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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Hey, I didn’t kill her! Though he may have. Old and kind of less Hispanic?
  2. The Visa commercial about the Bills fan that spans three generations. Does his wife die? The one he proposed to during the Norwood kick? She’s not there at the end of the commercial when he’s buying a jersey for his granddaughter and I was getting Up vibes. Is she dead? Thanks.
  3. Mildly disappointing but I can’t sign up for the pouting here. All GMs miss. Better to miss on an island position than elsewhere on the roster. Process was sound. It’s the rest of that draft I take issue with.
  4. I am starting to become convinced we need a offense-focused HC.
  5. Josh Allen is, on many Sundays, the best player for both teams.
  6. We do seem to be a long ways away from storming the beaches of Normandy here in 2023.
  7. That is disgusting execution. Just a glaring lack of precision. Not just Dorsey - don’t forget Chad Hall is gone and there’s a new WR coach.
  8. You are exactly right and the converse is true - if he can't prove any of his key "beams," it will negatively affect his credibility and could rot the entire foundation. That's one reason that terrorist pleading like Wigdor does is so dangerous for his own clients. All of the extraneous crap has to be proved up or it impacts the plaintiff's credibility and can affect the whole case - and much of it isn't even necessary to the case (but it helps Wigdor brand his firm).
  9. I think that’s the real question we’re all dancing around but not asking directly: Is Josh Allen coachable?
  10. That's sort of right but it's complicated. His claim is that he reported certain things to the NFL, the NFL didn't follow up on those reports and instead didn't renew his contract, in retaliation for his reporting. In a nutshell. So you're correct that under his theory, he doesn't have to prove that the things he told the NFL were true, just that he reported them and he was fired as a result. But the specifics about what he told the NFL was hearsay (at least the Pegula part), and the league is surely going to object to it coming in that way. I could see a judge saying, "Mr. Trotter, you can testify generally what you reported, but leave out the specifics, i.e., the name of the owner who you heard said something...", because the prejudicial impact of that evidence to the NFL (and Terry) outweighs its probative value. Put simply: the specific report wasn't and isn't needed to prove up the claim. Wigdor could've been responsible and respectful and pled the allegation like this: "On September 3, 2020 Trotter reported to the League that he had heard that one NFL owner used racist language." That would be enough. Putting in the specifics, which may well not be admissible at trial, was a needless hit-job/media attention exercise. That's how I see it at least.
  11. Part of it I’m guessing is a failure to win the play before the snap, which may well come from a lack of film study, which may well come from a feeling that “I’m the best athlete in the world - I will figure out what the defense is doing and react to it on the fly, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll just jump over or run through it.” Josh is a baby.
  12. Oh it’s worse than that. Wigdor/Trotter will have to introduce admissible and reliable evidence to support this allegation. How? Trotter’s testimony about what he heard second-hand is hearsay. It can’t come in for its truth. MAYBE they’ll try to get it in for something else (the NFL’s pattern and practice of failing to investigate allegations of racism? good luck). So most likely they’ll need to present a witness who can actually testify based on direct knowledge that this was said. But we know that no such witness has been located yet. Unless there’s a record of it (recording, or perhaps some internal contemporaneous NFL memo of a report made), this allegation will never actually be presented to a jury. And Wigdor surely knows this - meaning he was fine destroying Pegula’s reputation for a few more headlines. Doug Wigdor is a scum bag.
  13. This is exactly what it looked like to me. Unprofessional and immature. Peoples’ livelihoods are at stake. How is Josh gonna feel when his buddy the OC is canned because of him? Dude needs to GROW THE F UP already.
  14. If they miss the playoffs I fire McD and Dorsey and hire Ben Johnson and join the modern era of football. But I probably won’t be owning the team any time soon.
  15. Ok so the NFL investigated this and interviewed every single person who was present and found nothing. And yet Wigdor put it in the Complaint as a second-hand piece of information. Doug Wigdor is a crap human being. He has zero reservations about destroying someone's reputation without any factual basis if he thinks it will give his client some leverage. He gives lawyers a bad (worse) name.
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