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Eastport bills

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Everything posted by Eastport bills

  1. How can we get out of this bad contract? This guy looks like a shell of the player he was before the injury. Now he’s back and a $20 million cap hit . Beane has overpaid some of our veterans who have not been productive. If he has any chance to offload this guy it would be a feather in his cap.
  2. The league is not fixed, it would take too many people who would never be able to sustain confidentiality. The gambling interests would never allow the golden goose to be compromised. The thing that gives the appearance of impropriety is the increased element of incompetence by part time officiating teams who routinely blow calls on plays that aren’t reviewable, without consequence. Hochuli’s team should be exposed for incorrect interpretation of rules and be scrutinized going forward with the prospect of being left out of playoff participation. Unfortunately the union insulates these bad refs from punishment. This trend is eroding the credibility of a product that generates 100s of billions.
  3. Hope you have a great birthday Stephan. Thanks for all the great thrills and incomparable play we’re treated to since you put on the uniform.
  4. Unfortunately it’s the HC that is responsible for a team being buttoned up and disciplined. Sean is our DC as well as HC. He dumped Fra
  5. He didn’t even complain about the horse collar. McD is in over his head and we are going nowhere with him as HC. Every week he talks “complimentary football “ How about coaching your defense to cover receivers and be disciplined. Until he is fired, fans should boycott gear, and do anything to send a message.
  6. How many QBs you think overcome 10 penalties in the 1st half and no defense in the 2nd half to score 31 and put the team on his back to be in a position to win in O T . You’re just a guy who has a nickname for everybody and wants to be a critic of the one mega talented player we have to be relevant. You’re just a sad Bills hater stuck in the wrong area code. Try and construct something positive for yourself. Your shallow little Josh aspersion s are silly and make you sound delusional, unstable.
  7. I’m not going to get into a fix with a guy that can’t acknowledge the value of a great franchise QB. Once the HC turns over it will be quick. How many games this year were wins with one stop on defense? How many soul crushing game day screwups featuring poor discipline penalties and personnel decisions. It took 10 games to get Shakir, Kincaid targets in the pass game. How many weeks of no offense in the 1st half of games before Sean realized Dorsey didn’t work. The 2 games since we average 30. Cook is going to be a great, all purpose back but it took 12 weeks to throw to him downfield.
  8. You lost me with the melon farmer nonsense. If you can’t see his value after yesterday’s game, your posts should ignored and rendered nonsensical. How do you know how long it takes to get back to the playoffs in the AFCE.? How long did it Houston to be competitive? Just another doomsday clown.
  9. Now it’s up to fans and media to get Sean out as coach.I respect Sean as a decent upstanding man of faith, and leader of men, however, I can’t look at him anymore coaching this team. If there’s anything positive coming out of this down year, it’s getting rid of this guy. His philosophy is wrong for this roster and invariably he will lose the locker room. Players will not continue to have a coach lose games that are winnable. He coaches not to lose and his players are not disciplined and buttoned up. When a defensive minded coach can’t get his defense of 6 years, to make a stop in the 4th quarter of big games, he’s not worth having. He’s very entrenched in a system that doesn’t work and he’s too damn stubborn to change. If Beane and the Pegulas don’t see this, they’re taking this fanbase for granted and we’re looking at pain and abject frustration going forward.
  10. I think he has a role on the team and besides being a #1 receiver he commands double coverage. Say what you want, he caught a TD in a tight window and Josh had wide open receivers all night. Cook dropped a TD , Davis forgot to watch the flight of the ball to end the game and Bass choked away 6 points. Diggs was fine. The emergence of Shakir, Kincaid and Cook in the passing game has to be at least partially due to teams trying to take Diggs away.
  11. Bass scares me in a big spot. You can’t miss 2 FGs in two games that go into OT. He’s not dependable. Time for a change.
  12. All of the things you referenced is true , but at the same time, starting new with a different GM and HC is tricky. Sometimes it takes a year to flush out bad contracts and unproductive cap eaters. Also his last draft was good with Kincaid, a solid starting guard and adding Douglas and Joseph at the deadline. The Pegulas problem attribute the teams success to him so he probably stays.
  13. He’s not a good DC either. His team’s have no discipline and can’t cover my aunt Sally. When Philly came out in the 2nd half after making adjustments we had zero answers. Why can’t a spy take proper angles to Hurts? This game was poorly officiated but 10 penalties in the 1st half put incredible pressure on Josh. Bass has been a huge disappointment and is not a great kicker anymore.! Phillips will crush this team with stupid penalties that Sean can’t coach him out of.
  14. How can Sean survive games like this? Their defense was so soft and allowed the Eagles to march down the field on every possession, playing off the receivers. If you’re only rushing four why are these receivers so open with seven in coverage. How can a receiver on 3rd and 14 get behind Hyde in the end zone. The secondary is bad and old. Sean is a bend don’t break losing coach and can’t win a big game anymore. Our season is over and we’re wasting a great young QB.
  15. Do you acknowledge that in the last 3 games Mahomes has Zero points in the 2nd half. He’s got the same turnovers as Josh and everyone objectively knows their defense is responsible for their record. Have you ever heard, “boneheaded, childish, responsible for losses” applied to him. He’s got Andy friggin Reid, a top 3 defense and the AFC west schedule. Against good defenses he’s been horrible. I’d like to give him Ken Dorsey for a few years and Sean, a poor game time decision maker, to run the show.
  16. You’ve made what you think is a good argument. When you bring up last year’s games and any games with Dorsey, as you mentioned he was not a NFL caliber OC, it proves you’re just a hater who doesn’t appreciate that he’s resurrected the franchise. I didn’t compare him to Mahomes, only pointed out . you’re much more lenient in your assessment in the games he played like crap(Denver, Detroit and Philly). Josh gets called childish,boneheaded,costing us the game. But of course you cover your ass by saying “you love him”. Keep watching those documentaries, pretty soon you’ll be comparing Josh to Cousins. I won’t be dignifying this pointless exercise anymore.
  17. You watched him play at a Pro Bowl level, winning 3division titles and going to 2 conference finals if Sean didn’t betray Bills fans by choking away “13 seconds “, and winning 6 games despite piss poor play calling and up there with league leaders in TDs. He was outspoken in his dissatisfaction with Dorsey’s game planning and without a ground game, screen game and discouraged from QB running could you understand being upset “. Rattled, making stupid plays,”would you classify Mahomes, Herbert or Prescott in their statistically poor games resulting in losses that way. Give our franchise savior an opportunity to play with a better a play caller. Just remember if Sean counts to 12 against Denver and his defense stops NE on their last drive, we’re 8 and 3 and # 1 in conference.
  18. Sorry to be so intense, it’s just I’ve lived through a lot of bad QB play between Kelly and Josh and I know the difference between a few ugly losses and psychological challenges. Truth of the matter, Dorsey and Sean have set Josh back by not allowing him to evolve into being the guy that makes all the plays without the crushing turnovers and scoring droughts. Against a highly motivated Jets defense did you see a QB who took what the defense gave him and just dominated. Did he show bad body language last week? Give him a few games with a new system and you’ll see who he is.
  19. You “heard somewhere”he’s seeing a sports psychologist and he comes across as childish in interviews. That’s grounds for saying he’s depressed and has bad body language? Have you ever heard any pointing of fingers or anything other than taking responsibility for losses. He protects coaches( even Dorsey or Sean when he doesn’t count 11 men), players,and says he’s gotta be better. What has he ever said that’s childish. They lost some games and your searching for negatives beyond the field to hang on this guy. God forbid he misses the playoffs, you’ll be ready to trade him for draft picks. But I know, you love the guy.
  20. I think you’re reading a lot into a tremendous competitor disappointed he’s not helping the team win. How do you expect a guy who throws a pick or misses an easy completion to look? Remember all accounts have Josh unhappy with Dorsey’s game planning. How was Aaron Rodgers body language the last few years in GB? Somewhat childish, my ass. This guy leaves his guts on the field and the offense and defense to a man,would run through a wall for him. Mahomes has looked like a shell of himself this year. Do you think fans are reading into his sideline demeanor?
  21. Why would you feel like he has hit a ceiling? The guy has had 3 different OCs in 3 years. Dorsey’s play calling was so limited and discouraged the running game and Josh’s running dimension intermittently. He’s first coming into his prime and his O-line is improving with a breakaway back in Cook providing a good mix. He’s never had a TE like Kincaid and now he seems to understand taking underneath check downs instead of low percentage chunk plays is not a knock on his manhood. He’s had several ugly games this year( Jets, Broncos,NE, G-Men etc) but many doom merchants are ready to write this guy off. Reached his ceiling? One down season and a young All Pro QB is on the other side of the mountain. To qualify this foolishness, the ship jumpers grudgingly say but he’s good enough to win with. Thanks.
  22. Here’s to all the red hots that wanted Eddie gone. Could you imagine how great our front four would be if Rousseau or Miller gave us anything at all? With Floyd and Epenesa playing well our rush packages are starting to pay dividends.
  23. I wrote Dodson off after seeing him flail around when put in the Edmunds role early in the season. He was a vastly different player against the Jets. He was flying around running down backs and receivers, living in the Jets backfield. All of a sudden, we have a couple of active, physical LBs. Give me a couple more performances like Sunday and this defense will be formidable. Hopefully Johnson can play against the Eagles.
  24. Don’t worry about the blown games, they’re history. If this team is good enough to win in the postseason they should be good enough to go on a run and get back the respect they lost with losing to inferior teams(Jets,NE,Denver and Jacksonville.)They have 4 winnable games( NE,Dallas at home and LA and Miami away)left and that would get them to 10. I see Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Buffalo as wildcard teams.
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