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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Doubtful. If there were quality OT play all over the place, enough for starter quality guys to not even make the top 4 of a team and be street cut Free Agents, guys like Q and Bobby Hart wouldn't keep getting jobs. Anyone released will be of a talent level that will be trumped by guys like Q and Van Demark who have had multiple offseasons working with the Offense and the team. Maybe a prospect is released that the team is intrigued by and gets put on the Practice Squad to spend time jelling with the team and learning the playbook and maybe eventually they get a shot. But I wouldn't hold my breath on a guy being released that this regime thinks is talented enough to replace guys with experience with the team.
  2. Shell more likely than not retired because he knew he wasn't making it and the plan was to roll with Quessenberry and Doyle behind Dawkins and Brown. So someone needs to step up with Doyle's injury. But the idea we need to replace 2 OT's is incorrect, in my opinion. Jason Peters is going to be 42 years old when this season ends. He is literally the oldest active player in the NFL. The people who said we're linked to him aren't credible. They're a Twitter account that throws things against the wall hoping they'll stick. They simply took the fact that Shell retired and our depth isn't great and made up a rumor. I absolutely don't see Peters happening. McDermott said he likes the guys he has in house to replace Doyle in his most recent presser. Alex Van Demark performed very well in yesterday's game when called in for Doyle. With who's out there now, they're going to value the lineman they've had in their system over them. Maybe they bring in someone else, but it probably won't be a big name and they'll spend time on the Practice Squad learning the playbook and practicing with the team before they're given a shot. It just is what it is at this point, unfortunately.
  3. Harty isn't going anywhere. He's another guy with a sizable investment. A multi year deal with millions in guarantees. Like Shakir, he runs exclusively with the 1's and 2's. Those type of players don't go from doing that to not even making the bottom of the roster. As I've said, I don't expect this to be an either or type scenario. We kept 7 on the 53 coming out of the Pre-Season last year and with the way Isabella has looked as a Returner following Hines' injury, I think he's forced their hand to do the same this season.
  4. No, he's not. If he were more than that, he'd have been up when Van Demark was. Shows that he was no more than 6th OT on the depth chart before Doyle's injury. Probably the 7th before Shell retired. And historically, we only keep 4. He's the very definition of a Practice Squad developmental player. And with the depth we have right now, I don't doubt he'll definitely make it there this season.
  5. The people putting this out aren't a viable source. They throw crap at the walls all the time hoping something will stick. That said, with the injury to Doyle and Shell's retirement, I'd hope they'd look at someone. Peters is a Mummy at this point though. At 41 years old, he's the oldest active player in the entire NFL. Van Demark looked good late in the game. Quite possible they feel his two years in the system is a better option than anyone out there at this point. Everyone left is very old and/or without a team for a reason.
  6. He made these plays last season with minimal reps as a Rookie that they spent a high 5th on and another pick to trade up and grab him. That's what makes him safe. Shorter and Isabella will probably be here as well. We kept 7 WR's to start last season after the Pre-Season and I'd expect the same here. But as I said, the bottom line is the team values him, his growth, and the investment he made. Even with the bad drop in the last game, he made two tough catches before that happened. A guy running with the 1's and 2's exclusively isn't all of a sudden going to be cut because of a play or two in the Pre-Season.
  7. Okay, I will. It doesn't really matter if you've picked out a play or two this Pre-Season that was less than. What matters is how the team has positioned him during Training Camp and the Pre-Season and the investment they've made in him. He's not going to go from running with the 1's and 2's exclusively to not even being the 6th or 7th WR on this team. The dude is safe. Posters do this every season. Pick out a player or two they think shouldn't be here and when cuts are made they're safe because of their standing with the team and the investment made.
  8. Because of his performance last season, what they invested in him, and wanting him to grow through in season experience. It doesn't really matter how others behind him play or what he does in minimal Pre-Season snaps. He hasn't done anything so terribly that they're washing their hands of he investment.
  9. If Shakir were in trouble as much as posters like to make him out to be, he'd be being showcased now and playing late in the Game. He's consistently running with the first and second teams and out of the game early. Wouldn't shock me if he's inactive next week. The team values him and his potential growth. Like I said, I think they keep 7 again as they started with last season. Pretty sure all 3 of Shakir, Shorter, and Isabella are safe. Positive Shakir is.
  10. I personally feel we're going to keep him and keep 7 WR's at this point. But every year you see guys who perform well in the Pre-Season be cut in favor of a guy who's done very little, but was consistently given a higher snap count or standing on the Depth Chart all offseason. Shakir showed promise last season, making some difficult catches. They invested multiple picks in him to trade up and take him at the top of the 5th last season. Like it or not, that's how the cookie crumbles. Pre-Season warrior play more often than not means very little when it comes to the bottom of the roster vs. Draft Picks. If he were in as much trouble as fans like to make him, he'd be still playing right now. Dude is safe. Wouldn't shock me to see him inactive next week.
  11. He's at least the #2 Slot on this team. Consistently runs early in the game and out by the time the 3rd or 4th squads hit the field. It's not about how you view him or what he's "done" in the Pre-Season. It's about how the team views him. And at no point has he looked in danger of being cut with where he stands on the depth chart during Training Camp or the Pre-Season.
  12. Doubtful. Shakir and Shorter will both be here. It's just a question of whether we short change another position and keep 7 to keep Isabella or not. We did keep 7 to start last season, so it's not out of the realm of possibility.
  13. Pretty confident in saying you're wrong. He was on the field earlier and is done for the night already.
  14. He would have even before Shell's retirement and Doyle's injury. Shell most likely retired because he was going to be released in favor of him.
  15. Raheem Blackshear. Christian Wade and Antonio Williams before him. Mims will be on the Practice Squad just like them. Falling in love with a dime a dozen UDFA RB is a yearly past time around here.
  16. Yikes. So Quessenberry and who behind Dawkins and Brown? Gouraige or Van Demark?
  17. Barkley quickly coming back down to Earth following 1 good Pre-Season game amongst the 3's. I'm no Kyle Allen fan. But I've said if you're seriously considering Matt Barkley as #2 in 2023, you need to seriously consider bringing someone else in to start learning the playbook.
  18. Yeah, Josh Allen is clearly the problem with this team and was the problem today. My god, dude.
  19. It's the Pre-Season. Crap teams will look amazing and great teams will look like crap. If they look like this Week 1, I'll worry then.
  20. Did you just wake up this morning, take your Wheaties, and get yourself pumped up for an entire day of calling out Josh Allen's off the field activities? Absolutely ridiculous thing to harp on today.
  21. I guess some posters are using the Pre-Season as their Pre-Season for overreacting during the Season.
  22. I wasn't closed off to the idea. I just didn't think they'd pull the plug so quickly. I figured he'd get another run with the 2's and if he continued to struggle, they'd switch it up in Game 3. I just can't believe a Backup we gave up on 3 years ago that was brought in essentially to be an extra set of eyes in the QB Room is actually going to be our backup this season. But I guess like some other positions, we had to cost cut and it just is what it is.
  23. Barkley coming in. Wow. That's not good for Kyle Allen.
  24. Yeah, commercials and superstar living has been known to have an adverse effect on many Quarterbacks. Oh wait, no it hasn't. What a guy does in the Offseason in his spare time doesn't matter. Get off it.
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