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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. Thanks for the heads up. We have been looking for someplace different, after reading this, we just booked a week in Curacao for early March, All inclusive, flights, everything for less than three thousand, Looking forward to a new spot.
  2. Maybe the 23 year olds went and the creepy execs followed them in hopes of getting a shot. All in all, very creepy. Kudos to the Pegulas' judgment and applying the standards across the board.
  3. My sister works at one of the Father Baker facilities, last I heard she was either a principal or assistant principal for one of the schools there.
  4. "If you outlaw decorative knives, only outlaws will have decorative knives" It's always Florida when stuff like this happens...
  5. So here is the question, how do you load Titanium or Tea TV onto the stick? I know I followed youtube to load Kodi, but what do I need to do to load the others? Its lamost like a new setup comes out every 3 weeks
  6. There are only a scant few who have made all of the TBDHOT through the years. A bad woodshop teacher could count on one hand how many have been there for all. What would be nice if we could get a lot of the early participants from he first one (although I don't know where they are anymore) Bill in Livonia, AIO, 89, Laurie, Bob Lamb (he has made a few recently)
  7. Depending on the date, we will be going to either this one or Dallas
  8. When I was a sophmore in high school I had an accident during late summer and opened up my hand, torn nerves/ruptured artery, yada yada. Anyway I had lost the nerves in the hand and had no feeling, so I became quasi-left handed for a period of time. I stopped by my Mothers office at a school and was complaining to a cute girl who had been volunteering in the office for credits. She listened to me whine about how I can't do this or that with my right hand, and the feeling isnt back, just typical 17 year old self centered whining. She nodded in agreement the whole time. When my Mom came out to find me, I went to say goodbye to the girl and try to figure out if I had a chance. As she pulled away from the desk, I saw that her right hand was gone, she had a prothstesis on her right hand. I wandered off like I had been punched, replaying all the complaints I had just spewed about losing the use of my fingers and hand for a few months. I felt like such a doofus.
  9. The first one was done by my father, he did the covers of the programs from 1961-1964. He also did some of the signage at the Rockpile. Within the weekly programs, he did some Bills related stuff like cartoon bodies of the players in the Bill Cody gear with their headshots on the cartoon body. I used to get copies of all of the programs since Dad also was the salesman for Holling Press which printed the weekly programs. Around 1976, Mom in a cleaning frenzy tossed out "those old programs of yours" The second one is from the AAFC Buffalo Bills from 1947-1949. According to Dad, when the Buffalo Bills came back into existence in 1959, his boss asked him to try to get the Bills account, Mr. Wilson was planning on bringing back the old Bill Cody after one of the west coast teams (LA Chargers) used a version of it in their weekly program. They asked him to do one, and after Mr Wilson gave the approval, he would create a new one about a week or two before the game. I remember watching him draw them first in pencil, then ink, then with the 3 color transparent drapes that would be used for production. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/tag/kevin-weil/
  10. Thanks for the weekly tally, and thanks Scott for doing it again this year. I still cant figure out how it dropped some games for me, Greybeards explanation didn't seem to work in my case, but I just figured it was the dropped week that threw off the counts.
  11. Nothing but respect for Kyle, Buffalo guy all the way.
  12. Jerry, is this the Jerry/Jerry that watched from Bellmore? PM me if you need seats.
  13. My wifes absolute favorite RJ quote. She doesnt really watch hockey, but loves listening to his calls.
  14. We used to send out tons in the 80s and 90s, once the kids grew up it slowed down, now we have not sent any since about 5 years.
  15. My daughter bought this for me and I have now worn it to 3 parties, am planning christmas dinner with it as well. https://www.amazon.com/uideazone-Women-Christmas-Clothes-Family/dp/B077GXM49H/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1545415068&sr=8-16&keywords=funny+ugly+christmas+tshirt
  16. My mother in law passed away and she had been collecting the Hess trucks since the second year, she has 2 for each year until the mid 90's when she moved to florida, we have about 38-40 of them. Still trying to figure out how to unload them.
  17. The fatties that had about 5-7 different cuts of meat in them, I don't know if it was a breakfast fatty or not, but that was the best tailgate food I ever sampled thanks to Mr Rags
  18. My neice priced Uber to and from UB and it was $50 each way. I wonder why there is no shuttle service from downtown (unless some of the bars have them)
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