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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. Watching the SU game on ESPN, and saw it announced there too.
  2. Was Marino on the show then with Boomer when he said it?
  3. Didn't see this posted prior?? One of the few times they've come out and admitted they made a mistake. Was an Interception
  4. What has George Young done other than with the Giants? Yes he was good there for about ten years?? I wouldn't think thats nearly as much as Ralph has done over 45 years
  5. When Brady got that call, he was a nobody, with what one playoff win, or was it zero?
  6. So if it's less risky for the Bill's to trade down, why would another team offer us anything good to move into our position in the draft?
  7. When you consider that there are only 32 head coaching jobs in the NFL and considering his record after two years isn't going to put him high on the wanted list to get another head coaching job, you can also say it took a hell of a lot of guts for him to leave. His convictions were more important than money! I think the Leo Roth article in Fridays D&C is the closest thing to the truth as to why he left. And quite frankly, if that's why he left, which tends to sound logical, I can't blame him, and can understand how/why it took him a week. The more he thought about it, the more he realized this just wasn't right. link to Roth article
  8. When Butler left he stated the same thing, so hearing it twice have to believe it's true. And thats was during winning times too!
  9. From what I recall, the same thing happened the last time except maybe they used better words to describe it. The last time, certain coaches, like Gilbride were given permission immediately to look elsewhere. Others weren't giving permission to look around such as Rusty Jones. This year that already happened when they let the all the defensive coaches go. Maybe MM didn't cafe for Rusty as much as his buddy from Pitt and after a year Rusty was gone, but he kept his job for that year. Im certain this year, if they pick a new coach and he tells Marv, I've worked with Bobby April before, and we just hate eachother, and no way do I want him on my staff, then Aprils gone. The difference is by that point in time it likely would be too late for April to hook up with another job, so likely Ralph will eat his salary for next year. I think all it means is that the guys that are left Ralph and Marv feel they are highly thought of people, well respected and liked, and it would be surprising if who ever is picked, can't work with these guys and wouldn't want them on their staff. Sothey figure it's better to keep these guys around as it's not likely by the time a coach is in place, he'd find anyone better anyway.
  10. As far as I knew Marv still had a house in Hamburg? Never heard he sold that??
  11. I don't know, you could also view it as someone who has a lot of guts to walk away from all that money because he didn't like the direction the team was going in. Not sure his walking away would hurt him with other owners as much as his limited sucess here would.
  12. Don't forget that TD worked for ESPN prior to coming here, so take ESPN's comments with a grain of salt
  13. I heard most of it. It sounded like he was kind of sticking up for MM and was sorry to see him go. He mentioned how the fans in Buffalo are tough to please. I think he might have been responding there to the theory that MM is leaving cause of family issues. (I just turned it on as TS answered that question) Also sounded like he'd look carefully at who they hire to see how serious the Bills really are and what direction they are going in. He definelty didn't sound too happy that MM was leaving.
  14. Didn't LeBeau wor kfor TD in Pitt? Is I'd think he would have known what he was getting himself into when he came here?
  15. Didn't Marv cut Haslett when he was here? I spite of what Fred Smerlas might try to tell you, I'm not so sure that Has wasn't one of those guys that Marv got rid of as he consdered him a cancer?? (Along with Fred)
  16. I really think that was Ralph being vindictive, rather than Ralph being cheap. Either way, he came across as a fool and that may have cost him his shot at HOF. Everyone seems to think that the reason TD hired unknowns was to prevent a power struggle like he had with Cowler in Pitt. And with the unkown, cam a lowe salary. So maybe it wasn't Ralph, but TD. We'll know the answer to that one in a couple weeks depending on who they hire.
  17. Who said you're giving them a one year contract? They will likely be given three or even four year contracts. Other than the coordinators, doesn't make much difference as even if they come to Buffalo, and in a year MM gets fired, the new head coach wants a whole new staff, so they're let go. The new D line then would get paid by Ralph until they get a new job which likely would occur with in a year anyway. So at most Ralph pays them for a year.
  18. Records obtained with totally different rosters. I'm totally convinced if we had hired either instead of Williams, right now they'd be ex head coaches of the Bills as they too would have been fired a year or two a go. I don't think anyone could win with the roster here in Buffalo. Yes there are some good players here, but the o-line mess has killed this team. The argument could be made that they were stornger personailities and wouldn't have allowed TD to give the mthe talent he did, but that's debatable. I think we'd still have the same team with a few exceptions.
  19. But the problem is they aren't voted in by other owners, but by writers. Most probably weren't even born when Ralph loaned Davis the $$ They are nominated because of their contributions, but there's nothing to prevent a votor from casting his vote strictly based on wins. I do think that the last five years or so in Buffalo have hurts Ralphs chances too. Whether it's true or not, his reputation of being cheap has hurt, and he's held too many grudges. Lou Saban and Wade Phillips are two big ones that have hurt him. I'd like to see him voted in, but these things have hurt him.
  20. Your concept if fine, but don't think realistic. You'll never get any kind of good skill players for that kind of $$. Granted, I agree with you that with a good line, you don't need the best RB or WR, but I think your number are too low, particually when you include backups. On the otherhand I do think you over spent on the O-line so may get some extra $$'s from there. The other problem yu'll run into is a guy like Preston signs his first contract within your numbers, But if he becomes any good, his next contract would put him over your allowable. I've always felt though that you're better off signing the best safety or best center in the league as you can aquire top level talent at those positions for less money than the top RB or top QB
  21. Didn't someone here start a post the other day suggesting we should draft him?? He'll fit Marv's charator need real well! Vick Arrested
  22. Umm... This trick was tried already two years ago by the Giants and the Chargers. For the Giants to go from the #4 pick to the #1 spot, all they gave up was I believe two #1's and two #3's (or was it #2's) Either way was a hell of alot more than Losman and the #8! Maybe if you also threw in this years #2 and next years #1, you might get them to at least start returning phone calls. And if we somehow were to make the trade, you're getting a guy who may go #2, but can just as easily be a bust. Besides McNabb, what running QB has come close to being great? (some people may say that statement excludes McNabb too)
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