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Eastport bills

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Everything posted by Eastport bills

  1. One of the real bright spots in this up and down season. Unusual for a player to player to have his best season after getting paid. Unfortunately we need a better tackle playing next to him. Phillips and Settle aren’t producing anywhere close to Dequan Jones.
  2. Under 8 hours left to provide needed fortifications to our depleted depth on defense. Many fans resent Beane criticism but if this guy’s only acquisition is Fournette, who takes touches away from one of the best young backs in the league (Cook) we’re in trouble.
  3. The clock is running and Beane’s viability as a GM who can support the coaches, our roster and the best fanbase in football, will be decided by players that can come in and make us better. Fournette will not suffice because our immediate needs are on the other side of the ball, with 3 all pro starters going down for the season. Beane has made one trade deadline move in the Josh era and it was last year Moss for Hines. Hines turned out to be a productive return man, but he is gone and we have not replaced him with an impactful returner. We like Beane for bringing Josh in moving up in the draft, and trading for Diggs, but he has been a disappointing for in season improvements.
  4. I’m just saying if Beane doesn’t make a meaningful acquisition, he’s not a serious GM. After losing 3 studs on defense and creating cap space, he must make a move. We’re hearing LB, RB, DB. A GMs job doesn’t end when the regular season begins.
  5. Never root for one our main competitors to win. We can’t rely on their motivation. The Bills have to come out and avenge the whooping they delivered in our building in the playoffs. This game is the beginning of our playoff run.
  6. That’s right, bail at the first sign of turbulence. Every team has dips in performance during a 17 game season, especially after experiencing devastating injuries. The Bills are primed to play better after their mini bye. Their uptempo, no huddle offense will expose many defenses with the perfect QB for running it. Compare the incredible success Kelly had with it and put a more mobile, stronger armed QB at the helm. The defense needs a LB and another corner in the worst way. If we come out with a big defensive performance against Cinn, I dare any of you woe is me naysayers to doubt this team. Even if they lose that game, 10 and 7 is their worst case minimum record.
  7. Stop with the Stalworth references, I’m begging you. It means zero. If you hear anyone from the Bills coaches or players saying that defense was adequate I’ll send you a gift certificate. C’mon did that play look like it was defended well. I respect you’re a loyal fan, but using a washed up receiver and his nonsensical take as the final word is silly. Good conversation, I’m done.
  8. Thanks for straightening that out, As long as Dante says he shouldn’t be looking where the ball is headed, because he knows how Tampa runs that play having retired 6 or 7 years ago. My point was how the Bills defended the play genius. I don’t care what Godwin’s motivation was. Take a few deep breaths. You’ll be fine.
  9. Alarming, to say the least. This is purely an indication of a coaching staff that does not stress fundamentals and discipline. They escaped twice with flagrant PIs against the G-Men and Tampa on the final plays. I thought Sean’s strength is being fundamentally sound.
  10. Every NFL studio show said if Godwin turns his head the Bills lose. The Bills defense allowed an 8 minute drive for a TD, a 2 pt conversion and another drive with their prevent defense ending in the “Hail Mary” that would have won the game. Why are you defending this, with the Donte Stalworth nonsense. You watched the game, what did you see? Did your ass pucker with dread on the last throw? From Sean’s decisions to the imbecilic face mask penalty, to their inability to get Baker on the ground. The whole operation was not championship caliber. Be objective.
  11. Who cares what Evans did, our team was unaware of the flight of the ball. The defending team is supposed to surround the ball and bat it down. That game was dominated by the Bills and with last two drives it could have been an L. If Sean is going to leave our fate to his prevent defense, coach these guys to defend the desperation heaves at the end of the game.
  12. The Bills thoroughly mugged the receivers and the no-call saved our collective asses. It’s one thing for the Bucs not to look up for the football, but our dbs and safeties were not remotely near the ball.How are we coaching these players? I love Taron Johnson but he fouls receivers with no hesitation at crucial times. Sean needs to read these guys the riot act or other teams will start exposing this weakness.
  13. I’m not trying to be nasty, but that take is obvious. This kid, if he stays healthy, is so special. He’s big, runs exquisite routes, has Kelse’s hands and blocks. Too bad our genius offensive brain trust just realized he’s actually on our team.
  14. Do you remember when Brady dominated us and he would always go for the game ending 1st downs instead of running into the line and killing clock. With the way Sean plays prevent defense in three straight games ending in either losses or skin of your teeth wins, wouldn’t you let Josh make a yard any way he wants( RPO, short pass to the open guy). Sean thinks he’s got the same defense after losing Milano, White, Jones. He’s coaching not to lose, never to win.
  15. Why on earth would Jordan Phillips grab Baker’s face mask when he was stopped dead to rights. This is Sean’s weakness as a defensive coach. No discipline, no individual accountability and veteran players putting their frustration ahead of team success. Sean is definitely an impediment to this team fulfilling thei destiny.
  16. Finally, our brain trust woke up and realized, two of our best weapons (Kincaid,Shakir) are eligible for targets. To me, if we play no huddle, up tempo offense, distributing the ball to all our weapons, and the way Cook darts through small holes, we’re unstoppable.
  17. Sean is a good man and fine motivator, but his ultra-conservative, trust your defense approach is driving this Josh Allen led team, which could be a juggernaut offensively, into failing miserably. He coaches not to lose and never to win. Why wouldn’t he on 3rd and 1 at the the Bucs 44 try and make a 1st, ending the game,on a safe throw or a Josh RPO. The extra 30 seconds he bled with the run into the line didn’t prevent that Hail Mary, which should have been a pass interference, ball placed at the one. Why is he so confident in our defense shutting teams down in 2min offenses. We weren’t getting to the QB. Also, why isn’t Sean insisting on more no huddle, up tempo offense. Tampa was defenseless against us. Josh is built for that with his run ability against a gassed defense. Sadly Sean is not going anywhere and this incredible fanbase, who were fantastic yesterday, will have another excruciating, short lived season.
  18. This is our line in the sand game. If you’re a fan of this team you have to believe they come out with the mentality to turn the season around right now. I see the offense ready to score in the 30s and if Sean is a coach we want here, the defense plays inspired football.
  19. Wake me up when Beane brings in anyone meaningful, who can give us energy or be more talented than the in house replacements for our injured defenders or an underachieving starter. He’s made one trade deadline deal that actually helped last year with Hines. That’s been his only deadline transaction in 5 years. I’m not optimistic.
  20. Can’t disagree with any of that. As for Miller, that ACL surgery usually takes the next season to be normal, like with Tre White. Getting Eddie Oliver back is really important because he was playing the best ball of his career.
  21. I could see them figuring out the offense to score enough but after watching Mac Jones come down the field to stick it in our ear at the end after we took a lead, can you feel confident we can stop a Cinn or Philly? Maybe Sean can surprise us.
  22. It’s not as if they didn’t like them, it’s just that they never would have been active on game day. Too low on the depth chart.
  23. His problem is he made some expensive FA signings that gave no wiggle room to improve after injuries or underachieving starters. Every team knows he’s diminished and they’re looking for draft capital and he’s got enough job security from the Pegulas, who are giddy about getting the new stadium, that if they miss the playoffs one year, big deal. I’m not optimistic with our schedule and Sean’s defense.
  24. Based on the fact that Beane has traded once in the Josh Allen era at the trade deadline.(Zach Moss and a 5th rounder for Nyhiem Hines). Hines was a good return but hardly got touches. We have been decimated on the defensive side by injuries, not to mention we have zero return game. History tells us Beane will wait until the off-season to do anything to improve the team. He has a bloated cap and he’s conservative with trading draft capital.
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