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Everything posted by negativo

  1. "Wells admits that the NFL referees did not bother to document the pregame measurements despite the Colts tipping off the NFL to their suspicions and the NFL warning the referees to watch for ball pressure." "Wells states that “the Patriots balls should have measured between 11.52 and 11.32 psi at the end of the first half.” Ball 1 (11.80), Ball 3 (11.50), Ball 5 (11.45), Ball 6 (11.95), Ball 7 (12.30), Ball 8 (11.55), Ball 9 (11.35), and Ball 11 (11.35) all registered above 11.32 by Prioleau’s readings (Balls 1, 6, and 7 also did so by Blakeman’s)." "Apart from whitewashing the inconvenient truth that one referee judged a majority of Pats balls where Wells’s scientists said balls inflated to regulation before the game would read at halftime, this underhanded tactic enables Wells to gloss over the fact that three Colts balls lost so much pressure after a half, despite supposedly coming in at 13.0 to begin with, that they fell short of the NFL standard on at least one ref’s gauge." http://www.breitbart.com/sports/2015/05/12/top-10-reasons-why-an-appeal-overturns-tom-bradys-suspension/
  2. Well, at least the 3 ball sample size the NFL "randomly" chose to report on.
  3. Damnit, I didn't get the memo instructing me to care about Arian Foster's beliefs on God. Oh, well...back to what I was doing.
  4. Either one. He's brittle and meh. Good enough to guide us along as a placeholder, but at some point being outplayed by opposing QBs would do it, too. I think Taylor will probably beat out Manuel, and if so the fans will be screaming for a switch if Cassel can't put enough points on the board.
  5. Cassel to start the opener. Don't expect him to remain the starter past midseason.
  6. I don't think accuracy, be it football/baseball/basketball, is a matter of the light going on. In some ways, the more you press the worse it gets. Maybe if it were a matter of bad mechanics you could coach that up, but his mechanics are actually good. I honestly don't see this problem getting better. If anything, it gets in your head and becomes worse...like a struggling putter developing the yips.
  7. He'll probably be on the roster because of special teams, but this smells of the classic "muscle strain to get out of training camp conditioning" injury.
  8. It still could be a young guy starting, but I understand the reasoning if they choose Cassel to start the season. The pressure of starting knowing you're just a bad pick or two from being yanked is brutal for a youngster. EJ melted under that heat last year. A veteran will be able to handle it better knowing if he gets benched he still has value as a mentor backup who could be called upon again.
  9. Does Meh make your heart aflutter? lol Even if Cassel is the opening day starter, he's just a pubic hair away from the clipboard. Whoever wins the Taylor/Manuel competition will be starting by the quarter pole if Meh falters or gets injured.
  10. Seems Carucci is ready to anoint Cassel. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/08/05/analysis-cassel-pushes-slightly-ahead-in-starting-quarterback-race/ I've been saying all along that the real competition is between Taylor and Manuel. From what I've read, this race is too close to call. My sense is that Tyrod wins a tie because of his athleticism and being a Rex favorite, which means Manuel would currently be the odd man out.
  11. Many conflicting QB reports from Monday night's practice. Seems either Taylor or Manuel had the best night depending on which report you believe, and that Cassell was the weakest link. Overall, here's what I take from the first 5 days of camp. Manuel's had a few flashes, but is still struggling with accuracy. Taylor is very athletic but inconsistent reading defenses Cassell is Captain Checkdown Seems to be holding form from what was expected going into camp. If this holds form through the scrimmage on Saturday, EJ is probably the odd man out heading into preseason. He likely has to beat out Taylor, not just be comparable or equal, to make the final cut. Cassell is probably a roster lock, but could play himself into clipboard holder if he doesn't show something in the preseason.
  12. Objectively speaking, I wouldn't call Cassell and Tyrod illegitimate. A veteran game manager with some NFL pedigree as one option, and a young gun hoping to break thru with a ton of athleticism as the other isn't a terrible combination. I'm not sold yet on either, but I think there's reason to feel a bit positive.
  13. If EJ is as bad as early camp reports indicate, then it's about to be a two-man race between Tyrod and Meh with Simms lingering in the background as a dark, dark horse. Objective fans saw this coming a long time ago, so it should come as no surprise. One would think Cassell has the edge, albeit a slight one, as we head towards preseason. If Tyrod lights it up, though, he could steal it.
  14. I have no doubt in my mind that Brady will be standing when the dust settles in this war. The bell tolls for thee, Roger. You overplayed your hand.
  15. Just because the union didn't succeed in revoking an unethical practice by the league as part of their agreement doesn't mean the players who are victimized don't have a case. The NFL will very much be on trial here.
  16. How is it this guy's not been fired yet? Seems to me he should have been canned immediately.
  17. Whatever side of Deflategate you're on, in the trial everyone should be pulling for Brady. It's absolutely criminal that Goodell is given power of prosecution, ruling and sentencing in disciplinary disputes. This blatant conflict of interest has been Goodell's MO since becoming commissioner, and the league's credibility has been severely and repeatedly tainted as a result. Brady seems to have a good case IMO. The evidence against him was flimsy at best, very incomplete, and highly circumstantial. The league's presumption of guilt since the inception of the controversy discredits their claims of objectivity. This whole process smells of a kangaroo court led by a corrupt small town sheriff who also happens to be judge, jury and prosecution. I agree with the perception the Patriots under Belichick have a history of bending the rules, cheating if you will, to gain competitive advantage. That being said, the NFL under Goodell has been a far worse violator of ethics code. An unchecked bastion of corruption and cronyism run amok. The NFL led by Goodell are the ones most deserving to be on trial, and I'm happy to see that that's exactly what's going to happen.
  18. He's been looking for an out since he came in. Time to buy a kilo of weed and a new paint brush.
  19. This puff pastry piece was basically a giant smooch to Maybin, who from what I can tell did nothing to deserve such a sympathetic write-up besides paint his frustrations and smoke a ton of reefer in his million dollar house. Never liked Graham. Still don't like Graham.
  20. 'A' on the Bills. Hard to see where he's done a thing wrong so far. 'C' on the Sabres. Back-to-back historically bad teams under his ownership cannot be ignored.
  21. The lone positive: It was no negative that there will never again be any talk of Toronto being part of One Buffalo.
  22. I predict this ends with a fine and no suspension. Wells report too flimsy, and the NFL's case is full of holes.
  23. Aptly named, Josh is a free man now that his NFL career is over and he's pocketed a cool $15 million.
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