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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. No. Evans has been playing pretty damn well while being blanketed. He needs some help. Unfortunately, Peerless isn't as good as Marv thought he was.
  2. I have a problem with that. This offseason (outside of Schaub who is a RFA) there is no QB's worth building your team around. Nall, who will be entering his 6th season next year and has little experience, is not that guy either. Every NFL team needs to have a solid veteran and a guy for the future. If Losman isn't the guy, I don't want to pass on more Leinart's and Cutler's and wait until Round 6. I want someone with real potential. If Losman doesn't work, a Day 1 pick needs to be used on QB. I don't care what anyone says.
  3. Mike Schopp? J.P. Losman must and will have this entire season. I don't care if that means we lose every game. We need to know going into this offseason and draft whether or not we need to be looking elsewhere. I too am a big Brady Quinn fan. But at no time should you be rooting against J.P. Losman and the Bills. It would be MUCH easier for this team if Losman works out. Unfortunately, I am having a hard time seeing it as well.
  4. I think our FA focus needs to be on D. But I have a problem with focusing ANOTHER draft on D. Yeah our defense is playing terrible right now, but that's because we have a lot of new faces and rookies. It takes time. That's not to say everyone is worth keeping, but our rookies need time to groom and we need some veteran help at most of these places. I don't know if anyone's noticed or not, but our Offense lacks any real firepower (outside of Evans and McGahee once in a while).
  5. Coming off of how he's been playing the past few weeks, I feel next Sunday will be a very important game. If he can't get it done..... a.) At home b.) With an extra week of preperation c.) A re-tooled line to better assist him d.) Against a horrid GB defense .... then his days are numbered in my opinion. But if he can pull it out and really play well, it could be an opportune (sp?) time to get a little confidence, momentum, and right the ship.
  6. I'm an NFL fan, not an NHL fan. While it's cool that a hometown team is considered the best, it doesn't really matter to me. I think it's kind of stupid how people are trying to say that Buffalo is a hockey first town. No matter how good the Sabres are and how bad the Bills are, it'll always be a football first town.
  7. http://members.tripod.com/sdogo/week2date.htm For the draftnicks, here's a page that is updated after NFL week with the order of April's NFL Draft. We're in the top 10, but will have to keep the losing up if we want a shot at Joe Thomas, Calvin Johnson, or Brady Quinn
  8. I would love for him to prove everyone wrong and show that he's the guy. But right now, it just isn't happening. It's so easy to say that there is no offensive line. But a good QB makes an average offensive line look better. I've seen MANY times when the line has given Losman ample time and he still can't get it done. The guy is throwing bad passes, making bad reads, and showing zero football instincts. Not to mention, he turns the ball over practically everytime he's hit. He just isn't a difference maker. That's where my problems with him lie. Believe me, there's nothing i'd rather see than for us to actually win some games. But you can't attack fans who are fed up at this point. Most of us are.
  9. So they wanted Clements AND a draft pick?! What are they high?
  10. Yes, we definitely will be in the market for lineman. But if Losman can't play QB, you have to get another one. Plain and simple.
  11. That's not a good example. I'd kill for a similiar "problem". You draft a stud and your original QB comes on. So you have 2 GREAT QB's and have your ass covered.
  12. Robert Royal. Before this game, I seem to remember him having stone hands. He really came into his own this game. Hopefully he keeps it up.
  13. If there was a Julius Peppers/Mario Williams guy coming out this year, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Especially since Chris Kelsay is a FA after this season. But I think the trade for Anthony Hargrove may nix that idea.
  14. I don't think Clements has proven that he's worth the kind of money he's going to be looking for after this season. I'd try and see if New England (who has quite the reputation for letting everyone go) will let Asante Samuel sign with someone else after this season. I'd throw more money at him then I would Clements. Clements' only saving grace here might be the fact that McGee is playing TERRIBLE ball and Youboty's family problems set him WAY back. P.S. Nate Clements is nowhere's near as good as Antoine Winfield. Never was.
  15. I don't think you're going to see ANOTHER 1st Rd DT taken this year unless there's a real stud. With John McCargo and Kyle Williams still trying to get their feet wet in the NFL, it wouldn't make sense to bring in another DT who will be wet behind the ears. I think you'll see us sign or trade for another veteran to put beside Tripplett. I think our 1st Rounder next year has to be on the offensive side of the ball with the lack of attention it recieved in last year's draft.
  16. I thought he looked a lot better than I expected. It didn't seem like they missed a beat with him in instead of Reyes. When I saw mistakes from the OL, it seemed to always be Gandy or Villarial.
  17. If Losman isn't the answer, then Brady Quinn would be the guy i'd want Buffalo to go after. He plays in a very pro style offense under Charlie Weiss. He seems NFL ready and is no stranger to high profile football. Plus, he seems to be a real leader and has all the attributes of a QB that you can't teach. Arguably, that's Losman's main problem. Another interesting prospect would be to try and either outbid or deal with Atlanta for Matt Schaub. He's been called the best backup in football. He's a guy who has shown TREMENDOUS ability when called upon. He's also the same age as Losman and has been grooming for years now. But I really hope that Losman pulls it together. It wouldn't get any easier than that. But my gut tells me it's not going to happen.
  18. ^ Exactly. The Bills owe it to Losman and themselves to let him play out the season. But at the end of this season, you have to evaluate how he played his entire Bills career and whether or not you think he can improve. Either way, I feel at the end of this season the team has to decide whether Losman is the answer or not. We're not winning folks. Plain and simple. Yes, you can argue the line. But a good QB finds ways to score and win. Losman isn't doing that and he's getting worse. As a result, so are the Bills. Last year he was pretty much a bad QB. This year, he started out serviceable; but has gotten progressively worse. I think next year will be the REAL rebuilding year. Whether J.P. is at the helm or not we'll have to wait and see. But as of now he's not and to argue that he should be kept on for the simple reason that you don't want to start over with a new QB is retarded. If it's not J.P. we're going to have to start over sooner or later. Why delay the process?
  19. Yeah, a heavily invested player who had a half a season last year and a full one this year. There comes a point where you have to cut your losses. Do we want to look like the Lions who held on to Joey Harrington for too long? Listen, i'm not saying that we should demote or cut him now. If he can pull it out and show something in the last half of the season that would be great! But he's not showing me anything lately besides the fact that he's a walking turnover and someone who can't win games for us. You can't win in the NFL without a good QB. Losman is proving he's not the guy. So to answer your question, yes. I would rather go with another rookie who could be the guy then stick with one who just plain isn't and hoping for the best. This is a "win now" league and in case you haven't noticed, we're not winning! We're actually getting worse. Please go somewhere else with your apologist attitude. You're trying to convince a lot of people and the fact that you can't really do it and that you're pretty alone in this should tell you something.
  20. So what do you suggest then? We continue to ride it out with Losman and hope that he gets better? I don't think it's going to happen. Like it or not, we need a new QB. It'll take time but we have no choice.
  21. He will be here next year because he has a contract. ..... after next year is a whole 'nother story entirely.
  22. J.P. Losman should NOT be cut or demoted..... until the end of the season. We need to give the guy the entire season like we said we would. Otherwise we're no better off than we were when Mularkey was playing musical QB's. Even if it means we lose every game from here on out. If you pull him now, he's done. That's it. We'd be washing our hands of him. I don't know that we should do that in the middle of a season. Let's ride this one out like we said we would. ....... then draft Brady Quinn
  23. Who says we'd have a top 10 pick? It's too early to say something like that. And honestly, I have a feeling that Peters will be moved to LT and Brad Butler will take over RT. Thus, we'd need just a Guard.
  24. 1st round? Where do you see that? He'll be a Day 1 pick for sure and probably a 2nd rounder. But I think it's more plausible to see him go in the 3rd than it is the 1st.
  25. Yeppers. Eric Moulds for Kyle Williams to be exact.
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