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Everything posted by Bflojohn

  1. I'm really suprised that NO ONE has mentioned this yet.... Weed out the losers on this team, and IF that entails "blowing the roster up", DO IT!! A culture of losing is permeating throughout this entire organization, and that is why Ralph said that NO JOB IS SAFE!! I agree with the basic premise that a General Manager is first and foremost. Then let him choose his own Head Coach, be it experienced or "hot shot" coordinator. Now, let that coach build his own staff, all by himself, because he sinks or swims with his picks. February is the month to weed out and evaluate the roster. Trade whomever has any value, without being swindled by anothet team. March brings free agency, and by now, the front office and coaching staff working in harmony "targets" the talent neccessary to start the rebuild. April's draft HAS TO BE the first of several in a row that reap ALL Pros and playmakers, something some of us will hardly remember!! Sign the draft picks ON TIME and get their a$$es to camp. RUN A HARD NOSED CAMP, no camp paradise! Oh, in between (somewhere around late January) fire the strength and conditioning staff and hire a new one! The QB is of prime importance, so find the next GREAT QB to run the show. Simple really, if it is attacked boldly and asstutely. Any questions?!?! Note: I also believe in big, tough and NASTY players who are completely and wholely dedicated to WINNING, bring in the horses!!!!
  2. When you get old(er), your gum line can receed and it makes your teeth look "longer", hence long in the tooth!! Make sure to take particularly GOOD care of your gums youngsters!!
  3. The hiring of a Head Coach before the Senior Bowl is also a benchmark! The crowd in Birmingham, Alabama is chocked full of prospective assisant coaches looking for employment. Why not have all your ducks in a row and pick and choose from the best there? I hope the Bills make big inroads in the coaching ranks, and select nothing but quality guys all around. GO BILLS!!!
  4. He does seem to have a defensive temperment! I believe the draft has some quality IF the Bills wanted to change to the 3-4 scheme. Dan Williams, NT, Tennessee always seems to be mentioned and Terrance Cody of Alabama is simply HUGE and might be the prototypical NT.
  5. I think there is merit to building one side of the ball first, in the draft. If our top two picks were DT and OLB, the overall athleticism and hustle would improve greatly. Additionally, it may spark Marcus Stroud out of his hibernation, and we'd get the "dancing bear" back too! Man, if the Bills added Rolando McClain and traded back into round one for Cody, the overall production on defense would be looking good. I always like the idea of a strong defense in Buffalo, it would suit the fanbase to the letter.
  6. Hey, commish95, don't go around painting everyone in this organization with the same broad brush strokes.... wait, PAINT AWAY!!
  7. The Jim Plunkett story was echoed by Tommy Maddox in Pittsburgh too. I actually saw a program where Maddox was selling insurance and had pictures on his wall of his "former" playing days! Bill Cowher COMPLETELY changed his stripes for Tommy Maddox, and started throwing the ball excessively, getting away from the Pittsburgh M.O. of running the ball down peoples throats! Jim Plunkett was also out of football for a time before the Raiders plucked him off the scrap heap, so miracles do happen in the NFL, from time to time!! Your point about a rebuilt O-line and a stout running game and defense are NOT lost on a vast majority of Buffalo Bills fans. We are all hoping that this next front office shuffle will bring about the greatness we all want and long to see!! GO BILLS!!
  8. The players (not only Marcus Stroud) will have to "buy in" when the new sheriff comes to town! Give Stroud someone to mentor along side him at DT like Suh or McCoy, and I'm thinking that you could have a bounce back year in the making. I am also weighing in with the clean house theory, because losing is ingrained in this organization, top to bottom, and the only way to remove the stench of losing is a really great spring cleaning! There are plenty of candidates available in regard to the ax, but I tend to agree that Aaron Schobel isn't one of them!!
  9. Umm, smells like dogsh..., glad I didn't step in it!!
  10. Seriously, I'm UP for a rebuilding IF, and only IF, they hire the right front office personnel. The promise of a better day better be rather self evident, to me, as Ralph Wilson simply cannot parade the T.O.'s of the world as the marketing answer when sooo many other issues exist. We all should adopt the Missouri state moto, " The show me state" as a tool to lure old Ralph, kicking and screaming into the 21st century! Coaching is a piece of the puzzle, and GOD knows the Bills are in need of an bonified NFL Head Coach, but the general manager is paramount in my estimation! Talent evaluation to get this new coach the neccessary players to get the job done.
  11. In my little Buffalo Bills world, it is addition by subtraction! Good riddance Terrell Owens, I won't miss you!! The new regime won't want him anyways, IMO.
  12. I don't know Promo, have you watched some of our fourth quaters this year!
  13. He went as high as he did because in most evaluations, he was the prototypical 5-technique 3-4 DE!! The Chiefs under the new coaching regime, was shifting to the 3-4, and sans a true NT in the first round in April, they opted (in their opinion) for the best DE fit. I can't quite blame them because I believe, in time, he will be a monster at that position, especially IF they find a NT, going forward!!
  14. Perry Fewell has as many wins in division as Dick Jauron had in his last 9, (1) and I think that IF he finishes strong in the divisional games against the Jets and Patriots, he solidifies his stance as a possible Head Coaching candidate! We'll see...
  15. But there was a fire, that was their playoff hopes going UP IN FLAMES! Welcome to the return of Professional football in Western New York!! GO BILLS!
  16. To the contrary, John W., I love the proactive stance that Ralph is pursuing, at this time. It is high time for these proposed changes,and indeed, Buffalo may be a tough sell, but it is my assertion that this is the perfect storm for Ralph because of the glut of BIG NAME candidates! Last years' hiring frenzy sets the Bills up well in their attempts to rectify the current dilemma. The liklihood of one of these coaches taking a Head Coaching position with the Buffalo Bills is strong, IMO!
  17. Mr. Ralph Wilson has painted himself into the proverbial corner, and his exit or escape route runs through the BIG HIRE! He is either "all in" with this latest assessment of his franchise, or the consequences are dire. The dictum that NO job was safe, really lite me up because they're signalling a total overhaul of the organization, and it's about time!! The fans he has are pretty sauve, and will know, by January, if he followed through on his latest endevour to right the ship in Buffalo. Tough sell? Maybe, however, the coaching hires last year, in large part, are the teams that are floundering right now and change there will be unlikely. Eventually, sheer mathematics could thrust a proven Head Coaching candidate our way. I, for one, am ALL for a proven talent evaluator followed by the new Head Coach. Enough of the cart before the horse thinking!
  18. Sticking with very recent history Marshawn's_ blunt, when was the last time Ralph Wilson took stock of his franchise and issued a statement that things will change, top to bottom, and that NO job is safe? Oh, wait, THAT was done just last week!! Maybe someone convinced Mr. Wilson that repeating history is how you are doomed to repeat it.... Uh oh, I typed DOOMED!!
  19. This seems, to me, to be the reflection of all Bills fans, insofar as a meager writer named Jerry Sullivan can stur the pot to the point of sometimes violent reaction! Wow, have people lost all objectivity along the way? He is a beat writer who allegedly has no real source inside One Bills Drive, and obstensibly writes for a newspaper that is hardly the Pulitzer Prize engine of East Coast papers. So why are "you" so upset at Jerry Sullivan for doing EXACTLY what his editors want him to do?? Undoubtedly, the Buffalo News is still a money making enterprise, so stop reading this paper IF it causes so much upheavel in your unhappy lives! The mere notion that Jerry Sullivan can write an article, whereby he lays out a coherent and cohesive plan to rebuild the Buffalo Bills to past glory is sheer foolhardiness! In my mind, it is better for fans to keep a perception that things will eventually improve, going forward, and that Mr. Ralph Wilson's proclaimation to revamp the Buffalo Bills, top to bottom, has merit. Rise above the din, people and billive! GO BILLS! Note: I am not inclined to feel all will be just fine by January, but I choose to believe that they will. I'm just waiting....
  20. My specific feel is that this episode is intertwined with the Ralph Wilson mantra of "no job is safe", hence, the manure has already started to hit the proverbial fan!! I don't think that this dictum from "on high" was built solely on the heels of the Titans game. The entire mess has festered for months, and Dick Jauron and Trent Edwards are the first casualties! The human "carnidge" is coming down the pike, and the likes of Schobel, T.O., Kelsay, Whitner had better duck! Change is a violent occurance, and the front office, coaching staff and WATERBOY will all be evaluated IF there is to be positives taken from the ordeal. It is likely this roster will look NOTHING like it does today, except for the very young veterans who dot the list.
  21. I'm not an astro physics major or anything of that ilk, but maybe there would be a TOTAL reversal because the Bills suck enough, right now, to stem the tide of a million black holes (In theory)!!! If neccessary, the Oakland Raiders, Cleveland Browns, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and the St. Louis Rams could assist in this mighty endevour!!
  22. The minority interview is non other than Perry Fewell our Interim Head Coach! No need to go out around the league on that process....
  23. Mike Leach is an awesome college coach and his latest escapade is a MUST SEE on Youtobe if you've NOT seen it! After a 52-31 loss to Texas A&M, Leach goes off on the players girl friends and it is hilarious! Must see internet fare.
  24. Well, the headline I'd really like to see is "Bills are Shanahans' first choice!", as that would mean that both sides had a mutual "want to" to get something done. I do, however, have a good feeling about the NEW direction of the Buffalo Bills IF this indeed is the aim of this franchise, going forward!!
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