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Mark Vader

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Everything posted by Mark Vader

  1. Off to my Bills Bar. We were 6-6 with a 20% chance to make the playoffs. Tonight, we are already in the playoffs with a shot at winning the division. Suck it, you phonies!!! SQUISH THE PHISH!!! GO BILLS!!!!!
  2. It's been a weird season. We've seen this type of stuff all season.
  3. It happened more than once, at another game against the Patriots*. Wasn't there a NSFW at the playoff game? It hit one of the Patriots* receivers, and he pointed it out to the official.
  4. I'm only suggesting that Isabella could be retained, simply because there will be fewer WR's on the roster during the off season. Also, what is the harm? If anything, you have a veteran player who knows the system, and getting a shot in training camp. That's all.
  5. @BADOLBILZ why is that so funny?
  6. They could give a futures contract to Andy Isabella.
  7. Imagine how Joey B would be doing if the Bengals had drafted some Offensive Linemen earlier in the draft.
  8. Yes, but how many playoff games have been aired on NFL Network & Amazon Prime?
  9. As I mentioned before, I want to see Isabella get a shot on offense, not on Special Teams. I've seen what Harty has done on offense, and that's not good enough.
  10. I want to see Isabella get a shot as a receiver, not as a punt returner.
  11. Isabella has not been given an opportunity to show what he can do. Harty has. I think we can do better than Harty, and Isabella could fill that role.
  12. I remember before the season started, probably just before training camp, when McDermott was asked about the MLB position, and he responded that we already have our MLB. This board was in a panic over that.
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