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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. The Dorian Williams pick is a head scratcher to everyone because everyone was singularly focused on the MLB position. But we also had a need at OLB. The fact is that outside of Matt Milano, we had ZERO OLB's on the roster. So while the MLB's we had were underwhelming, our LB core consisted of 4 MLB's in competition (Bernard, Dodson, Klein, Spector), 1 OLB (Milano), and a Special Teams player who is only technically a LB (Matakevitch). In Rounds 1 & 2, they valued getting a weapon and a starting Offensive Lineman over the MLB position, especially with what was on the board at both picks. When Round 3 started, there were 3 MLB's that could have theoretically pushed Bernard and Dodson and maybe won the job in Drew Sanders, Trenton Simpson, and Daiyan Henley. After them was a MASSIVE drop off in talent in which they felt were probably long term developmental prospects that wouldn't be able to compete and unworthy of selecting in Round 3. All 3 guys got drafted by pick 86. At that point, MLB was out. So looking at the roster, with no MLB on the board left they felt could challenge Dodson, Bernard, Klein, or Spector in Year 1, and having taken care of the last weapon and the last piece of the OL - what was the only real hole left on the roster? An OLB behind Milano. Milano has stayed relatively healthy. But when he's needed a breather or some time, to this point we've had an insane drop off there when he isn't in the lineup. And going into this season, we literally had nothing. Now in Williams, perhaps we have a player that can keep things rolling when Milano needs a breather or God forbid gets hurt. Long story short, Williams was drafted as an OLB. Everyone is confused by it because our MLB's are pedestrian and we were focused on that position. But OLB was a need and that's what he was Drafted for.
  2. Looking over who's left after teams have set up their Practice Squads, unless it's literally some Undrafted guy that no one has ever heard of, it could be one of (in no particular order): Matt Corral Colt McCoy Carson Wentz Trevor Siemian Chase Daniel Jeff Driskel Nathan Peterman Josh Johnson Pick your poison.
  3. He was an All Pro in 2017. He has played well in the past. Yes, he's also looked bad in different situations often. But we're not asking him to start. He's a Practice Squad QB, Backup at best. And when looking at a Backup, a guy who has the potential to perform well is about the best you can ask for. That said, I think Matt Corral is more likely. Especially after reading Frank Reich wants him back and he didn't come back yet: https://pantherswire.usatoday.com/2023/08/30/panthers-frank-reich-i-would-love-to-get-matt-corral-back/ https://www.panthers.com/news/panthers-add-11-players-to-the-practice-squad
  4. Unless Frank Reich is lying and he was just hyping the kid up, it seems like he wanted him back on the Panthers Practice Squad: https://pantherswire.usatoday.com/2023/08/30/panthers-frank-reich-i-would-love-to-get-matt-corral-back/ The Panthers announced 11 of their 16 PS signings today and he wasn't listed among them, yet: https://www.panthers.com/news/panthers-add-11-players-to-the-practice-squad Which to me implies Corral has options and is at least weighing them, if not outright turning down Carolina. I think he is fully in play for our QB Practice Squad signing.
  5. He was a problem when he was the #2 Pick in the Draft, Franchise QB, with a Superstar season, and when he was an unquestioned starter or in a competition for the Starting Role. Now he's a guy who is unemployed. Can't even get a backup job. He has to be on his best behavior. As a Practice Squad QB behind someone like Josh Allen, what kind of trouble can he really cause?
  6. Here's the list of guys signed to Practice Squads today: https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-practice-squad-tracker-team-by-team-roster-signings-ahead-of-2023-season Guys mentioned like Bailey Zappe, Malik Cunningham, Will Grier, and Jake Fromm have all been snatched up already, amongst others.
  7. Exactly what I'm saying. They brought him in as a safety valve. A break glass in case of emergency that is likely to be pulled. But it's not something that's going to be pulled immediately.
  8. I'm not saying it's not. I'm saying that everyone who is jumping up and down and thinking he's going to start every snap starting Week 1 is in for a let down. It's going to take time and they're going to give Bernard/Dodson the first crack. He's coming off injury, didn't have any offseason, and has to learn the playbook and calls. Beane is notoriously slow bringing new players along. He felt Nyheim Hines needed more time with the playbook as a Running Back, one of the easiest positions to transition, after over a month. Vet or not, he's going to take some time before he starts at MLB and if Bernard and Dodson hold it down (which I know looks unlikely), it may not even happen at all. They're covering themselves for if/when that happens with this move.
  9. Depends on what they mean by roster moves. If it's including Practice Squad, it's 3. If it's Main Roster, it's just 1.
  10. Why? It's been common knowledge he's the Special Teams captain.
  11. I agree that Kyle Allen is the backup. But if Matt Barkley getting the first reps in the 2nd PS game and the supposed off air leaked audio from the Bears booth is any indication - they aren't exactly 100% comfortable with him if Josh goes down. With that said, I'd expect someone who has experience and can be more comfortably called upon in an emergency as opposed to a young developmental player without any experience. But we will see. Maybe I'm wrong.
  12. He signed on to Washington's Practice Squad today.
  13. I took a look at the list of players who were released yesterday and saw him on there and thought "oh no". It honestly wouldn't shock me. I'm not condoning it, but I wouldn't be surprised. Edit: Washington signed him to their Practice Squad *phew*
  14. I always said I didn't see us signing a MLB and plugging and playing them. And I still don't see it. He was signed to the Practice Squad. He'll spend some time there getting healthy and learning the playbook, scheme, and playcalls. If or when Dodson/Bernard falter, he'll get called up when he's ready. I didn't think we'd make the move and I'm pleasantly surprised they did. Kirskey probably eventually ends up starting because I think that the odds that Dodson/Bernard will falter is great. But it won't be immediate like everyone wants and expects.
  15. I wasn't saying it is or isn't what we need. Just what will probably keep him in line. If I'm Beane and I'm interested, I say: "Between how things have looked on the field as a Starter the past couple seasons and the things i've heard, your career is at a crossroad. We're interested in giving you a chance to rebuild your career, but you'll be on the Practice Squad. Keep your nose clean and your mouth shut and maybe you'll earn a backup gig. But it's up to you. If you want a gig, you have to be a total team player. Can you do that?" Just lay out the bottom line and at this point, I think he would comply. It's that or his career is essentially over. Compared to what's out there, his potential his probably the best. And I don't think it's too much of a risk to sign him to the Practice Squad. But I would understand if we passed and went with someone we felt was a safer option for the locker room. Like Colt McCoy. Malik Cunningham? Malik Willis is a Titan. As for a developmental guy vs. a veteran, I kind of disagree. Cunningham is a raw Rookie. We want someone who could provide some stability and step in if Josh needs some time and Kyle keeps performing how he looked this offseason. It can't be a question mark, in my opinion. But I could be wrong.
  16. In my opinion, with how shaky Kyle Allen has looked and some of the rumors about how the team views him - I don't think we're going to bring in a developmental player who's never played a snap of regular season Football. But who knows?
  17. I think being on a Practice Squad is just the wake up call he needs. Can't exactly be acting like that when you're not even the #2 QB on the roster. I have to imagine going into this season without a job has taught him some humility. As would essentially flaming out of the league. His options are shut up and play or GTFO as a Practice Squad QB. Extremely short leash. And sounds like he needs it.
  18. It's not complete. Beane just said he's adding a QB to the Practice Squad tomorrow.
  19. So the post that the Practice Squad is complete seems to be incorrect. Or they signed someone to it just to release them a day later. Not exactly a surprise with Barkley on IR. Have to at least have 2 QB's on the 53 and one on the PS. Hopefully it's someone who can supplant Kyle Allen at some point.
  20. Exactly. They'll get him healthy, up to speed with the scheme and playbook (which knowing McDermott won't be fast), and if he looks like he's succeeding AND Bernard/Dodson falter, they'll call him up. But the fans are running away with he's the guy now and that's simply not the case. Gonna be a lot of "when are we going to activate Kirksey?!" posts in the future from a lot of the posters on this thread.
  21. It's good to get some insurance. But I think people are getting ahead of themselves here as far as him taking over the MLB spot. They signed the guy to the Practice Squad. Which means he's not getting a shot until a.) McDermott feels he's had enough time learning and b.) Bernard/Dodson have had their shot and failed. If they truly felt as fans do that he's an immediate upgrade and needs to be put in the starting lineup immediately, they wouldn't have put him on the Practice Squad.
  22. The sticker price for him is going to be top paid RB in the NFL. That's what he'll want, what his agent will demand, and why he wants out of Indianapolis. Even a lesser than normal sticker price for top RB is going to be way more than we can afford, especially at that position. And Draft Pick compensation on top of it. This is a pipe dream.
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