fear in the defense with his legs. He's not a great pure passer. Not accurate in the pocket. Never developed an NFL game beyond gifted athlete QB, and unless he somehow finds accuracy and the ability to stand in the pocket and deliver tough throws he's done. Also, despite his outward arrogance I think he has lost his self-confidence. RGIII is a broken man.
  3. Marlins Park is really nice. We go to a few games a year even though they suck. Not holding my breath for a new owner anytime soon. Thought this year they'd have a good team, but they started horrible and stayed horrible.
  4. 1. Bills/Sabres 2. Florida Gators 3. FSU Seminoles (Yes, I am a fan of both schools) 4. Miami Marlins
  5. He was a homer but he was our homer, dammit. RIP to a true Buffalo legend.
  6. Jenner winning the Ashe award for courage is a complete disgrace, and perfectly symbolic of our progressively decaying, decrepit, derelict society (pardon the alliteration).
  7. Does anyone really care what the professional skank posts? How is Duke shamed for politely seeing if she was up for meeting out? I think everyone knows to consider the source. This is a non story, and if anyone looks bad here it's the whore.
  8. Confederate flag is a symbol of racism and secession first, heritage second. No way around that fact, and it cannot be considered appropriate as a team symbol for sports. Redskins? There is absolutely no history of that being a racist slur. Its only use is associated with a team that chose the name as a way of honoring their original composition of having a majority American Indian players. It needs to stay.
  9. Thug POS should also be expelled by university, if he hasn't already.
  10. As much as I hate the Pats and Brady, I just can't get my panties in a wad about this. Seems a much ado about nearly nothing. Technically, yes, there is little doubt some kind of mischief was done that violated the rules, but this is football not golf. Every player is looking for an edge that pushes the boundaries of the rules. It'll take a lot more than a pound of hot air to get me to care. It's comparable to pine tar bats and over-curved curved sticks. A rule violation, yes, but come on...perspective people. This was not an egregious violation of the game. If it turns out Tom Brady paid off the refs or illegally bet on the game I'll change my mind. Until then, a big plate of meh that quite frankly bores the **** out of me.
  11. Spiller...if they think he's anything like Sproles or Bush in his prime I gotta laugh. Those guys had great hands, made people miss in space, were durable, and could mix in runs between the tackles if called upon. Spiller is fragile, poor hands, terrible between the tackles and doesn't make many people miss. He's best suited as a kickoff specialist, where he can make some big plays with straight-line speed...if he still has it after all the injuries.
  12. Lamonica was The Man. WTF were the Bills thinking trading him instead of Kemp? Oh, and Shaw losing his job to Ferguson in '73 after being Rookie Of The Year in 1970? Come on...he had no chance with those horrible teams. Give the guy room to develop.
  13. 28 pages...Way too soon and way too few meaningful snaps to have this much conjecture. Let's at least let the preseason begin before we get so aggressive with the predictions. Any of the Top 3 could be starting opening day, and we really don't know **** beyond that yet.
  14. Finito. Hope I don't have to hear the name Michael Sam again. Let this circus act be relegated to the ash heap of tabloid history.
  15. Hate. Complete hate. He tried to steal our team, and for that I cannot forgive.
  16. Carucci also reported that EJ looked the best, Cassel by far the worst, and Taylor just middling. I think the most significant part of that report is how God-awful Cassel was. As a veteran without athleticism, his primary attribute has to be accuracy and reading defenses. If he's weak on those two fronts he'll be gone. Very bad omen for his chances that he can't get it done in a safe, controlled environment.
  17. This was not a serious column or analysis. It was tabloid fodder loosely tied together with some flimsy, disconnected stats. Whatever is the opposite of "well thought out" is what this "article" should be called. Not sure if the OP was being serious, to be honest.
  18. Braves at #2 totally discredited this list. San Diego belongs in the mix. Much as it pains me to say it, the Bills AFL championship shouldn't be counted. It was still a secondary league, and they were not better than the Lombardi era Packers.
  19. Early though it may be, it's definitely a good sign to see Freddy and Nigel raving about him publicly like this. Winning the confidence of teammates is a critical part of becoming a successful QB. Yes, until he sees live fire this is all very preliminary, but there's no other way to take this but positive. The ideal scenario to play out in camp/preseason would be finding a clear starter that separates from the pack, not anointed by draft position, years of experience or raw potential. Tyrod seems to be doing all the right things thus far.
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