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Everything posted by Nanker

  1. We should cancel as much of our debt as the former Chinese government bonds that the CCP refused to pay.
  2. Aaaaaaaannnnnnnddd our resident piece of trash weighs in again.
  3. Some people would rather die than follow a Trump suggestion. Some people would rather YOU die than you follow a Trump suggestion.
  4. Hush yo mouff! The Trump virus is deadly to children. If we can save just one life, it’s worth not letting them get back to school for the next decade! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!
  5. You really are nuts, aren’t you. After the governors of NY, NJ, and MA MURDERED OVER 30,000 of them unnecessarily, it’s proper to take reasonable precautions. And that’s what’s being done NOW. Again, most of those at greatest risk were wiped out by those governor’s actions. They’re despicable.
  6. Those most at risk in nursing homes are already dead Alf.
  7. “I cannot apologize for my passion, or for loving my God, my family, and my country! I yield back!” — Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.), apologizing(?) to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) “Wait, I thought he called Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a ‘f---ing b----’ under his breath in front of a reporter!” those who heard this apology said. “But I guess what happened was that he said, ‘I LOVE MY COUNTRY AND I LOVE MY GOD,’ in a very garbled mutter under his breath, and some member of the lamestream media badly misheard him!” Yanny
  8. This whole Obama is a genius trope was started by Michael Beschloss who creamed his jeans over BO during the first election. He mooed, “I think Obama is the most intelligent Candidate we’ve ever had” in an on air interview. So tell me please. What scholarly tomes has he written? What law cases did he write up for the Harvard Law Review when he was the titular Editor of that August body? What papers did he publish when he was an adjunct professor in Chicago teaching evening classes in Constitutional Law? What lectures did he make at other Universities during his time as a Professor of Law? What serious analysis of his time as POTUS has he penned? Other than two semi-autobiographies he wrote, we know little of the man, other than his father was Nigerian, he ate dog meat, smoked dope, and snorted cocaine. I’m just missing the genius nature of the guy. Conniving political genius, perhaps, but intellectual giant? I see him as an opportunistic narcissist who squandered his leverage to make strides in leading American out of its racial divide. He’s as bad or worse than Trump WRT his narcissism. I think history will judge him harshly as the President who broke our cherished tradition of the peaceful transferral of power, and suborned nearly three hundred years of bankruptcy law. The GM bond holders say,”hello.”
  9. It’s in a few threads. He let Busey get under his skin too much and started a thread to eviscerate him. Number One himself stepped in and put the hammer down. To my concern, I reached out to another poster when I became suspicious. I’m pretty sure That one got a hammer too and I was thinking it might have caused a perma-ban. Glad TYTT made contact and my fears now seem to be unjustified.
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