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Everything posted by Ed_Formerly_of_Roch

  1. Yeah but where are you going to fuind someone who is willing to put up roughly 2/3 of the money but not be the voice of the team. JBJ had a unique situation with the Toronto group that allowed him to put up the least amount of money, but stil lbe the managing partner. I think he would have had trouble finding that elsewhere.
  2. http://www.foxsports.com/buzzer/story/mike-ditka-washington-redskins-name-change-political-correct-idiots-081914 Agree 1000% He could probably run for president and win after this! Spoken like only Ditka could! Never liked the guy all that much till today.
  3. It's difficult to project how a say who played say at Louisville really compares to say a guy who played at USC. The USC guy is going up against Bama, Florida, Georgia, and Auburn almost every year, where the Louisville guy was playing U Conn and Cinnci The n along comes a guy like an Andre Reed or even a Phil Simms who played at some lower level program, how will he project? Where as the engineer has reliable data to equate those two situations.
  4. Would have been better if there were time frames given. I'd sign Brandon and Whaley to extensions. With new ownership all bets are off to some level but Marrone deserves at least one more year to show improvement. If there is no improvement, more likely it will be due to bad QB play which while he was very likely involved with the decision to draft EJ, regardless of what the experts on this message board will tell you, it's a crap shoot. There aren't enough good QB's to go around so worth taking a chance on him and cross your fingers. If EJ has a terrible year likely Marrone would be forced to change the OC and Hackett will go. You certainly can make the argument that EJ failed due to bad coaching direction.
  5. How is that on Marrone? Not that I'm condeming him for this, but that's up to Whaley to decide if we're OK or not. Sure he'll get input from Marrone, but roster make up is on the GM Ever since Parcells left the Giants he's another overrated guy who pushes the blame elsewhere and leaves the first time things don't go the way he likes. Hey Shanahan is available, but likely hard to get after his success in Washington. How about a Sean Peyton or Belchick or one of the Harboughs? Only problem is they all came the same route, guy was hired as new coach in some cases took awhile to become successful, others did well quickly but you rreally had no better idea what you were getting when the hire was made. . Bottom line there's nothing to show Marrone isn't just as a good of a coach. The only somewhat legit gripes you can make is on the hiring of his OC and special teams, but even there, lets see where we are at year end.
  6. Agreed, who cares? As was pointed out, they are close by, only see them every 4 years. I'd maybe cancel the one year out of four like 2014 when we do play them in the regular season, but even then you see so little scheme wise, it doesn't really matter much even then.
  7. Yeah sounds like that's the problem this guys going to have. I suppose he could always tell them, they just built a 20 story building on the southwest side of my house, honest! Take a picture of the Empire State Building, email it to them and say see here's proof!
  8. There's two things that haven't worked out well for him to change the results, coach hiring and QB's selected. For both of these things though not certain how much he was really involved with either. Did he approve of the choices, yes, but there were others making the actual call who he likely deferred to. And looking around the league in both these cases, it's more a crap shoot to get the right guy than being real good at the selections. Money isn't the answer either as look no further than Dallas or Washington.
  9. My thoughts were by now we'd know if something was going to happen this year, so as has been stated, we may be OK.
  10. To answer your question, how to get the online only version, that's easy lie alot! There are three very simple basic questions they ask you. Do you currently get DTV? Can you get DTV? Have you ever had DTV at this address? As long as you answer no to all of them, you're fine. However you do need to give them a credit card and if the credit card has the same address as a former subscription had, they may figure out what's going on and not allow it. Do they really care, I'm not sure, maybe as long as you answer no, legally they are in the clear to give it to you. But it also may be they would care as they also can figure out they are losing a DTV subscription by allowing online only. I believe it was 3 or 4 years ago, I went this route, answered no to all. The second question, could I get reception, well in my area at that time the locals were not in HD yet, so as far as I was concerned then the answer was no I couldn't get it. Was a newly built house so no former subscription was ever in use at this address. Did they care, maybe maybe not, was still money to them, and wasn't able to get any kind of deals either for online only paid the full price. As far as the service was, it was OK. as the season went on the streaming got better. (I believe this was the first year they had the online version). There were limitations, you could watch four games at once, but not in full screen mode so were looking at four postage stamp sized screens. There were all the buttons supporting full DVR capabilities, but none of them worked at all. Maybe by now these things have improved??
  11. I've seen this written here a number of times, maybe it's always by you or by others too, but can you explain how a guy who graduated from St John Fisher and worked many years for the Rochester Read Wings is a Syracuse guy? I don't see any connection??
  12. Thought I read someplace that Petuant grew up on Grand Island?? I agree he should stay, along with DW.would be shocked if TP made a change.
  13. Because home run hitters strike out alot. Some coaches are OK with the guy who strikes out alot (i.e. negative yardage carries) but hits the occasional home run too. Other coaches want guys who are contact hitters and can count on that consistently make contact (i.e. Bryce Brown). I believe Marrone prefers contact hitters. Healthy is great if part of the reason he stays healthy is you're afraid to use him much for fear of breaking down.
  14. Well you could argue that by looking for a new franchise QB after only two seasons, makes the carousel keep spinning. How exactly do you pull out all stops to find that guy? Likely there are 32 GM's waiting on your answer as they don't know how themselves, other than to rub a rabbits foot and hope you get lucky. (See Tom Brady) Yes there are the Andrew Lucks who come along, but for every Luck there are around three Ryan Leafs out there. That's the problem, there are 32 teams and about a dozen top shelf QB's! With a great team built around him, you can probably get away with someone between #13 and maybe 22. (see Russell Wilson) And two years may or may not be enough to determine if this guy can be another Wilson, depends alot on the team around him. So rather than give up to quickly you'll want to give him every benefit of the doubt first before starting over again.
  15. There's also an issue that's been brought up that estate taxes are due 8 months after death which would put that date in November. What I'm not certain on though is would there be any estate taxes due on the team until it's sold. How do you know what's it's true worth is until its sold? Or do they tax the estimated value now and rest is due upon the actual sale price?
  16. There were more than enough problems with SJ way before Marrone ever got here, so don't try and blame this on him. Is this the thrid coach that SJ had here in Buffalo, was he here in the DJ era, I believe so? The only way Marrone goes after this season is a complete meltdown and a new owner cleans house, but would be surprised if either happens. Likely Marrone gets one more year no matter how bad, but has to make staff changes like can Hackett or the ST guy.
  17. I think we have super #1 in the making, a guy who has played like a high skilled #2 previously, but also has had some issue, and another young guy who could become a very good #2. In addition a couple other WR's with very good unique talents, one with blazing track speed, and another who just doesn't seem to know how to drop a pass. A better title for this thread may have been "do we have the #1 WR corp in the league" To that question I'd probably respond, we may have it in another year or so, could be much sooner if the light bulb goes off even a little bit with EJ.
  18. In a way I'd like to see a team in Toronto with the Bill's in Buffalo just to see attendance go down the drain in Toronto as soon as they start losing. Blue Jays and Rapters draw well when winning, All Toronto wants is hockey. They'd much rather see the Sabres moved to Toronto as a 2nd team than the Bills
  19. I'd be surprised if new ownership fires Whaley unless the owner has an experienced GM person he's real close too. Marrone, possibly, but likely would also get one more year. I do see Hackert going unless EJ improves. I've posted in other threads where people are crying that when EJ fails this year we don't have a #1 next year to get a new QB. instead what will happen is, if EJ looks real bad and regresses, likely Hackert would be canned and they bring in another OC who runs a different scheme supposedly more suited to EJ's strengths.
  20. Kind of funny to read this quote. This would be the first time anything has been kept quite! The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because the sale is private.
  21. It's rather funny that a person to who called the OP retarded and stupid didn't understand the premise of the post. Talk about putting your foot in your mouth! Likely if EJ totally flops this year, they'll blame it on the OC and bring in another one for next season. Whaley isn't going anywhere unless the new owner has a guy all picked out. Marrone maybe but even him, I'd bet gets another year with agreed changes to his staff.
  22. So where would Terry P be in the pecking order of owners net worth?? Near top, bottom, Is he worth more than RW?
  23. Lets just assume for the sake of argument you're right, So the new owner puts a stop to it as you suggest. What makes you think he won't be then making the decisions instead. That was one of the big knocks on RW getting too involved. So you're not OK with Brandon making decisions but would be ok if it were say Donald Trump??
  24. I've said this for a long thime, there are 32 teams in the league and about a dozen really good QB's, then another dozen, so-so like Dalton, then the remaining teams play musical chairs hoping to strike lightening in a bottle. Often teams with the so-so guy three years later are in the bottom third as he either doesn't improve or regresses so then they start all over again. And often those eho have the elite guy were more lucky than good in finding him (see NE) That's also why you don't give up on anyone too quickly as you know the unknown may be even worse. Unless EJ plays absolutely horrendous this season, likely they will more blame it on the OC, replace the OC and give EJ another shot next year. Which is good news for those ripping the Bills for not having a #1 next year to use on a new QB if EJ fails, as doubt they'd use it in that direction next year if they had one unless his play completely regresses.
  25. The one guy from the Superbowl team could it be Hull?
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