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Everything posted by Guffalo

  1. Cute, but I question the ease in which she was able to attain explosives, kinda makes you want to sleep with one eye open.
  2. I was hoping we could get a starting lineman and a first for him, I guess the market is a bit thick with quality Qbs. Honestly, If he had been managed properly, he may have had a chance at being a decent backup, just didn't play out that way. Not a bad guy, I wish him luck.
  3. I am temporarily in first place as of 9:17 am! I'm sure it will change by tonight
  4. Wow, even Pooj is going to pass on this collection of trollips.
  5. She could certainly raise the shillelagh from all of the lads on the emerald island
  6. Still in top 5, this is usually where I crap out
  7. Sorry for your loss Jim, losing a parent sucks. As per your request, Years ago, while skiing, my Dad took a pretty bad fall, landing on his chest, with the pole grip against his chest. Good bruise, really stunned him. He said right then and there, "I'm done" In reality I think he realized that his kids were now better than he was and he was trying to keep up and thats what caused his crash. Anyway, the next day the whole family gets in the car to go back to the slopes for another day and Dad is in his gear, but didnt bring any skiis or poles, just his boots. I figured he would go back and get them after we were all booted up and out on the slopes. Every once in a while we would stop and he would be in the lodge, in his gear just checking out the snow bunnies (in the 70's they all wore the tight suits/pants). For the rest of the season he folowed the same plan, gear on, looking the part, just chatting up snow bunnies while we all skied.
  8. HAppy birthday Randy, See you Sunday!!
  9. Just say it fast, almost like a run on sentence....
  10. We will need 1 please, bringing a bears fan with us (be gentle, he is my brother in law)
  11. What yearbook? I don't think I have any left, we have moved and had floods so many times, I doubt I even have my wedding album, although my wife accuses me of trying to hide the evidence.
  12. there were a few 1 loss picks this week too, but 14/14 is pretty impressive, well done
  13. Sent from a guy in my office. I just love how some people are so much more important than others. A legend in their own minds
  14. I don't know that I could pull that look off, that color clashes with my skintone
  15. We went last year, Im a big history fan, get the 2-3 day pass, take the tours of the mansions. Not a lot of night life, but there are some great sites and good food. Also nearby (with the passes) go to Jamestown and Yorktown. The battlefields were "ok", but the buildings and ports were pretty cool.
  16. According to NFL Rule 14.23 a "Any contact with Thomas Brady shall be considered as one of the following infractions: Unsportsmanlike conduct (15 Yards); Personal Foul (15 yards); Roughing the passer (15 yards) Failure to heed to his wishes (15 yards) These penalties can be combined or as seperate infractions. On field officials observations can be augmented with comments from T. Brady to give guidance in cases where clarification is required.
  17. Agreed, I will say for St Joes, it was not his first high school, nor was St Joes responsible for teaching him how to read and write, that should have been installed well before high school. St Joes was responsible for educating their students but in this case they subjugated that responsibility by wanting to have a strong football program. Bringing in a gifted (albeit flawed) quarterback for 2 years, they overlooked a lot of things that would have gotten me kicked out when I was there. My nephew was in high school with Kelly, some of the crap he pulled would have gotten any other kid kicked out. But because he is Chad Kelly, he got away with doing nothing except perfecting his deep throws. As a graduate of that school, I hate seeing his name associated with the school, and wish he never was associated with the institution. Fast forward a few years, Chad Kelly is looking for a new home, don't make me view the Bills like I now view my high school, he has stained just about every institution that has offerred him a chance.
  18. Class of 78, I probably know you, I had a brother that graduated 77, another in 80
  19. I went to my 10 year reuinion from St Joes years ago, it was kinda boring. I have skipped the rest, just missed the 40th this summer. Since I don't live in the area, I rarely get a chance to run into anyone. I did attend a St. Joes NYC gathering about 3 years ago where they were giving updates on the current school and asking for donations. I guess I just don't miss the people I knew back then.
  20. The problem is the kid is a bit of a D bag, in most reports and interviews he always has "teammates" but you don't hear about freinds or girlfreinds. He has his family, but they are on the east coast. Yes if he had a support system, he probably would have avoided this situation, but because he doesnt seem to create decent relationships (because he is a spoiled brat) he has no lifelines available at this point. Denver may decide to give him a handler if they feel he is the next QB for them, but in general, 7th round picks don't come with a handler.
  21. You mean like when Peterman steps on the field and we all scream at the TV?
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