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Everything posted by AuntieEm

  1. Be some kinda pistachio wing sauce to make it a joint enterprise of Miller's chicken farm and the Allen pistachio crops once his orchards start producing -- seems like there could be some kind of future there.
  2. He has to learn to trust the stability and trying to push it too fast could result in setbacks or new injuries. No putting the pressure on his plate while he regains his previous conditioning and can trust the injury is repaired and stable.
  3. Yea this. He really has gone off the deep end after that one hit he took from Burfict. That concussion wiped out what impulse control he had and as a pampered star athlete he may not have had much to start with. He is very talented and can be a weapon yes but he really has a mental problem and you don't want him snapping if he feels he was slighted. I hope he put a bit of his earnings aside so he doesn't need welfare. You don't need much to trigger people with no impulse control into behaving in an unpredictable manner. He's a ticking time bomb an there's no way to even guess what will trigger his next outburst and what kind of damage comes of it.
  4. I think the script is setting up Keyshawn opinion that losing daboll is gonna adversely effect Allen and when he proves the success is more Allen than any playcalling well then the focus will be that Allen has mastered reading the defenses and his audibles into perfect plays for what he sees. And then they will add in some timely no huddle when the opponents are already reeling from the Allen assault on their defense. OCs across the league are gonna be unable to stop Allen when they can't surprise him and He carves them up passing and running leaving their defense utterly dominated. I dunno if Keyshawn will ever give Josh his due or the Bills seems like he just hates them.
  5. I think it's also maybe just a case of the Bills personell dept doing due diligence on promising players they will keep tabs on for future trade and/or FA fit after maybe just on the cusp of breaking out in the pro game.
  6. Yea they will design it so wind may be very rarely a factor. Likely have to be a blizzard which would be a reschedule or emergency game site switch like the one we played in Detroit due to snow years back. 2013 wasn't it? And open stadium allows for the natural grass playing field which is safer for our players.
  7. And a large chunk is money made from the seneca casino in wny so its fitting that money is spent in wny.
  8. Dunno I don't follow baseball or basketball so I don't recognize many of those other athletes. Hockey haven't followed as I'm not big on lack of effort and sabres have only just started showing signs of compete. So I could just put the Bills sabres players followed by alphabetical order 9n rest but it would not fairly evaluate them.
  9. I'm sure the list was compiled before we got Miller signed.
  10. Also would depend on what is needed to trade for a pick you want. And it also needs a willing trade partner. Bills are no longer the basement dwellers of drought times. Other teams may not trade as readily with us now that we are the team they are chasing. Whatever happens this front office has certainly earned my trust in their abilities to get pieces that fit. Will every move be the correct one of course not. Most will work well enough with the solid core we have.
  11. There's also option of maybe bringing back Ty Nsekhe as vet insurance if Kromer thinks he fits as swing tackle in his blocking schemes. Not sure what other fa still out there for oline.
  12. Lol actually I think this tweet was directed to someone about Diggs 2 women in same hotel back on valentine's. I don't know what the "free cookies" is code for exactly but it's plain he's not in a committed relationship as he don't be staying there. Once there's no more "free cookies" whatever those be he's on to the next. Or he's talking about grabbing a double order of wings as he leaves practice from the big tree inn and gets them as takeout as he don't be staying there. Maybe we need a poll to see what he really meant.
  13. Yea we only have a few of the details. There shouldn't be any details in the initial statement from LE. If an investigation is needed they can do the best job by releasing no information until it is required in the process. The most important fact is a young man lost his life in a tragic accident. No blame or other speculation should be presented on so little information. And the family should be allowed some say on what is released to the public if its not part of any investigation.
  14. Still not a clarification of how the deal got started. He only got the info on the training facilities after there were negotiations going on. OJ didn't just ask about the training facilities the Bills have out of the blue. It's also not like at this time OJ is as interesting a 'why did you sign with Buffalo?' like it is with the Von Miller.
  15. Well the league is fluid every year different teams pop out of nowhere, different players emerge from the crowds at their positions. Anyone think Jalen Ramsey would call Josh Allen trash today? If he did then he would be put under concussion protocols until his memory clears.
  16. My take it was just a poorly written article and it's not clearly documenting how this signing began. Did it start with a enquiry on what terms OJ was looking for by the Bills FO? Was it a decision by his agent to shop OJ on a prove it deal for a year to upgrade demand for his talents? It's highly unlikely any NFL player doesn't know which star players are on which NFL teams. I'd imagine most of the NFL players watch all the playoffs as football fans if only highlights of games they have less interest in. Many have former teammates from college they follow or players they watch. Any NFL player who doesn't know Josh Allen QB plays in Buffalo should be in a permanent concussion protocol because they have some serious memory issues. The only exceptions would be possibly any new participants in the gateway program that C.Wade and Obada were in. And even then likely they are NFL fans as well that they know star players and Josh Allen is definitely one of the Top Dogs now.
  17. I change my opinions when warranted when new information occurs. I'd say not weekly for most of my opinions, but in an area like what I'm in the mood for to eat at dinner each day I may indeed switch up with steady frequency. Some opinions are set in stone for life. Favorite football TEAM -- Buffalo Bills.
  18. Not very well, maybe the biggest bully on the field but without football smarts not gonna get the job done.
  19. Technically he is already in the HOF, not yet as a player elected but his Jersey and maybe cleats worn in perfect game were sent to the HoF so at very least he's a big part of the only Perfect offensive game in history. One that likely will never be repeated not impossible but I'd imagine the odds would be astronomical. So he's already building his resume for his spot which is pretty apparently being reserved for him.
  20. I tend to agree with it being unlikely but there's alot of the good old boy networking in the government too. So sometimes some of these brouhahas are probably staged so all the good ol boys get what they want.
  21. I think he's saying if congress takes an interest in the alleged pay to lose and how it undermines the gambling aspects that they can subpoena those witnesses. If there's enough political interest then it could put the anti trust exemption in danger of getting revoked.
  22. Even if Tre is ready he might not be 100 off the bat and may try to do too much and cause a setback. Rather be able to let him work his way back fully at a steady pace peaking in the SB would be quite excellent timing wise.
  23. Yea its not like $10 million is chump change and certainly Poyer isn't OUTPLAYING that paycheck. The only one running their mouth is Rachel as she's a fan of $$$. Specifically $$$ in Poyers pocket. Likely her act will grow old to Poyer since he's sober now and he'll see what's she is worth. That alone would set Poyer up well for remainder of his life. If she suits him well, then certainly I can enjoy the clown show she provides as he's getting paid elsewhere. She'd be a fit with Brittany Matthew's over in KC. I prefer Bills players to be intelligent. ⁰
  24. Also under different coaching and scheme he may morph into a different player. He just doesn't seem to be a perfect fit in current role. Hopefully he is just a late bloomer and the light goes on. If they trade him or not I'm confident they can keep the defense playing at sufficient level to not be the cause of too many losses. That's the true benefit of having 17. It takes an awful lot to negate what Josh can do.
  25. True enough they also know more on who is worth what based on what they do for the plays called. If they are vital the coaches and players will know it. They be offered what they are worth to the team if it matches or is close they'll negotiate but never with the wife's via social media. Rachel mouthing off on Twitter may even sour other interested teams from offering Poyer if they feel she is unwanted baggage with her media antics. Cole Beasley is finding a bare market likely more in part with his media antics. Without them he may have had a much stronger market to max his value. Rachel may mess up Poyers options if she keeps it up.
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